#39 “Field Trip”
Shadow steps out of bounds and into the world beyond the bedroom for the first time… but not for the last.
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Shadow steps out of bounds and into the world beyond the bedroom for the first time… but not for the last.
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So that last comment by Shadow is to state that she was trying to say “cool” instead of “cold” im guessing
Confusing, isn’t it? Haha!
He cant give her the cake because it is a lie
But lies are so delicious! XD
Interesting that she refers to the fridge as a “coffin”… tells a lot about her world actually !
Well, it’s a big thing that opens in sections… it’s just standing upright and humming electrically.
Holy 90’s references Batman! This is not going to end well. Best case scenario food coma, worst case Shadow on a sugar rush.
Heh, maybe they are smack-dab in the middle of the 90’s still. All I know is that this comic takes place after the 80’s, but it could be any time after that.
Damn, I really like your comics >w<!!
And the "Joke" around "cool" and "Cold" make me laugh X33333!!!
Thank you!
That cake’s days are numbered.
Heh Heh heh. I like your thinking. XD
Now she get it right, LOL. And that slice of cake wont see the sun rise, and neither will the soda. And now I want cake, I think I’ll go bake one. =^.^=
No, it probably won’t! XD
Maybe Tim should open the freezer section, so Shadow can see the…. ICE CREAM!
I bet she will ‘melt’ with a big grin on her face when she tastes it.
Haha, yeah maybe… or run around the house yelling and going crazy. LOL
There’s no food in there Tim’s family is poor, oh well any hotpocks ?
There’s lots of cupboards in the kitchen, and a freezer and two drawers in the bottom of the fridge still. They’ve got food. XD
I spy, with my little eye… Pudding Packs! Yum!
Heh. Yeah, I love those. XD
YES PURPLE STUFF!! God I love the little hidden funnies and subtle comedy of this comic.
wait where the hell is the sunny delight?! mom better be coming home to buy more!
They’ll just have to settle for the mysterious Purple stuff.
Oooooh, I like it, just hope Shadow doesn’t mistake the mustard for a softdrink. Then again, she could have a thing for gherkins for all we know.
Seriously though, love her entry in this page, the lit-up eyes are adorable. =D As is the rest of the comic.
Thank you! And no, I doubt she’ll be drinking the mustard straight…. at least I don’t think so.
Lol, “Tommy Pickles”. I see what you did there.
So any body miss me
Honestly, I can’t keep track of when people show up or not… sometimes people comment, sometimes they don’t. I didn’t notice you were even gone? XD