#40 “Midnight Snack”
Maybe she should try stealing something else after this. She seems to be missing something (we consider) very important.
Also, hey! I made it to 40 pages! Woo-hoo!
Maybe she should try stealing something else after this. She seems to be missing something (we consider) very important.
Also, hey! I made it to 40 pages! Woo-hoo!
This is Fucking perverted.
Well, if you say so.
if you don’t like this comic then just leave the site. Dumbass.
I think he likes the comic, he’s been around before lots of times… I just think he doesn’t like this particular revelation. Which is entirely up to him.
True enough. Thought he was a troll. Love the comic. Will you ever show if Tim and Shadow have kids?
Uhhhh… only the X-Buster on his arm knew for sure.
oh no you 4got ye undies Shadow lol, btw……. OH NO WHO CAUGHT THEM (nice cliff hanger Brandon)
Well, she didn’t forget them… she doesn’t know what they are.
Will they ever have sex with each other?
Yeah, but they have to grow up first. They’ll get around to it eventually.
Well I’m sure he wasn’t anticipating that
Haha, nope!
So I just realized that in the end of this page the lights are on
Yeah, I added a ‘click’ sound effect to hopefully get the point across clearer.
Are we going to see anything sexual between them if sex comes later?
I think you just answered your own question!
Yes, we’ll see sex when they have sex. I must stress that I’m not aiming at making this a porn comic though. The sex is just incidental, really.
Wow. I thought this was a porn comic. I guess I assumed that since you post to Hentai Foundry.
Well, I post where my fan base is, and I’ve got quite a few over there, considering I also draw pin-ups from time to time. Besides there is nudity and will be more in the future… just don’t expect hard core sex for pages and pages at a time.
Somehow I didn’t realize till this morning *how* he knew she wasn’t wearing underwear—*why* it took me so long is a mystery to me. Either way—heh-heh-heh…
I feel like looking at this web comic with a flashing 9 year old in it is going to get me put on some list.
I feel like typing this comment out got me on a list.
Regardless, it’s nice to see they don’t have the same taboo around sex and nudity that we have today. Really, the taboo is just an inconvenience at best.
I debated with myself over this one, but decided that it was alright to go ahead. You don’t see anything graphic (or at all) and it is not meant in a sexual way either. It’s really a cultural joke highlighting some marked differences between species it’s just one of many problems Tim will have to deal with as this friendship/relationship goes on.
Besides, anime gets away with this crap all the time, and I’m not exactly going to dwell on the fact anyway. *shrug*
I can sufficiently say that I adore the comic thus far. Every strip has me greatly anticipating the next. In addition to the maddening feeling of having to wait an entire week for the next bit. To me, this comic has kept to the nostalgic look of those animations of my childhood, but is more appropriate for me now, in adult-hood. It’s going to hurt waiting, but I’m willing to wait for the adorableness that is this artwork.
Thank you!
how long do you antisipate till the next page comes out
Next Sunday sometime, that’s when it always updates for future reference.
awsome tnx im new to this comic sry if it seemd like an old question
sooo…. apparently its warm enough year round in the monster world that they went from loincloths to robes and did away with undergarments entirely? …also monster society apparently has no nudity taboo…?
They never had them to dispense with in the first place, they don’t see the point when a cloak is good enough for most things. And their world doesn’t have weather systems. It’s subterranean, I suppose would closely describe it.
And it’s not that they are perfectly okay with nudity, they don’t just go about naked all the time… they just have no special taboo concerning their genitals. It’s just another part that performs a function, like an eye, an arm or a tail, perhaps. To them, it’s just as boring as your own big toe.
… I thought loin cloths were initial used to protect the genitals from debris… is that not the case? also, an entire world without weather systems… so they live in a pocket dimension?
No, but I can’t really say precisely where they live… cause it’ll ruin the surprise reveal way later on.
No, but I can’t really say precisely where they live… cause it’ll ruin the surprise reveal way later on. I really can’t talk about their evolutionary origins at all without giving away plot reveals.
I can say they never required primitive clothing in the first place.
Dang, you figured out my dastardly plot to try to squeeze information out of you
Well, that one’s pretty timeless… I mean it’s still as popular today as it ever was.
is it just me or r their not a lot of comics this good on the internet
I don’t know really… I only read a handful of web comics so I can’t speak to them all! XD
One thing you’re going to need to keep in mind, no matter how interesting the story or characters, there will always be some ass who thinks that their big stupid voice needs to be heard (myself included!)
Don’t Ever let the flimsy whims of the audience, Especially the vocal minority, dictate how you create.
If you start bowing to the audience now, they’ll attempt to dictate the vision you have for the story. If you allow that to happen, it’s not yours anymore.
You’re doing fine as is. I haven’t seen this idea as a webcomic before, and I find it fascinating. Considering how new it is (relatively speaking) and how far up it is already on top webcomics… Well your clearly doing something right!
Don’t let detractors get you down, and remember.. even if they don’t speak you clearly have fans!
Keep up the good work, and let the creativity flow
Thank you!
Don’t worry, I don’t really let the whims of others interfere with my creation. I’ve got a vision and I’ll stay true to that vision. I’ve already had a few run ins with some folks who seemed to think they knew better than I did concerning my comic’s direction. I’ll listen to opinion, but I’ll always defer to my own judgement in the end.
If I did start deferring to others I might as well just start ignoring the copious amounts of notes I’ve been meticulously keeping, the schemes I’ve been plotting and the future events I’m planning to touch on that should keep me busy for a few years at least! XD I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan!
And we love it when a plan comes together!
I just dated myself, didn’t I?
Only insomuch that we’re on the same page… and I don’t pity that foo’!
Nothing wrong with dating yourself, after all “The Force will be with you, always.”
yes, Kevin and Kell had that happen. ONE person objected to a character. She’s still in the comic, but seldom seen anymore.
Now I need to stop it from sending me follow up comments. I do have other things to do.
Really? Which character?
I’ll be patient and watch it unfold
…since when are underwear important?
Some people go without them anyway sometimes! I know a few who do. XD
freeze this is the kitchen police put you hands claws and tail up ,put the cake on the table I repeat put the cake on the table or you will be grounded
Ha… too late officer!
I just noticed there is a bottle of Pepto in the fridge, and Creamer, and what appears to be … SYRUP!?
Why would ANYONE put pancake/waffle syrup in the Fridge!?
We’ve always kept the syrup in the fridge in my house… is that not the correct thing to do? XD It’s still yummy either way.
Time to tap some Tween Tooshie!
But… she’s not even (what I consider) a tween yet! XD