The way her tail bolts makes it look like it just snapped the bone also how long does it take you to make a page can’t be that long cause you must have other pages already complete
Say which Comic host are you using? I need to make more room on the Cool Comics menu bar on my site and I want to list your comic under the correct comic host. And is CnC on the same Comic Host?
Ooo, this makes it easier. I thought I would have to wangled something to make it work but I can work with this. Thanks for the info, I found a ton of new and awesome web comics and I really need to share the fun.
Well now I did one better, I added two paragraphs. It’s not as detailed as I wanted it but it’s there. I see about adding another paragraph later this week, maybe. =^.^=
I hope you like how the story so far. I’ve never done a fanic before.
I am gonna add a little more detail to her room. Right now there’s no detail at all. And as for Crawler, I’ll let you know you he is and what he is to her. At a later time. I might spill the beans at the end of the fanfic. I am thinking of adding more characters but then I would be getting ahead of my self. The real fun is in her attempt to get to the kitchen and the cookie jar with it’s erisitable contents.
BTW: What Tims parents names again. Sorry but it’s kind of a hassel to read through all those comments again.
And I just had the best idea for a cliff hanger ending. Ooo, this is gonna be good.
Only about Shadow specifically or about the Monsters in general? Because I’d really like to know where in the evolutionary tree they stand. I mean, at least shadow looks quite humanoid: bipedal, opposable thumbs, eyes directed more to the front of the face, plantigrade, hair of head and breasts like a mammal. But on the other hand her skin looks quite lizardish/amphibian, she has really sharp teeth, claws on hands and feet, a tail and probably very good nightvision. And that’s only what we have seen of her until now. We have no idea what other monsters look like.
Now that would be quite something. Seeing as all the lifeforms on earth we know so far evolved from one common ancestor (don’t know if this is the right choice of words, though… curse my english -_-), it would mean that there has been a second event that brought another fertile lifeform into existence and on top of that, another one that evolved in a somewhat similar way than humans. Of course, since she uses portals to travel between the human world/realm/dimension and her own, it might just be that her species didn’t origin from earth or something like this and that… makes it really hard to evaluate what the odds are for something like this XD
Yeah, I know ^^”
But I just love trying to apply science to fantasy, even more so if it would be able to explain how something so fantastic could actually be real, y’know what I mean?
I just saw Shadows original art with wings and darker skin and I have to say the current just works better. However the original just has a certain allure to it.
Im a little late to the party. I love how she looks in panels 3 and 5. I beat her race can tear the fleash off a cow with teeth like that, eat burgers so raw, you can practically hear the cow still moooooo. Do you still have the background of panel 5 clear or can tell us all the text that isnt visible.
Yes.. The socks.. Enough untapped natural power in them to power the cookie factory that she pans to build.
Also the ironic comment I made last time was Space Unicorn song was Marco’s ring tone. Which I never got why he tought it was ironic aswell.
“What species are you?”
“Do you have any cool powers?”
“Where do you come from?”
“What’s it like there?”
“Are there any others like you?”
“How long have you been scaring?”
“What do you need socks for?”
that’s… Kind of a smart answer coming from a kid, Shadow.
A way too smart answer if you ask me. That’s the kind of thing I’d expect from a 22yo, not a idunnohowoldthatdemonkidis yo.
Are you sure you’re not lying to us about your age?
Heh. Admittedly sometimes I have a hard time writing ‘child-like’ dialogue, or just plain forget. On the other hand, Shadow is the more mature one out of the two of them. Why not, considering who has raised her.
I have a feeling that Tim’s scar will have something to do with that tail… Dunno why, though….
By the way, someone said that already, but is touching the tail like touching her butt or something?
No, it’s more like holding hands, at least at the end. The base however is very much like touching her butt.
The way her tail bolts makes it look like it just snapped the bone also how long does it take you to make a page can’t be that long cause you must have other pages already complete
Heh, no… I don’t have any pages already finished sadly. And it takes about 2 days to create a page. 1 to rough it out, 1 to ink and colour it.
Also the first thing really guys grow up
Huh? XD
Shadow didn’t expect a wall of questions crashing down on her. Although I’d do the same thing as Tim, only more extreme. =^.^=
Yeah, I got them all from the comment section here!
Nice, I was wondering when you were gonna use those. Tim’ like 20 questions and she’s like “what the hells happening?!”
Pretty much!
Say which Comic host are you using? I need to make more room on the Cool Comics menu bar on my site and I want to list your comic under the correct comic host. And is CnC on the same Comic Host?
Just ComicPress extension on WordPress is what I’m using. Same as CnC I believe.
OK, so you’re hosing the site your’re self?
Oooooh… Jim is hosting it, you’d have to ask him.
Ooo, this makes it easier. I thought I would have to wangled something to make it work but I can work with this. Thanks for the info, I found a ton of new and awesome web comics and I really need to share the fun.
I’ll update then menu bar soon, but for now I’m enjoying two new comics way to much. So I’ll update in short sessions. Just keep an I on my site.
BTW: I’ll add a new paragraph to the fanfic some time this week or next. I’m not sure if you read the first paragraph yet. =^.^=
I have. I actually just checked again about an hour ago to see if you’d made any more progress! XD
Well, just a bit longer. I’m working out all the kinks. =^.^=
Well now I did one better, I added two paragraphs. It’s not as detailed as I wanted it but it’s there. I see about adding another paragraph later this week, maybe. =^.^=
I hope you like how the story so far. I’ve never done a fanic before.
Not bad! Some interesting ideas on how her world might work forming up there. XD I’m interested in this Crawler character too.
I am gonna add a little more detail to her room. Right now there’s no detail at all. And as for Crawler, I’ll let you know you he is and what he is to her. At a later time. I might spill the beans at the end of the fanfic. I am thinking of adding more characters but then I would be getting ahead of my self. The real fun is in her attempt to get to the kitchen and the cookie jar with it’s erisitable contents.
BTW: What Tims parents names again. Sorry but it’s kind of a hassel to read through all those comments again.
And I just had the best idea for a cliff hanger ending. Ooo, this is gonna be good.
Thomas & Ruth Newton are his parents. And I look forward to reading more!
Dr.Raven0: Tim’s parents are Thom (short for Thomas) and Ruth (short for.. Ruth, I guess).
Cool, thanks Brandon. =^.^=
I’m not Brandon, Dr.Raven0…
I his is probs by far the longest comment line I’ve seen in a while
Shadow looks really cute when she gets bombarded with questions.
Thank you!
I’m loving this <3
Thank you!
What is shadow anyways? A ghoul, wraith, demon, …….., all the above?
None of the above. She’s a Monster. It’s in the title! XD
But seriously, I’ll get to that eventually.
Only about Shadow specifically or about the Monsters in general? Because I’d really like to know where in the evolutionary tree they stand. I mean, at least shadow looks quite humanoid: bipedal, opposable thumbs, eyes directed more to the front of the face, plantigrade, hair of head and breasts like a mammal. But on the other hand her skin looks quite lizardish/amphibian, she has really sharp teeth, claws on hands and feet, a tail and probably very good nightvision. And that’s only what we have seen of her until now. We have no idea what other monsters look like.
I know, she’s quite weird when you start breaking her down. She might be on an evolutionary tree, it just might not be our tree.
Now that would be quite something. Seeing as all the lifeforms on earth we know so far evolved from one common ancestor (don’t know if this is the right choice of words, though… curse my english -_-), it would mean that there has been a second event that brought another fertile lifeform into existence and on top of that, another one that evolved in a somewhat similar way than humans. Of course, since she uses portals to travel between the human world/realm/dimension and her own, it might just be that her species didn’t origin from earth or something like this and that… makes it really hard to evaluate what the odds are for something like this XD
It’s best not to think about it too hard, or apply real science to the situation. This is a fantasy story more than anything.
Yeah, I know ^^”
But I just love trying to apply science to fantasy, even more so if it would be able to explain how something so fantastic could actually be real, y’know what I mean?
I just saw Shadows original art with wings and darker skin and I have to say the current just works better. However the original just has a certain allure to it.
It does, but all I know is I much prefer the current version to the original design. At least we’re on the same page.
I can only guess why her “Oh yeah? What about?” was accompanied by that big grin. I am sure it was purely coincidental.
She was happy he was curious, she just wasn’t expecting him to be THAT curious.
Im a little late to the party. I love how she looks in panels 3 and 5. I beat her race can tear the fleash off a cow with teeth like that, eat burgers so raw, you can practically hear the cow still moooooo. Do you still have the background of panel 5 clear or can tell us all the text that isnt visible.
Yes.. The socks.. Enough untapped natural power in them to power the cookie factory that she pans to build.
Also the ironic comment I made last time was Space Unicorn song was Marco’s ring tone. Which I never got why he tought it was ironic aswell.
“What species are you?”
“Do you have any cool powers?”
“Where do you come from?”
“What’s it like there?”
“Are there any others like you?”
“How long have you been scaring?”
“What do you need socks for?”
There’s NO ONE like Shadow! (grin)
I swear the only downside to this comic is the waiting for the next page.
Well, just think of the waiting time as… uhm… hmm.. yeah, foreplay? How’s that? XD
Well that wasn’t unexpected Tim is still young enough to be loaded with questions, but I imagine it would go of like a machinegun.
who new he was part cat get the tail kitty get the tail
Haha, you have no idea!
Funny thing: I actually act like that sometimes. It’s surprisingly fun to bat at string.
Why do they steal socks? I have some theories.
– Don’t know how to knit
– intense sock fetish
– cotton is needed for the war effort
Haha! Good theories!
that’s… Kind of a smart answer coming from a kid, Shadow.
A way too smart answer if you ask me. That’s the kind of thing I’d expect from a 22yo, not a idunnohowoldthatdemonkidis yo.
Are you sure you’re not lying to us about your age?
Heh. Admittedly sometimes I have a hard time writing ‘child-like’ dialogue, or just plain forget. On the other hand, Shadow is the more mature one out of the two of them. Why not, considering who has raised her.