#36 “Bed Bugs”
And so, the first mini-arc of Chapter 2 is complete. Time will be passing a bit quicker this chapter as we explore various moments in the lives of Tim and Shadow, so stay tuned!
Oh! And check out the fan art gallery as I’ve added a few new works!
Also, you can vote for my comic on the new link to the right —>
I know I haven’t commented in a while. That’s because I have nothing to comment. Your pages are so good that they’ve been leaving me speechless. Like there’s truly nothing to say speechless about good work. You have something good going and I hope it turns out even better for you in the long run.
Thank you!
It’s OK if you don’t leave a comment every time. I’m not forcing anybody’s hand. I’m just happy that people are reading it!
What gallery
the fan art gallery
It’s at the top of the page, in the black bar under the title banner. On the left side.
If you go to the very top of the page and go all the way to the left… you will see “Created by Brandon Shane”. Just below that, you will see a dark band. If you look very closely, you will see Fan Art on the farthest left point. The fan art gallery is behind that.
Hahaha, still its fun to see what you’ll spring on us next. BTW, since the packet is missing I assume they finished the cookies?
Naw, it’s just put away somewhere. Probably.
This Is by far my most favorite comic EVER!
If that theory about bed bugs is true, then i wouldn`t mind letting that bed bug bite me.
Heh. I still might be slightly cautious! She might hurt more if she’s not careful! XD
Have you seen her fangs ? Kinky as it might be, those would HURT.
Oh man, that’s so cute. “Bed bugs”. I’d never, ever be able to think of these things.
Haha, well, it’s not so hard, really!
I would’a figured them for fourteen or fifteen, easy…
*shrug* I’ve been saying they’ve been about 8 since the beginning of the flashbacks.
Really? Must’ve missed a reference. Have to go back and take a look…not a bad idea, actually…
Yup. There it was, in the first reply to the first comment. Missed it completely. Figured they were about twenty-five in the “today” scenes…now I have to rearrange my thoughts about it.
Heh, yeah, they are still fairly young protagonists even after they are grown up. Of course, that leaves me with lots of room to explore with them still.
With the washboard abs, what’s he on Flintstones chewable steroids.
He only has those when he’s in the future plotline/story framing device. You know, when they are 18.
God they’re such a cute couple
They’re just friends currently, but yes. XD
Binged on the entire run of this comic so far today, and I have to say I like it quite a lot. It’s well drawn and well characterized also.
Shadow and Tim make a cute couple and I’d like to get to know them better.
You’ll get your chance!
Dear Brandon,
Thank you for such an outstanding work))) this comix is my favourite)))
I have a bit tricky question – what is the genre or the rating of the comix?
I mean will it include 18+ or 21+ things? Or it is just not for this ?
Waiting for spicy pages.
Yours sincerely,
I’m aiming for 18+, or stuff you might see in an R rated movie in the US/Canada. So, nudity and sexual situations are okay, but it’s not going to turn into a full on porno or anything. Salty language is alright too, but that’ll be more prevalent once they grow up more.
First time commenter. I really enjoy this webcomic and I look forward to reading more.
I really hate how the word ‘monster’ is thrown around so frequently, like it means next to nothing at all. Calling someone a monster is not a matter of physical description, or simply being inhuman, but rather a judgment of their character. Adolf Hitler was a human but he was, with no question, a monster. But that’s just me and semantics.
My only regret is that I have to wait another week to read another page.
This philosophy will be discussed later, as we meet more Monster characters who actually live up to the term, while others do not.
Wonderful as usual, Brandon. Thank you for your wonderful story. It’s kind of like meeting someone from another country, and wanting to learn everything you can about the one you are talking to in particular. It’s a wonderful form of “intimacy” when two people (Human or not!) do that.
Indeed. I actually tend to think of her more as an Alien entity, of course, I’ve been raised on Star Trek.
An Alien entity? Okay, as long as the kids don’t burst out of Tim’s chest. (Evil grin)
My first new page since I discovered the comic ! Yay ! Interesting worldbuilding, I love that !
Thank you! There’ll be more of that sort of thing as time goes on so stay tuned! Happy first update!
I will, I definitely will !
Excellent, I like this. The Bed Bugs, huh? Interesting.
I probably won’t delve TOO deeply into that right now, but it’s pertinent info anyway.
Always happy to see a new page. It’s a really wonderful story.
Thank you!
I’m confused by the last panel…. It seems kinda… Out of context? I dunno, not that it matters much, anyways.
I love the name of the Monster Girl Scout. It all makes sense now.
She’s taken this opportunity to jump him, basically.