Ah, Shadow wore her “best cape” for this night ! She’s already uncousciouly wanting to please Tim… though it surely passed way over his head, poor guy.
Also, I spy a “Bare your Midriff” entry being added to this series’ TVtropes page with Midnight’s outfit.
It’s been up since last week’s update. XD Somebody added a bunch of Midnight facts the minute she landed…. some inaccurate ones though. She’s got light black hair, not blue. XD The blue/purple colour is just tint from the lighting.
He did responsd to the fact that [url=http://themonsterunderthebed.net/?comic=37-casual]she came on her night off[/url]. He also noticed that she was dressed differently.
Mr Brandon, you have become an expert at female expression. Really loving the way midnight was done. My god I love girls with midriffs. Bravo sir. Bravo.
I’m pretty sure there are male monsters. Quite possibly, the females are the bed-bugs, and the males … okay, how to use the phrase “in the closet” without it sounding horrible when taken out of context is beyond me.
But Brandon said”nobody has any hang-ups about their genitals in monster land.” so how is that possible? I mean, they don’t seem to be like amazon’s isolated tribes…
Thanks, but i do have distractions already (well, waiting for a new page is not the only thing i do in my life :D) but this specific comic,is something i like to read more
(and sorry for bad English :\)
Which is why I read lots of webcomics it helps deal with things when I’m feeling impatient.
Brandon, I tried to post a list of the webcomics and webfiction I read (with links) and I didn’t get a confirmation that it was sent. I’m not sure if it was the multiple links or the fact that it took over an hour to write.
Chatoyant College (currently updating) Starwalker (Book 4 has been finished but author says story is going to continue once she gets other projects out fo the way) Tamao (finished)
Holy moly! XD It went to my spam folder because it contains multiple links. (Anything over 3 I think gets sent there automatically) I don’t think you need to go to quite this much effort in the future! XD
Yeah ive started reading Little Tails from the begining again since the they dont post frequently and thats a lot of pages so when your bored and waiting I suggest reading that webcomic its along the same lines as this one (eg. Cute, story with adult references and scenes, drama and more) I really like it
i hope Brandon dont kill me… yes,,, deviantart, look under ” monster under the bed” ohh lots of spoilers..
did i say spoilers,,, i dont know why he hides his old art,, its really good…. more spoilers…
I’m not hiding my art, I’m hiding the original stories from the general public eye so not everyone will be tempted to spoil themselves. For now. I’ll probably just put the links up somewhere eventually…
Personnally, I’d say it would be easy to simply rip the raw text, paste into word, then cut to here than it is to go via the html.. but i may have interpreted Brandon’s comment wrong
I meant if I wanted to present it here in it’s own section, then it’d take a bit of work to look correctly formatted the way I would prefer it to look.
The wiki there said this was based off a story. I am more a fan of what I can read with words more so then pictures is it somewhere that I can read it.
Just keep in mind that I’m changing a few things in this version (which I consider the definitive version) so don’t expect everything to go the same. I consider that to be a general outline…
They have lights on the walls that work… so they must have some form of power-source keeping them going somewhere. Do they have computers and TV’s and Radio?
Ah, Shadow wore her “best cape” for this night ! She’s already uncousciouly wanting to please Tim… though it surely passed way over his head, poor guy.
Also, I spy a “Bare your Midriff” entry being added to this series’ TVtropes page with Midnight’s outfit.
Heh, it’s already there. XD
It isn’t (at least when I wrote this).
Yes, it is. XD
I seem to have forgotten that the internet is the only thing fastr than light in this universe !
It’s been up since last week’s update. XD Somebody added a bunch of Midnight facts the minute she landed…. some inaccurate ones though. She’s got light black hair, not blue. XD The blue/purple colour is just tint from the lighting.
Whoops! Re-read Ehunkel’s post to see which way round (s)he phrased it.
He did responsd to the fact that [url=http://themonsterunderthebed.net/?comic=37-casual]she came on her night off[/url]. He also noticed that she was dressed differently.
He did notice the cape and that it was her night off. She played it down.
I suspect she really appreciated him noticing, though.
Ah, young love. Those two are so adorable.
gahh I really need to stop reading these when they come out.. Need to stock up so I can bulk read again X3
Either way is a perfectly legit way to go!
But she wasn’t lying about the fact that she was not stalking.
True, she was consorting with the enemy! Boo hiss! Traitor! Rabblerabblerabble…
Hehehe, Midnight’s quite a little cutie herself. Hopefully she’s not gonna rat on Shadow.
Oh, I’m sure she’ll be curious about her partners secret extracurricular activities… we’ll see how things go.
Given adult Shadow’s comments about Midnight, I suspect that Midnight would stress when she finds out.
And then Midnight nearly showed off more of Shadow than I’m sure she meant to…
That’s just the thing… nobody has any hang-ups about their genitals in monster land.
Not late this time.
Mr Brandon, you have become an expert at female expression. Really loving the way midnight was done. My god I love girls with midriffs. Bravo sir. Bravo.
Thank you! Considering how many girls there will be in this comic, I had better be!
“Will be” ? May god help us all.
What is that stain?
Cake. It’s where she wiped her mouth on page 40.
today it’s cake, in the future it’ll be something else.
Heh. Pie, I know right?
Oh, pie? I thought ice cream….
All monsters ar female? :\ how are they born then??
I’m pretty sure there are male monsters. Quite possibly, the females are the bed-bugs, and the males … okay, how to use the phrase “in the closet” without it sounding horrible when taken out of context is beyond me.
But that’s pure speculation on my part.
But Brandon said”nobody has any hang-ups about their genitals in monster land.” so how is that possible? I mean, they don’t seem to be like amazon’s isolated tribes…
They don’t have a religion that teaches them to be shameful of themselves or others, first of all. That’s a good start.
The Bed Bugs are just one small group of young people in training. Not every woman is a Bed Bug. They are like girl scouts. XD
No, there are males… where’d you get that idea from? XD
And another thing… Based on the original story by him? Where is the original story? A whole week is too much waiting ),:
i find having other webcomics to read helps deal with the wait.
Thanks, but i do have distractions already (well, waiting for a new page is not the only thing i do in my life :D) but this specific comic,is something i like to read more
(and sorry for bad English :\)
Which is why I read lots of webcomics it helps deal with things when I’m feeling impatient.
Brandon, I tried to post a list of the webcomics and webfiction I read (with links) and I didn’t get a confirmation that it was sent. I’m not sure if it was the multiple links or the fact that it took over an hour to write.
Here’s a list of the ones I read (all of them need to be read from the beginning unless otherwise indicated):
Wandering Ones
A Girl and Her Fed
Two Lumps
Questionable Content
Wapsi Square
Gunnerkirigg Court
XKCD (this is a gag-a-day strip so can dive right in, almost all of the strips do not refer to previous stips)
Quantum Vibe
Think Before You Think
Tides of Ternanog
Times Like This
Blade Bunny
Stray Sod
Let’s Ask Violet (this is probably the only webcomic I read that doesn’t have any fantasy and/or sci-fi elements
Strong Female Protagonist
Shades of Lantim
Zombie Ranch
Alice Grove
Soul to Call
Merunga’s Menagerie
Cat Nine
Outcast (more of a gag-a-day format but there are stories and there are new characters from time-to-time)
The Pigeon Gazette (gag-a-day)
Let’s Speak English (almost without fantasy/sci-fi)
Clique Refresh (all fantasy/sci-fi is within a game)
Between Failures (OK, I was wrong about there not being many webcomics that I read without fanstasy/sci-fi elements)
Missing Dream
Grrl Power
Off World: The Crease
164 Days
Tangled River
Weesh (starts out as a gag-a-day comic with short stories but then more characters are added and it more of a backstory develops)
The Knit Princess
Inverloch, The Phoenix Requiem and Dreamless (each comic has its own universe)
Queen of Wands
Night Zero
Luna Star (this is a pre-quel to Datachasers, set 900 years before)
On hiatus/ended (these are ones which stopped mid-story and may be restarted):
Clan of the Cats
Punch’n’Pie (this is a sequel to Queen of Wands but looks at the supporting characters from that strip plus some new ones)
Dark Red
Sea of Insanity
Paradigm Shift
Spare Keys of Strange Doors (this consists of self-contained stories)
Gods of the Game
Runewood Abbey
The Fox Sister
After Daylight
Overcast with a Chance of Doom
Shades of Gray
Singular Blues (official restart date is tomorrow)
There’s also webfiction:
Chatoyant College (currently updating)
Starwalker (Book 4 has been finished but author says story is going to continue once she gets other projects out fo the way)
Tamao (finished)
Holy moly! XD It went to my spam folder because it contains multiple links. (Anything over 3 I think gets sent there automatically) I don’t think you need to go to quite this much effort in the future! XD
Thank you for rescuing it.
Probably a better link for the one I’ve listed as “Outcast is”:
It follows Erma, the daughter of the ghost girl from The Ring (now grown up) and a human man.
Time to read up on some other web comics sometime.
I hope that you find something that you like.
Punch’n’Pie has actually finished
A couple of new ones:
Kissing Skulls (I’d advise you to just read it because the Comic Profile page gives too much of the plot away)
Heracles Knot
I’m actually not in the market for new comics myself, having barely enough time to read the few I do like. But I’m sure somebody might like these. XD
That should be a capital “I”.
<< needs to work on typing
Yeah ive started reading Little Tails from the begining again since the they dont post frequently and thats a lot of pages so when your bored and waiting I suggest reading that webcomic its along the same lines as this one (eg. Cute, story with adult references and scenes, drama and more) I really like it
i hope Brandon dont kill me…
yes,,, deviantart, look under ” monster under the bed” ohh lots of spoilers..
did i say spoilers,,, i dont know why he hides his old art,, its really good…. more spoilers…
I’m not hiding my art, I’m hiding the original stories from the general public eye so not everyone will be tempted to spoil themselves. For now. I’ll probably just put the links up somewhere eventually…
I say post the stuff as it comes up in the comic. Once the time line is caught up, post original story.
I might, but it’s a lot of html formatting to go through. XD
Personnally, I’d say it would be easy to simply rip the raw text, paste into word, then cut to here than it is to go via the html.. but i may have interpreted Brandon’s comment wrong
I meant if I wanted to present it here in it’s own section, then it’d take a bit of work to look correctly formatted the way I would prefer it to look.
Probably short for “Shadow” just like most of my friends shorten my name to “Frank”.
Indeed, it is!
The wiki there said this was based off a story. I am more a fan of what I can read with words more so then pictures is it somewhere that I can read it.
Yes. But Brandon doesn’t want to give out links to it at the moment. It takes more than a little Google, but its there.
Or just add “ ” to your Google search query… cuts down on a lot of time.
Found it, copy paste put on my kindel, this is really good. I ruth and shadow are very different characters in my headspace.
Just keep in mind that I’m changing a few things in this version (which I consider the definitive version) so don’t expect everything to go the same. I consider that to be a general outline…
I did… still took ages. Maybe UK version works differently to other ones.
Brandon can you make ads on wordpress?
Uh… no? I’m not sure that’s a built in feature. I could manually put up ads, of course using html… but that’d just clutter the place up, I think.
Oh do we get to see what shadows home looks like in the next page? I’m really interested to we what the rest of monster land looks like!
We’ll see some stuff soon!
She seems like she will understand. However I feel like Shadow is going to accidentally slip up and lead Midnight there or inform her of Tim.
Also future stains will be considered “cake” stains when Midnight finds out what cake is.
Hah. XD
You’ll see. ;-P
So do they like go and scare people in pairs so if they needed help or something cuss if not then i am confused.
They work with a buddy system in the Bed Bugs, so the inexperienced youth don’t get into any trouble.
Awsome but now somethings start to beg the question. How civilised are they.
Fairly well civilized, I think.
By that i meant do they have like electricity n stuff like that
They have lights on the walls that work… so they must have some form of power-source keeping them going somewhere. Do they have computers and TV’s and Radio?
No. No they do not.