#39 “Field Trip”
Shadow steps out of bounds and into the world beyond the bedroom for the first time… but not for the last.
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Shadow steps out of bounds and into the world beyond the bedroom for the first time… but not for the last.
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Shadow will see the wonders of the toaster? Also first to post YAY cool!
The toaster huh? Maybe someday!
Maybe she toast the toaster on her first try! As long she doesn’t touch the gravy then I’m be fine.
lmao tommy pickles
*The Brain* yeeeeeEEEEEESSSSS!
Hehe, Will the wonders of the human world never cease to amaze Shadow? I hope not!
Also, Cola and Purple Stuff without any Sunny D? What kind of world is this?!?!
Heh, I actually don’t like Sunny D… it’s kinda slimy. XD
And the least healthy of all of the fruit juices (if it even counts as juice).
It’s weird to think that juice is actually unhealthy for you. Might as well drink a pop with all the sugar there is.
wow the purple stuff.. I remember hearing about that at the Sunny D commercial..
Yeah, purple stuff was the good stuff XD
Once you go purple, you never go back… or something like this…
Sounds pretty addictive!
But what IS it? Could they not just say grape juice or soda?
Purple stuff is cough medicine with codiene mixed with soda XD
Tommy pickles and purples stuff lol the 90’s throwbacks are real :). Makes me miss the rugrats
Yeah, I used to watch it every day.
Why there is an eggs in the fridge!?
We keep our eggs in the fridge… I mean, there’s a specific slot and everything. XD
Where else would you keep them? Eggs go bad if they’re not refrigerated. (Unless you already knew that and was just joking.)
Some folks just get their eggs fresh from the hen house each morning.
I did a little research and figured out that Shadow is wearing a chlamys; a Grecian cloak. Although, normally, they’re pinned at the right shoulder; not that it’s a big deal. Anyway, I’m loving the comic so far! I can’t wait to see how their relationship evolves.
Cool! I’ve just been calling it a half-cape. Heh.
Parents incoming in 3…2…1…
Naw, give them some more time!
Yeah, Dad’s barely gotten the ship out to sea yet…
Haha, precisely!
Seems like this time the cake is NOT a lie
…unless it is boobietrapped of course, and picking it up alerts the owner of said piece, probably one of the parents.
D’ohohohoh! XD
I haven’t slept in 2 days now
Heh… then go to sleep, man! I did.
Go watch some unboxing videos on YouTube or something. Those will put you out. XD
So long as it’s not Tommy Pickles *in* the jar…
No no… it’s Dil.
The face of Shadow in the shadows reminds me the Black Mage in the Final fantasy games and the Heartless from Kingdom Heart. ^_^
And again this running gag about cool and cold. Epic XD
Huh. Yeah, I can see that. XD
So Shadow’s eyes reflect light, like a cat’s eyes? Cold…I mean, cool.
Yes, they absolutely do!
Shadow is going to flip her shit when Tim explains the microwave.
And Tommy Pickles! Hahahaha…ha..haaaa….oh god I feel old.
So do I.
You and me both.
Give her the cake!
Also the only referance I get from the fridge is the purple stuff
Er, these all American references? Chances are we never got those stuff or adverts over here
Tommy Pickles is the main character of an old cartoon on Nickelodeon called Rugrats. The characters are all babies, literally. I think the oldest character was Chuckie and he was like, two. The whole cartoon was the world from their point of view.
Actually I think it was Angelica and her friend (Susie?) who the oldest of the main characters. I think she was like 4 or 5 young enough to talk to the babies but old enough to also talk to the adults.
Yeah, Angelica was the oldest brat… I mean kid. XD
Some are references to things, others are just random filler. Some are real world products.