#45 “Something Else”
I wonder what she really wants?
Oh, and in case you missed it, there’s another new page I put up on Thursday this week! Don’t forget to check it out if you didn’t catch it before now! (it’s the page just before this current one.)
WHY CANT I SLEEP and what does she want?
I have no idea why you can’t sleep… but I do know what she wants! (and so will you, soon enough.)
I have to say it cause someone made the joke on another comic, SHE WANTS SNU SNU!! Srry couldn’t help myself, but seriously something tells me this is like Ah My Goddess (the original) where our spunky lass has been watching Tim for quite awhile and loves him.
Hmmm… you might be onto something there ol’ chap!
She wants his SOX, of course!
Wanting his sex will take ten years…
(Evil grin)
Of course!
hmm… which emotions could a young guy when thinking about a cute girl? i wonder… :3c
I wonder too!
Is her lower half in monster land while her upper half is in Tim’s room? It must look pretty strange from that side.
Now you’re thinking with portals!
^— this guy man, XD hahahahaha
Indeed, that is just how it is! (and don’t worry, it’s a fairly common sight.)
I wonder what the receiving end of seeing!!
Just legs hanging out of a hole!
I’m guessing that she wants his friendship.
Yeah, that’s what I’m guessing too.
Would you possibly take commission to pump out chapters faster? Or possibly to draw some requests?
Haha…. no. XD I don’t want to die.
Atlest you would die rich..
Shadow going a bit on the “tsundere” route… not saying she just wants a friend
I still think those two are very mature for their age
They are… but not if you compare them to the kids from Peanuts. Haaaaa…
Never read Peanuts… so I’ll take your word for it !
The kids philosophise with each other like full grown adults, and the (ever off-screen) adults sound like trumpets.
And here I was, hoping for stuff to get interesting. Disappointed yet again.
If by ‘interesting’ you mean ‘sexy’ then I have some bad news for you!
Considering the ages, only a pedo would want to see things be ‘interesting’ in the current scene.
Just saying.
Isn’t “Promise” a buttery spread? Would it be appropriate to serve as a snack?
Is it? I don’t think we have that here.
Emotions give off strong energy. Love and fear being the strongest.
*thumbs waaay up*
SHE WANTS THE DICK!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH12OJ0MrdQ
I’m sorry. I’ll leave….
Come on guys (and possibly girls too) its not sex its socks, but now that theyre friends its awkward just stealing his socks
Hmmm… nope, it’s not socks either!
Then possible a kiss <3
Next time she visits Tim, she’s got a captain’s hat on, and then it just becomes awkward.
Someday I would like her to somehow get her hands on that hat… I just haven’t figured out how yet! XD
two pages this week? It must be someone’s birthday! thank you so much Mr Brandon.
It was just how things flowed this week. One page was way easy to make, but not enough for a full update.
She want’s to know how to make cake. See if she learns how to make cake she can have snacks all day long.
That’s a very good point!
It would probably be interesting for the person teaching her as well (especially if that person is one of his parents).
She wants something else?! If not his fear then what, I wonder? I bet it’s more cake, it has to be the cake. =^.^=
It’s a favour. A huge one that could span a very long while to accomplish.
And I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the favour it is. Right? =^.^=
Not a super-long time, just until the next time they catch an uninterrupted moment together, alone. Make of that what you will.
She’s gonna ask for more cookies or some cake. That’s what I think. =^.^=
No, it’s actually something integral to the plot.