#44 “Truth Be Told”
And now for a trip into Tim’s brain!
What’s this?! A mid-week update? Well, this page was simple enough, I figured I could give you guys a bonus this week!
And now for a trip into Tim’s brain!
What’s this?! A mid-week update? Well, this page was simple enough, I figured I could give you guys a bonus this week!
what cant be un seen!!
a gynophobic boy that falls for a girl from another world. where have I heard that before?
I don’t know… where have you?
He’s talking about To-LOVE Ru
That’s a manga or anime right? I THINK I’ve heard of it before, but don’t know anything about it.
If you look at old mythologies, theres pretty much everything sleeping with everything, of cours theres also the furries and hentai that still carry on with that, just a nice surf on 4chan can scratch your sanity for good with “couples” from diferent worlds!
Yeah, I’m well acquainted with mixed race couples. XD Heck, I was raised on Star Trek.
Hah that makes us two then, also, Cap. Kirk had the resumé of a porn star… damn it, if it moves and its a female he would bang!
girls bravo, beng. Gynophobia, not fear of rejection.
Guys… this isn’t a harem anime! XD
Sounds like Girls Bravo to me.
Definitely Girls Bravo
Time for me to watch Girls Bravo.
I think I already did… but I forgot cause it was awhile ago and I watched a bunch of similar shows all at once. So they kinda blur together now. XD
Have you made any others hell this reminds of daily life with a monster girl minus harem besides i looked a bit and are there any other stories like this because this is story is prety awsome
Nope, this is my first ‘real’ comic. I mean, I did some scrawling stuff back in high school… but nothing like this.
I’m hopeing this turns into harem with Midnight into the mix. And yes I will bug you about this agian!
Doubtful. My hero actually gets laid and is quite fixated on just one girl… despite the fact that most of the monster characters ARE other hot women. There’s a few guys too, but it’s like a 3/7 ratio.
Monster Musume aside harem genre a shit. Also Darling belongs to best girl, which is always first girl.
Lovely, this is one of my favorites!
Ah the Disney approach True Love :’)
Heh, I think this story goes places no Disney movie will ever go.
Yeah, deep, dark wet places ;D
Indeed Disney wouldn’t touch this with a 10 foot pole have to say probably just for that one reason to
Disney would touch, they’d just it in plain sight so the little kids wouldn’t understand the joke. Disney does that a lot.
Just finished reading the story, can’t wait to see [REDACTED](she sounded like a keeper), I’m also curious about the design [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] will have in the comic, seeing that you decided to remove the wings, gotta adimit Midnight and [REDACTED] are such waifus, [REDACTED] looks good too from how the history described, btw watched you on furaffinity.
Thank you!
(but did you have to mention practically everybody who hasn’t joined the cast yet? Haaaaa…. spoilerific.)
kkkkkkkk, sorry sorry, anyway, you could put the rest of the monster in my mind chappters in your FA, i’m searching them in your tumblr, but theres a lot of things there, not that I’m complaining at all that … “meat” so much lovely “meat”, how many chapters are there actually? Since on the FA the 3º is the last?
It’s the same length as the first one, 6 parts.
Oh btw, will Lord M. looks like a James Bond type of char?
Hmmm, no, not really…
amo a shadow!!! lo siento soy Argentino xD
Are we going to see his parents story in someways there story interests me more.
Yeah, probably.
Well I’m following well I’ve been following just in secret cause I’m shy (especially in front of amazing people such as yourself) when it comes to speaking up first.
P.S. seriously though great comic I haven’t read a webcomic in awhile till recently of course when got curious to see what’s new and that’s when I found your webcomic heh it’s funny one moment your at home doing other stuff on your laptop having not read a webcomic in about three years time (I’m 19 going on 20 in September) and now I’m surfing again getting back into my old hobbies *sigh* dang time really does fly by…
…sorry about that kinda started rambling heh guess I’m no different then when I was a pre-teen I still don’t know when to shut up lol but again just wanted to say thanks for your work and looking forward to your next work and also just want to point out that personally I like your art style it’s nice did you go to school or are like me and just started getting the hang of doodling one day after just making whatever while jamming out?
P.P.S. again sorry there is more but let’s face I’m never gonna stop talking if I don’t stop now lol sorry to annoy you if did by ether talking or being too friendly I’m a bit of a dork as you can see. xD
No need to be shy, I’ll answer all incoming questions!
Well, thanks for stopping by, and I’m glad you’re enjoying my comic! As far as drawing is concerned, I’ve been drawing since I was a kid, having always been interested in cartoons/animated films/comics/etc. for as long as I can recall.
so I looked for your story, all i can find are references to the fact that you wrote a story. I feel bad for asking because you probably get this all the time. where do I find it. your comic is great and very visually pleasing, but i have always been more of a book reader… feel bad for asking.
Would you be interested in doing this as a career?
If for whatever reason I lost my job, I probably would turn to this as a full time gig, going all in with Patreon and merchandise and stuff. As it is, I don’t need the money. It’d be nice to have, but currently unnecessary.
Kid you’re 8
So… they just admitted to being 9 years old both. Are you seriously trying to create sexual tension between two 9-year-olds? Are kids that age even aware of such things yet? I figured that was at least an 11 thing, going on 13 for the particularly slow ones.
Not that starting the ‘ship so early is a bad thing, but leaving the tension for later would be… less icky. And I say that as someone who wasn’t scared off by the first few pages of human/monster consumated relationship.
I remember being quite interested in girls… or rather women, at a very early age, pre 10 years old. I knew there was something about them I really liked and was extremely curious about. And it’s out of necessity that I get them on an upward relationship curve early since I’m skipping a big chunk of time with a flash forward next chapter.
Also, I personally don’t find them to have much sexual tension in anything they are doing as kids, except that Tim used to see her as an ‘other’ initially, and now sees her as a girl without question. Shadow has no interest in Tim sexually, but she does like him for some reason currently beyond her own reasoning. People do tend to read into things though. Apparently talking and joking with a girl is automatically flirting for a lot of people.
They’re just friends, for now.
I know that feel, bro. I’ve been fapping since I was literally 5 to semi-nude and tights-wearing women and older than me girls but I guess my thought bubbles were not that elaborate even though I was rather verbose for my age.
Actually, in response to all the commenters who compare this to some anime or manga, I’m thinking it’s more a case of our little Timmy’s starting to grow up and Shadow is his first crush.