#36 “Bed Bugs”
And so, the first mini-arc of Chapter 2 is complete. Time will be passing a bit quicker this chapter as we explore various moments in the lives of Tim and Shadow, so stay tuned!
Oh! And check out the fan art gallery as I’ve added a few new works!
Also, you can vote for my comic on the new link to the right —>
I wouldn’t mind her nipping me! X3
She’s like 12 man
Correction, she’s 9 man
Man your profile pic fits perfectly
She is 12. “She shrugged and told me she had just turned 12”
I’m FINALLY working on some Fanart. I should have it done at best Tuesday.. Shadow will be in an indecisive mood.
Lol Alright! XD I look forward to it!
In the top 100 of TWC with a buffer <50… Impressive.
Also adorable characters are adorable.
Thank you very much! And quite frankly my rank there surprises the heck outta me. I’m very lucky!
Boy hes gonna be tired the next morning (in a non sexual way, I ment that hes staying up real late at night)
He’ll get used to it.
I wonder how he’d feel about bed bugs if he looked them up.
Oh, he knows the real ones are bad news. XD
i always thought it odd that shadow refers to herself and her people as monsters. wouldn’t tim be the monster from her perspective?
well… not really if you ask me.
The word “Monster” comes from the french “Monstre” and the latin “Monstum”. They both describe dangerous creatures that are either supernatural/magical or un-natural in nature.
humans are not very dangerous in comparison to noxians : we are easily injured, we don’t have fangs, or claws, we are pretty slow and we dont see well in the dark. the only thing we have going for us is tech and numbers.
noxians are just the opposite and they have magic, for lack of specificity.
so… to most of them, we are like cute dears with fancy things, cookies and oozing delicious fear that is ripe for the picking!
wait… isn’t this 7 years ago? if so wouldn’t tim be 11 if hes 18 in the present?
im asking the people who think tim and shadow are 8 or 9.
This is 1 year ago, he’s in high school now. Try to keep up! Haha
This particular page shows them about 7 years ago.
The latest page shows them 1 year ago.
(I hope I’m right)
FBI open up. ((Apology for the trash meme, couldn’t resist.))
Fpi wants to know your location
TBF, having had them before, *actual* bedbugs are legitimately terrifying¹, so it’s a good name for frighteners-in-training.
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¹ if you don’t understand why, be supremely grateful.