#46 “Midnight”
Man, Tim’s fear is potent. She’d better not get too addicted!
Also, say ‘hello!’ to the mysterious Midnight, who was name-dropped back at the end of chapter one. Ha! slow burn…
Fun fact: This is the first page where Timothy does not appear physically in any manner at all.
How old is Midnight?
Midnight is a year older than Shadow, sort of a senior bed bug, you might say.
You’ve got an interesting story and art style going on here! I’ll be bookmarking this for sure!
Thanks! Hope to see you around!
…I think Midnight looks *definitely* cuter than Shadow. And I like her name more (mostly because I’m not a fan of the name “Shadow”).
Shadow is a name i have come to associate with mary sues over the years, so i’m with you on the name thing, although the reasons are likely different.
I can assure you, Shadow is not a Mary-Sue type of character. I hope to avoid that particular archetype… hopefully!
I trust you can avoid it, it’s just a popular name amongst the mary sure/emo wolf boy school of original characters.
Honestly surprised I haven’t seen any characters named shadow going through the OC thread on the wiki i call home.
I only actually know of 3 other characters named Shadow off the top of my head, and I really had to wrack my brain for the third one.
Shadow from Final Fantasy VI (Not his real name)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow, the protagonist from the Neil Gaiman book American Gods (also not his real name)
And no female characters at all spring to mind…
You see a lot of Shadows, Kuros(japanese for black), and Kages(japanese for shadow) on roleplaying websites in the lowest standards sections.
Of course, the name itself doesn’t inherently make a sue, but the people who name their personal avatar characters shadow are… NOT usually the best when it comes to character design standards.
Oddly, Brandon’s reply to this doesn’t have a reply button.
There is also “The Shadow knows” shadow.
After a while the reply button goes away on it’s own… probably some setting I could change somewhere.
Yah, my dislike of the name is pretty much the Sue-factor.
Sure, there are few Shadows in “official” material, but every second 14 year old living a power fantasy seems to call their character “shadow” or something similar.
Obviously, this does not mean that everyone using that name is (or has the mentality of) a 14 year old living out a power fantasy, but that’s the association I have with it.
That being said, I think there are a few cool names *based* on shadow – for example, “His Divine Shadow” in Lexx, or “The Ebon Dragon, the Shadow of All Things” in Exalted. But just “Shadow” feels to me like trying to take the short-cut to coolness and falling flat, like doing a Drizzt rip-off in a D&D game.
…but yah, just my opinion. Besides, it’s just one name, it isn’t going to ruin the rest of the story for me =3
I’m sure everyone will have their ‘best waifu monster’ eventually! XD
Not me. I find the concept in general to be unhealhty and/or outright disturbing.
That being said, favorite characters is fine, it’s a matter of how you display that favoritism.
I apologise for the multiple posts.
Am I right in thinking that Shadow is an orphan and Midnight is a friend that has also taken on parental responsibility?
She is a friend and a partner, but she’s not in a parental role. There is someone else who better fits that description.
Now, my brain is wondering what a ‘Matron’ Bed Bug looks like… a Den Mom sorta lady…. mah brain~
Well, not exactly a matron of the bed bugs in particular, but there is a hierarchy and there is a leader to whom everyone looks to.
As soon as you mentioned a Bed Bugs matron, I immediately pictured the Den Mother of the Rainbow Squirts from Psychonauts.
Is this gonna be a love triangle thing huh midnight shadow and tim interesting
No, not really. Don’t expect this to turn into some harem anime, as fun/silly/dumb as some of those can be. Not everyone is going to fall in love with Tim.
I’m just happy as long as no one falls in hate with him. A little jealous rivalry would be just fine, though.
I wish there was a way I could go there if that is a place with a bunch of cute monsters!
That would be something!
“By the makers”…hmmm Hey Brandon. You play any Darksiders?
Actually, no. Never played either of those. I’ve heard mixed reviews.
Have I ever mentioned that every time I check for updates I get re-addicted to this. I can’t BEGIN to describe how great it is to see such a fantastic story brought to life in comic form. Lol. First story, then comic, hopefully 5 years from now it’ll have it’s own anime. ^_^ (fingers crossed)
That would be really awesome!
When did or do they first have sex together?
Chapter 4, I believe.
Ahhhhhhhh, good old chapter 4. That was a good chapter. You were/will be there, and you were/will be there…. ahhh, good times, goooood tiiiiiimes.
Haha. I certainly hope so!
You know…. I never really thought about HOW they get up to under the bed, and now I see it’s footholds… huh, Who knew?
Oh! And I just realized…. if his fear is THAT strong, if she ever gets pregnant, she’s gonna be aroused, like, ALL the time. Lol.
You don’t say? XD
Yes, but has she filled her quota this evening……or will the Sock Market crash?
She’s not exactly finished for the evening, no.
“Sock market”. *grin*
Midnight finally was wondering when u’d introduce her into the comic
Everyone and more’ll be popping up sooner or later this chapter… I think!
It was my birthday yesterday, huzzah
Happy Birthmas!
belated,, Privyet,, S dniom RazhDJENia…. i HOPE i got that close