I cannot believe I didn’t know about this sooner. I found out about this comic while searching for something completely irrelevant, and clicked by curiosity. Best decision of the month there.
I was instantly hooked by the art style, the basis of the story and how it’s presented. I’ll be following closely the next updates, and I’m sure those will be as awesome as what I’ve already seen !
You mean I’m the Chosen One and now I have to get rid of the Matrix by throwing a ring of MacGuffin into an active volcano inside ennemy territory while killing my clones from alternate dimensions to get stronger in order to save the world ?
True, I also like how I think it was the 3rd page you commented that the nudity won’t go away completely but it isn’t gonna be the premise of the comic. It’s a different way of going about making an “adult” comic.
Can’t the guy who posts this stuff do it a little sooner.
I know he maybe busy and all but wouldn’t some of you guys who are reading this enjoy not having to wait a week for the next chapter to come out. There may also be copyright laws but can he/she put one up on Wednesday and on Sunday? No offense to the person just asking.
Brandon, the artist, both writes and draws this strip while holding down a full time job as well. The only way he could do two pages a week is if he charged/we paid him as much as his job did. He has to make a living, so he can continue to tell us the story of Shadow and Tim.
Perhaps we could talk him into opening a Patreon account so fans could set up revolving donations to add to his cash flow stream. Either so much a page, or so much a month. It can be set up either way, with donations as low as .01 (according to another artist I follow). It also allows for rewards for certain milestones such as a certain monthly/page total donation, or certain levels of individual payments.
This… isn’t just an attempt on trolling, is it?
Ok, I’ll assume it’s not. But in all seriousness, Brandon is doing this for free, to create a story we – the readers – can enjoy. Everyone has their on speed, especially when it comes to something artistic like drawing. If he would have to speed things up it might be in exchange for some quality and I personally prefer one page per week in a higher quality than two pages in a lower one.
Also, like CharlieG already mentioned, Brandon is working fulltime and you just can’t expect him to cut short on any personal life for the sake of one more page per week.
… I can on the other hand understand the desire for more of this wonderful comic XD
Just read the short story you really went with the MEGA HAPPY ENDING there. [edited for vague spoiler via inference] Great story giving it only because no one else gotta sex scene
Well, it’s not precisely a sex story, so… yeah. Also, I explore that ending a bit further in the sequel. Still happy, though. I dislike total downer endings.
Brandon I dare say I’m glad I found your comic, it’s very entertaining and the characters are great as well keep up the good work or I Springtrap will have to put you in a spring lock soot for disappointing me (jk keep up the amazing work)
Very much so! Had a surprise birthday party to attend yesterday which went for most of the afternoon/evening, so by the time I got home I was pretty much dead tired. I DID work on the page a bit, but ultimately had to throw in the towel and sleep instead. The page should be up today though, I’ve got nothing but time for now.
Well, just take it easy we can all wait for it. You can’t expect to be on time every Sunday. There will come a time when you’ll have no choice but to post the next update on a Monday. As horrorfying as that sounds, it can’t be helped. So don’t rush it, we want quality.If you rush it it wont look as good as the other pages. We can wait. =^.^=
I cannot believe I didn’t know about this sooner. I found out about this comic while searching for something completely irrelevant, and clicked by curiosity. Best decision of the month there.
I was instantly hooked by the art style, the basis of the story and how it’s presented. I’ll be following closely the next updates, and I’m sure those will be as awesome as what I’ve already seen !
Thanks! It must have been DESTINY! *Dramatic music sting*
You mean I’m the Chosen One and now I have to get rid of the Matrix by throwing a ring of MacGuffin into an active volcano inside ennemy territory while killing my clones from alternate dimensions to get stronger in order to save the world ?
Sorry, can’t, have to go to work.
You cannot avoid fate forever.
Awww dammit
just how old is he 12 haha wow lucky boy.
He’s only 8. XD
But he’s 18 during those scenes.
That’s the best answer to that question ever, it made my day.
Well, I’m not lying or anything… it’s the truth!
True, I also like how I think it was the 3rd page you commented that the nudity won’t go away completely but it isn’t gonna be the premise of the comic. It’s a different way of going about making an “adult” comic.
It’s really funny I found this comic while looking up monster girl hentai. This has become my favourite ongoing comic already
Wait how old is he? 8? if so how old is she….in monster years???
A little older, by a few months.
Can’t the guy who posts this stuff do it a little sooner.
I know he maybe busy and all but wouldn’t some of you guys who are reading this enjoy not having to wait a week for the next chapter to come out. There may also be copyright laws but can he/she put one up on Wednesday and on Sunday? No offense to the person just asking.
Brandon, the artist, both writes and draws this strip while holding down a full time job as well. The only way he could do two pages a week is if he charged/we paid him as much as his job did. He has to make a living, so he can continue to tell us the story of Shadow and Tim.
Perhaps we could talk him into opening a Patreon account so fans could set up revolving donations to add to his cash flow stream. Either so much a page, or so much a month. It can be set up either way, with donations as low as .01 (according to another artist I follow). It also allows for rewards for certain milestones such as a certain monthly/page total donation, or certain levels of individual payments.
What I just read…MADE ME SO DISAPPOINTED! What are you talking about copy right!? I’m dying.
This… isn’t just an attempt on trolling, is it?
Ok, I’ll assume it’s not. But in all seriousness, Brandon is doing this for free, to create a story we – the readers – can enjoy. Everyone has their on speed, especially when it comes to something artistic like drawing. If he would have to speed things up it might be in exchange for some quality and I personally prefer one page per week in a higher quality than two pages in a lower one.
Also, like CharlieG already mentioned, Brandon is working fulltime and you just can’t expect him to cut short on any personal life for the sake of one more page per week.
… I can on the other hand understand the desire for more of this wonderful comic XD
Came back to see a growing fan-base with a good amount of people and great pages. Excited to see the future with this one Brandon!
Oh yes, the fan-base grows all the time!
Did anyone notice the book Shadow is holding, what’s up with that?
She’s flipping through one of Tim’s books from off his bookshelf. It’s been well established as furniture in his room by now I think! XD
You know what time it is Tim Burton movie deal time. What will you choose live action or Stop motion?
But….. I don’t want Helena Bonham Carter to play Shadow! XD
Just read the short story you really went with the MEGA HAPPY ENDING there. [edited for vague spoiler via inference] Great story giving it

only because no one else gotta sex scene
Well, it’s not precisely a sex story, so… yeah. Also, I explore that ending a bit further in the sequel. Still happy, though. I dislike total downer endings.
Reading all the way from S.Korea! Keep making these, really good.
Thank you very much, and greetings from Canada!
Brandon I dare say I’m glad I found your comic, it’s very entertaining and the characters are great as well keep up the good work or I Springtrap will have to put you in a spring lock soot for disappointing me (jk keep up the amazing work)
Then I shall work hard! Those suits smell funny.
If Shadow and Tim somehow don’t end up being able to stay together and they wind up as friends I’ll be thoroughly miffed. No offense.
Me too!
good, on that note wheres the puppet? we were gonna play pokerwith the night guard
So having a hecktic weekend?
Very much so! Had a surprise birthday party to attend yesterday which went for most of the afternoon/evening, so by the time I got home I was pretty much dead tired. I DID work on the page a bit, but ultimately had to throw in the towel and sleep instead. The page should be up today though, I’ve got nothing but time for now.
Well, just take it easy we can all wait for it. You can’t expect to be on time every Sunday. There will come a time when you’ll have no choice but to post the next update on a Monday. As horrorfying as that sounds, it can’t be helped. So don’t rush it, we want quality.If you rush it it wont look as good as the other pages. We can wait. =^.^=
hope to see it then if its today, ^^ is the hype real???