#48 “Pushing Her Buttons”
Midnight gets what Midnight wants!
Don’t forget to vote for me over on the TWC list! The button is the blue/white one over there —-> with the number on it. Let’s see if we can’t push my rank up a little bit, huh? Whaddaya say?
Yes I’m first
I’m so happy
Nice touch in the bath
I decide to check the site before I hit the sack and here’s the new update. Communal bathing, huh? I guess that fits with what you’ve told us about the monsters’ general lack of nudity hangups. Is that a hot spring?
What are they eating in the second panel? Which reminds me, what do they do for food in the monster realm? Do they just grow fungus and other stuff that can grow without sunlight?
They are eating mystery paste! Nobody knows exactly what’s in it!
Nor does anyone want to!
Middy is the kind of obnouxious girl that doesn’t let anything go, huh… Quite a contrast with Shadow, I like it !
Also… Between the feeding habit (that white stuuf made me think about the Matrix’ goolike food), the fact that they do have libraries (hence authors) and the public bathing… YAY for worldbuilding !
I LOVE worldbuilding !
Me too! World building is great!
Hmmm.. Still no male monsters.. Interesting. Is the entire race female? Or are the males above being seen with the females?
There are males, but there’s story reasons why they aren’t around currently… you’ll see when it becomes an issue.
Yay, a single tit to shut up the people will who bitch that there hasn’t been nudity in over 3 pages.
Heh, well, if it works it works… I don’t mind either… so… yeah.
But tits are love, tits are life, all should hail the glorious tits!
Here, here!
I like that you remembered to change the hair because it’s wet.
Found this comic yesterday, I’ll be following.
Thanks for checking me out! Welcome to the party!
Hehehe, Good thing Shadow caved when she did. Midnight looked like she was getting ready to break out the Tickle Torture.
And we all know Shadow can’t take that one bit!
Hmm so theres the first monster thats not purple or in the cold colours. So are there different races or is the saying no two monster are alike in order.
They come in all flavours, of course the darker ones have a bit of a natural advantage when stalking their prey.
Any chance of a midweek update this week?
Nope… sorry!
Best monster girl became even better monster girl.
Or in other words, still liking Midnight.
Well, that’s perfectly understandable!
I didn`t really think I’d say this, but Shadow looks even more cute with wet hair hanging down.
I like her hairs in the last panel
Me too! Thanks for the comment!
So… any chance of a tangent about those much older girls in the background getting good and clean? [/disgustingpervert]
The story telling of her keeping on about just comes across great. Love it!
Oh Snap! It’s JayDee! How goes it with Captain SNES these days? I love that you’ve been keeping up with it, despite your slow times.
I’m a different JayDee. I’m the one previously featured on ToplessRobot.
I love her hair down! that straightened wet hair in the last panel is gorgeous!
Thanks! XD
this could be interesting