Either way, I have a feeling we won’t be seeing the last of the Noctural Emergence Response Division(N.E.R.D.s), or Nightwatch, for a while.
Few questions regarding this recent page:
1). Will we be seeing more of N.E.R.D./Nightwatch in future chapters?(More specifically, will our main characters encounter them?)
2). Will we learn more about the Noxian who N.E.R.D. captured and the lab assistant who helped him escape?(I have a feeling we know who this Noxian is?)
3). Will we learn more about this rare bloodline Anna apparently has and what exactly makes humans and Noxian’s biologically compatible?(I have a theory that Terminus may have performed a bonding ritual on Anna to get her pregnant with a hybrid.)
Bonus Question: Could you tell us a bit about Dr. Campbell(ex. Age/Race/How she got involved in Nightwatch?)
Yup. They don’t seem to take “no” as an answer. They are just diplomatic enough to outright say “We will monitor your baby. Your only choice is if you will be conscious during that.”
Well, it depends. Naomi probably just wants an exotic guinea pig. The addict types, if any),may just want spookiness (and are under impression that it does not require actual skills)…
but if the child is half noxian it maybe able to enter nox thus being raised and brainwashed would start attacking noxians under the order of the nightwatch
So they aren’t forcing her to stay thus far.. if the attempts here are any indication. But it sounds like they want to make it a lab rat or something. The way she explained it last page makes it sound like “or worse”.. They seem to view monsters as a threat. Hope not though.
actually, i just thought of this: we know that Tim is a hybrid, as is one of the other cast members, what decides their lineage? Tim is Human (but is he really, could this be another of Ruth’s Glamours?), is the paternal DNA the deciding factor?
interesting feature nice !
Either way, I have a feeling we won’t be seeing the last of the Noctural Emergence Response Division(N.E.R.D.s), or Nightwatch, for a while.
Few questions regarding this recent page:
1). Will we be seeing more of N.E.R.D./Nightwatch in future chapters?(More specifically, will our main characters encounter them?)
2). Will we learn more about the Noxian who N.E.R.D. captured and the lab assistant who helped him escape?(I have a feeling we know who this Noxian is?)
3). Will we learn more about this rare bloodline Anna apparently has and what exactly makes humans and Noxian’s biologically compatible?(I have a theory that Terminus may have performed a bonding ritual on Anna to get her pregnant with a hybrid.)
Bonus Question: Could you tell us a bit about Dr. Campbell(ex. Age/Race/How she got involved in Nightwatch?)
Personally, I don’t trust Dr. Campbell, especially given how hesitant she speaks about Anna’s baby.
Personally, I don’t trust Dr. Campbell given how she seems unable to suppress maniacal giggles.
I regard them as “nefarious chuckles”.
I don’t think that (yet) they’re demented enough to be fully maniacal,
🍀Thanks for the surprise page. Hope you have a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day(assuming you celebrate). Keep up the great work.🍀
Given the frame of the story…well, at the chronological furthest point, there could be a two-year-old Noxian-human hybrid out there somewhere.
No! Absolutely not! They’re gonna do something irrevocable without asking permission, and she’s gonna be left out in the cold.
Well, they already kidnapped her. At this point bargaining could only improve the situation. Including the opportunities to leave later.
Yup. They don’t seem to take “no” as an answer. They are just diplomatic enough to outright say “We will monitor your baby. Your only choice is if you will be conscious during that.”
“…one of them…..”
And thus the inherent prejudice of the N.E.R.D. is confirmed. Hear the sneer behind the words.
“The Nightwaech guarantees…”
Get that in writing, Anna, but don’t beleive it anyway.
Nocturnal Emission Response Division?
See previous page. Nocturnal Emergent Response Department.
That’s a different team for succubus attacks.
You N.E.R.D.S
Yeah super fishy their sounds more like some black op B.S. they so want the kid to raise it as a weapon to use agenst the noxians
Well, it depends. Naomi probably just wants an exotic guinea pig. The addict types, if any),may just want spookiness (and are under impression that it does not require actual skills)…
but if the child is half noxian it maybe able to enter nox thus being raised and brainwashed would start attacking noxians under the order of the nightwatch
Well….Tim came out alright. Still thinking his Noxian side is dormant though.
Ah yes, there’s that self-serving, hypocritical schpiel we expect from shady organizations.
I think it’s safe to say she wants to keep it. 🙂
So they aren’t forcing her to stay thus far.. if the attempts here are any indication. But it sounds like they want to make it a lab rat or something. The way she explained it last page makes it sound like “or worse”.. They seem to view monsters as a threat. Hope not though.
Can’t wait to see how she and they react.
Thanks for the page Brandon.
Guarantee the child’s safety from what?
actually, i just thought of this: we know that Tim is a hybrid, as is one of the other cast members, what decides their lineage? Tim is Human (but is he really, could this be another of Ruth’s Glamours?), is the paternal DNA the deciding factor?
IIRC, they take after the father, i.e. such a birth cannot be misrepresented as normal on either side.