#38 “Empty Bag”
Phew, these things keep popping up later in the day don’t they! XD
Anyway, Shadow’s been a little piggy, and it looks like now they’ll have to go the market… or at least the kitchen!
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That tongue looks longer than normal… Tim, you lucky dog.
Heh. Oh dear.
Kisses would be awesome, among… other ‘things’.
welp it’s canon now.
I am not a angry person I just dislike people who act childish,,,, it sets me off
Well, don’t go off on my fan base please.
If you’re referring to the characters acting childish, it’s because this is a flashback and they’re both around ten years old.
No, he’s referring to the ‘First’ comment.
Next update, I’m going to say First before anybody else feels the wrath.
Gonna be hard on his parents, keeping him in cookies night after night…
We’ll see how that goes!
Maybe this inspires him to learn how to bake. Then in the “present day” setting he’s a famous cookie-inventor or baker. Perhaps a later story arc is him joining a televised baking competition.
Welllllllllll….. nah. I won’t spoil anything.
omg its so adorable i grew a heart to feel the feels……
I’m sure your dead purple heart can still feel something… well, maybe not. XD
Shadow: “If you get me some more cookies; I’ll give you something sweet” *Licks Lips*
Tim: the fruit of eternal cuteness that grows only in the Monster world under my bed? No thanx im already really cute I got out of trouble for walking in on my dads sailor fantasy a while back anyway XD
Haha. The fruit of eternal cuteness. XD
“This wiggly worm! Yummy!” *Shadow pulls out big grubby looking worm from some hidden pocket*
Heh. No, that’s not canon.
Oh shit, shes pulling the look my cat does when the greedy **** wants more food…
dammit theres no resisting that xD
Nope! As we’ll see next page!
THE EYES! THE EYES! Theyre so big, how could anyone resist doing what she says now
Try all you might, the result will be the same. Cookies for the Monster girl WILL be gotten.
Time to go shopping, and discover there’s more than just cookies out there in the world like hamburgers, pizzas and subways.
Ha. Nah, she won’t be venturing outside for a little while yet.
As I expected, lots of “D’aaaaaaawww” were spoken on that last image !
Shadow seems to have quite a sweet tooth, but to resort to cutery looks to indulge… that’s evil !
Well, she IS a Monster.
Fair enough !
Now that I think about it… does her kind refer to themselves as “Monsters” ? I mean, I don’t mind, but the word as a bit of a pejorative connotation, doesn’t it ?
No, they have a proper race name when speaking amongst themselves, but they don’t want humans to know it, so they just go with what the humans have dubbed them when dealing with them.
Thank you for clarifying this !
No problem.
not gonna lie i had to do a double take on his finger, at first i thought he was flipping her off lol. goes to show you don’t look at web comics when you are tired
Haha, it kinda works in that panel too, considering her reaction.
I figured We readers would appreciate this (and Brandon too!)
How can anyone say no to such a adorable face. I know i wouldn’t be able to.
I rarely comment with webcomics, but I actually like this because it’s newer with a new story. I kinda like the concept!
Thanks! Glad you’re enjoying it!
Invest in sugar, flour, eggs and some other ingredients Tim. The human girls will like you if you can bake cookies. But the monster girls will stick around for more :3
Shadow really is adorable in that last panel. You are a master at character creation. =^.^=
Thank you, yes her cuteness there is well documented now! I’ll file it away and bust it out at the appropriate times. XD