#48 “Pushing Her Buttons”
Midnight gets what Midnight wants!
Don’t forget to vote for me over on the TWC list! The button is the blue/white one over there —-> with the number on it. Let’s see if we can’t push my rank up a little bit, huh? Whaddaya say?
Is Shadow already more or less an adult of her species or are she a Tim around the same physical age for what they are?
Shadow is still young; she’s only 9… although she won’t be growing TOO MUCH more height-wise, since she is a short character. Tim is almost a head taller than her when they are fully grown up.
Yeah but is whatver-she-is’s “9” the same as a human girl’s 9?
No, probably not.
So what are green and purple monster’s names?
Background Monster #1 & #2! Maybe they’ll get names if they ever show up again in any sort of speaking roles.
well if you want a rank up in twc up the comics update im very sure that every one who like this comic would love it
True. If I updated more I’m sure my rank would go up faster.
I was right, those 2 in th back are deffintily cute~
Interesting culture…cafe / school lunch room, then library, then group bathing pool. Pretty fun place.
… It’s a boarding school?
No, but you’re not far off. XD
A convent type of situation?
I’m sure it’ll come up soon just what’s what concerning their situation.
Midnight likes to talk.
Well, this is just some of what there is, of course.
You’ll probably want to put in some vote incentives if you want to boost up your rank. The sexy kind are my favorite.
Yeah probably, but that always feels like a cheap vote to me. XD We’ll see though!
I wouldn’t call it cheap. Everyone else does it, why shouldn’t you.
A sexy vote incentive would be good every once in awhile. At the very least put in a vote incentive pic to keep people coming in.
How about an interesting story (e.g. something about Midnight’s backstory) so you have to keep voting to see the rest of the story?
I’m sure whatever interesting backstory I can come up with will be integrated into the actual comic eventually. If anything, it’ll be various pin-ups, probably.
Midnight’s sleeves remind me a bit of Josephine from Dragon Age.
I really wouldn’t know. XD
am im the only one who wish they could travel to the future so they could read 40 pages and not once a week. A story this good makes it hard to wait
Heh, well… on October 21st, 2015 I hope everyone sits down to marathon a certain time travel movie trilogy…. it IS a very special day, after all.
It’ll be kinda like time traveling. XD
GReat scott !! its a flux capacitor!!
Indeed it is! XD
Somehow I missed out on the hoverboards and flying DeLoreans. No doubt Doc Brown and Marty McFly altered the timeline in some small way.
That’s what I always assumed happened.
Like my own fan-theory that by ‘fixing’ his family in the first movie, he subtly changes his own psyche, creating the ‘chicken’ problem out of nowhere in the second/third films due to now having lived in a successful family with an assertive father, he has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to implied cowardice.
Yup. Typical 10 year old strategy. Repeat the question over and over until they just can’t take it anymore. The sad part is it damn near always works.
Also, I love the way your writing epitomizes ‘show, don’t tell’. You’re letting us see little glimpses of monster culture bit by bit. Bravo.
Indeed! Thank you. Yes, I do tend to work in a way that seems to run counter to the outlook of most people these days. It sometimes seems like nobody has any patience anymore. XD
“Human Fear”?…I wonder what other books that library contains.
“The ins and outs of a Humans bedroom series 1. The light switch”
Series 19: “Cameras, and how to avoid them”
Shadow: “Damn! Should have read ahead…”
Haha, probably some real brain scratchers. Considering how limited their real knowledge of human culture is.
Sounds like (adult) Shadow knows enough to be able to write her own books about the human world.
Could be an idea! XD
I say take it and run with it! It’s a great idea.
Sometimes I wonder, if our little comments and thoughts affect the way you plan of the comic Mr Brandon?
Only vaguely. I may add a line here or there if something stands out, but ultimately the story direction is already locked in for quite a while.
Or how much Shadow will tell? How truthful it would be, etc?
One other question: I keep seeting a symbol that looks like a cross (in this week’s one it’s in Panel 3 in Shadow’s hair) — is there a significance to it?
Its to show annoyence or slight frustration
Chico, eu olhei e olhei e não achei.
Sorry? I’m Australian I don’t understand Spanish. Could you convert it to English please
I may have a Portuguese name but the only languages I speak are English and German.
I ment Clown I would like to know what he said but I dont understand it
Usually, that just means that person is annoyed.
It’s an anime carry-over. Shorthand symbol for a stress vein popping out of your forehead. The water drop means awkwardness.
Midnight at the oasis,
She bedevils her friend.
Shadow holding her phrases,
Phases, until this torture ends.
Found her gone on their night off,
Food stains on her dress.
Midnight bothers her right off, sprite off,
Making a little mess.
Come on, Shadow, give a clue,
Bedbugs share today.
Come on, won’t stop till you do,
Won’t stop till you do.
Shade has got to tell her,
Midnight makes her speak.
For this meddling cellar dweller,
We’ll all find out next week…
—“Midnight at the Oasis,” Maria Muldaur.
Whoa. Haven’t heard that one in a long time.
Heh, I don’t know this song/poem at all, so the rhythm seems a bit wonk this time. XD Still fun though!
Go to I-tunes and check out the song “Midnight at the Oasis”. If you have an account, download the tune.
Don’t know if I have it offhand, but I know the tune. Difficult to get these things exact—if I hadn’t remembered the phrase “Midnight at the oasis”—suggested by the last panel—I might’ve been struggling through another song altogether.
Haha, maybe.
To be fair, I wasn’t that much older than younger Tim when “Midnight at the Oasis” was popular and I’m in my 50s now. You could probably find it on Youtube.
I think that might explain my unfamiliarity with the song… XD
I would like to ask about the purple one, but I fear that would be a spoiller.
There’s not much to say, really. She’s just a random background character.
I love everything about this page keep up the great work Brandon.
P.S. voted for ya mate
Thank you for viewing AND voting!
Currently sitting at #28 when I post this