We officially learn the answer to that in a ST:Discovery short. It was a human scientist who merged his own DNA into them to increase their fertility, adaptability, and range of diet.
You know despite that reputation he’s never actually been shown flirting with anyone. I’ve seen the entire TOS and a few of the movies and so far he’s only ever been confirmed to have been in one romantic relationship that ended with him having a son. The rest of the time his first love has always been the Enterprise.
It was mentioned that before Spock, combining Human and Vulcan was considered challenge. To avoid tissue rejection, Spock was incubated twice during his 13 months of gestation. Ordinarily a Vulcan-Human hybrid would abort in the first month, but hundreds of chemical treatments were applied during his second and third months to help the infant survive, according to Sarek. (TOS reference: Inside Star Trek)
Is it going to be revealed boy? or girl? (Maybe a bit early yet).
We already know that his/her appearance is likely to favour Terminus (a.k.a Wormy Termy or the Green Scroye)
More importantly, what is Anna going to name him/her (shi?).
With such a devilish and naughty father AND such a lovely and feisty Mother… I’m betting the baby will be an equally lovely half-Noxian little girl… a heart-breaker in the making!!!
Indeed. Mom is 10/10, can’t really judge the father as a male though, but it sounded like he was quite popular with the other monster girls (and human ones as well clearly)
Ok, so far i see no major red flags.. Of course it could just be the doc’s personality, but i’d imagine they would be paying a lot more attention to her in the first place if they were completely bad news.
It’ll be interesting to see what she wants to show and tell her.
Taking all bets on their ultimate goals. Bio-engineering, bio-weapons,, medical research, pure science, human org dealing with monster-human relations (the monsters themselves hinted at some kind of old agreement), a cult or something else entirely?
Can’t wait. I just hope we get to see a LOT more of these two. 😀
The team objective? Access to the portals is the most obvious.
Naomi’s personal goals? Who knows. Sheer curiosity? Or because of a disappeared Noxian boyfriend?
Anna: “But I told him that was a joke!”
Doc: “Well, my advice to you: Keep it that way. That guy’s a philanderer; he’s got at least two Noxians on the side, and Nox doesn’t have the ability to enforce paternity suits like we do up here.”
Anna: “…”
Doc: “You’re just lucky we found out about your hybrid love-child before he did.”
Anna: “How do you know about him, anyway?”
*Doctor opens the door. And there’s Lord Mortis.
Mortis: “Welcome, my dear. We have a lot to discuss about my would-be murderer.”
DNA screening isn’t a standard thing in most states, and he was born quite a bit earlier, so it’s likely this group wasn’t looking yet/didn’t know what to look for if they were.
Mos people will never have even basic testing done within their life times. In the near future with modern and new tech, that may change, but not at this point.
Plus his mother is Noxian, she probably didn’t go to human doctors and hospitals for her pregnancy with Tim, that would certainly raise too many red flags. This group might not be looking for already born hybrids, just checking potential pregnancies. So Anna here goes to a doctor with symptoms that suggest she’s pregnant, doctor sends a blood sample in for testing, this group gets alerted due to something that shows up during the test.
I mean…it happens in Star Trek all the time. Just ask Captain Kirk and all about his space babies.
… and that explains Tribbles!!!
Ask your Daddy where Tribbles come from.
We officially learn the answer to that in a ST:Discovery short. It was a human scientist who merged his own DNA into them to increase their fertility, adaptability, and range of diet.
Thank you. That ws news to me.
You know despite that reputation he’s never actually been shown flirting with anyone. I’ve seen the entire TOS and a few of the movies and so far he’s only ever been confirmed to have been in one romantic relationship that ended with him having a son. The rest of the time his first love has always been the Enterprise.
It was mentioned that before Spock, combining Human and Vulcan was considered challenge. To avoid tissue rejection, Spock was incubated twice during his 13 months of gestation. Ordinarily a Vulcan-Human hybrid would abort in the first month, but hundreds of chemical treatments were applied during his second and third months to help the infant survive, according to Sarek. (TOS reference: Inside Star Trek)
This pregnancy has to be something else if the explanation is needed for it.
We need a flashback scene of the night where she gets pregnant.
with the noxian guy going GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT *plap* *plap*
Perhaps they’re preparing the groundwork for a paternity suit.
WHAAA? Not a human?? Whahowhen?? I am such a confuzzy.
Ok not really.
“Not just with a human”, so she got knocked up by other guys before?
Maybe a six-foot space squid,– those tentacles!
they’re trying to counter Tim
at least it is crystal clear that this doctor is also from Nox.
Explain your logic.
Dr Campbell *IS* dark-skinned, yes, but you should be aware that some humans are also dark-skinned.
This CANNOT be good…
Is it going to be revealed boy? or girl? (Maybe a bit early yet).
We already know that his/her appearance is likely to favour Terminus (a.k.a Wormy Termy or the Green Scroye)
More importantly, what is Anna going to name him/her (shi?).
Should we start a book?
With such a devilish and naughty father AND such a lovely and feisty Mother… I’m betting the baby will be an equally lovely half-Noxian little girl… a heart-breaker in the making!!!
Indeed. Mom is 10/10, can’t really judge the father as a male though, but it sounded like he was quite popular with the other monster girls (and human ones as well clearly)
Ok, so far i see no major red flags.. Of course it could just be the doc’s personality, but i’d imagine they would be paying a lot more attention to her in the first place if they were completely bad news.
It’ll be interesting to see what she wants to show and tell her.
Taking all bets on their ultimate goals. Bio-engineering, bio-weapons,, medical research, pure science, human org dealing with monster-human relations (the monsters themselves hinted at some kind of old agreement), a cult or something else entirely?
Can’t wait. I just hope we get to see a LOT more of these two. 😀
Thanks for the new page Brandon.
The team objective? Access to the portals is the most obvious.
Naomi’s personal goals? Who knows. Sheer curiosity? Or because of a disappeared Noxian boyfriend?
Could also be MIB-style alien hunters who have mistaken Noxians for “Little Green Men”.
Anna: “But I told him that was a joke!”
Doc: “Well, my advice to you: Keep it that way. That guy’s a philanderer; he’s got at least two Noxians on the side, and Nox doesn’t have the ability to enforce paternity suits like we do up here.”
Anna: “…”
Doc: “You’re just lucky we found out about your hybrid love-child before he did.”
Anna: “How do you know about him, anyway?”
*Doctor opens the door. And there’s Lord Mortis.
Mortis: “Welcome, my dear. We have a lot to discuss about my would-be murderer.”
Hmmm the doc may not know that Anna knows her blytoy isn’t human…
Or I could just reading too much into the odd phrasing
Tim’s DNA never raised any red flags? Must be a parternal inheritance thing.
DNA screening isn’t a standard thing in most states, and he was born quite a bit earlier, so it’s likely this group wasn’t looking yet/didn’t know what to look for if they were.
Tim’s Canadian anyway so ‘provinces’ not ‘states’ but I don’t know the medical testing regimes up there.
Mos people will never have even basic testing done within their life times. In the near future with modern and new tech, that may change, but not at this point.
His MOTHER knew better than to go on any tests.
Plus his mother is Noxian, she probably didn’t go to human doctors and hospitals for her pregnancy with Tim, that would certainly raise too many red flags. This group might not be looking for already born hybrids, just checking potential pregnancies. So Anna here goes to a doctor with symptoms that suggest she’s pregnant, doctor sends a blood sample in for testing, this group gets alerted due to something that shows up during the test.