#48 “Pushing Her Buttons”
Midnight gets what Midnight wants!
Don’t forget to vote for me over on the TWC list! The button is the blue/white one over there —-> with the number on it. Let’s see if we can’t push my rank up a little bit, huh? Whaddaya say?
Even a cute Monstergirl can’t withstand a cute Monstergirl begging so nicely.
By the Way, just found an Anime with Monstergirls in it “Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou” From the Looks of it, it heavily ds me on those “Living With”-Comicstrips, and the Main-Character even got a Lamia living with him.
Awesome. I’ll have to check it out that Anime. =^.^=
Haha, I’m already all caught up on that, both in anime and manga versions. XD
Those comic strips are actually by the same artist. All the characters in them are prototypes of the MonMusu characters.
Also, Rachnera is best girl.
You misspelled Suu
lets not have this argument here but I agree with ed
I actually like Rachnera AND Sue for different reasons…. so I’m torn. XD
but can we all agree that the MC is the god of tanks? (d&d/mmo definition)
I still don’t get it. XD
Damn, she’s persistent. LOL
How does a society function with tables like that! not even magic can justify it I tell you!
also still good comic. still keep doing things please.
Haha, well it’s not like they don’t have problems down there too, so maybe tables play a role in that… though I have my doubts!
And thank you, I will!
I knew I should have commented sooner! nothing really new in panel 1.I like that pattern and crystal light sources. So I’m guessing in panel 2, their furniture is kind of surreal? And their utensil is nothing more than a flat stick! In panel 3, their books are written in English? That doesn’t look like something written by a human. You got some explaining to do there Mr Brandon. And last but certainly not least, the cream of the crop, final panel. Really loving the onsen/sento Japanese style bath! The wet hair look is outstanding! Then you have two background characters, let’s call them Bon Bon and Lyra… Just kidding! We get side boob but convenient censorship of a bum. Those two in the back look older so I don’t see why the tai in the way.
Overall, more of the world opening up with each page. My comment about 2 weeks ago you, I was so wrong, you delivered.
I have a feeling, you have something planned for us on the Halloween plot point that was mentioned earlier in this chapter for us in October. Can’t wait to see!
So I see the fellow before me mentioned the anime I just found monday.
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Episode 1 | モンスター娘…: http://youtu.be/jcxQbkjoL68
*Puts on glasses, scarf, and flannel shirt.*
I’ve been reading the manga since 2013. My mind was literally blown away when I saw that they turned it into an anime. And its extremely lewd. I love it! Page for page, it matches the manga which isn’t usually the case with animes. The manga itself was based on one page hentais.
I do also bring you an original tribute.
Nurse Hitomi’s Monster Infirmary
I found this about a year ago and I highly recomend it to fans of Monster Musume.
I hope you continue their conversion in the same sceen of the last panel. And last I checked, insects are great source for protein… When mashed into a paste.
Turn on tsukkomi’s for epic lulz!
1. Yes, that pattern is fairly easy to do as well, which is good because we’ll be seeing it…. a lot.
2. Honestly their furniture will probably vary greatly in different places… don’t let the silly tables fool you!
3. Yes, their books are written in English. Yes, there’s a dumb joke explanation I’ll get to eventually to explain it.
4. The bum isn’t actually censored, because she has no visible rear anyway. Hair was covering it up. There’s visible nipple anyway on Ms. Green.
5. I will always deliver, you just have to stick around long enough.
6. Monster Musume is pretty damn cute and goofy no matter how you slice it. So it works for me.
7. Nurse Hiromi’s Monster infirmary. I may have to check it out!
8. The conversation picks up the next night on their shift, so…. no bathing there, sorry.
9. I don’t ask what they eat, but they sure are eating something!
Sooooooo, you’re saying the monsters don’t have bums? Does that mean they not poop? And I recall on page 35 Shadow was reading one of Tim’s books. Guessing shes into books. Wounder if they wear glasses.
Whaaat? No, they have butts, but the Purple’s hair was mostly covering her rear end up anyway…. so Midnight’s tail wasn’t really censoring anything.
Purple’s tail is spiky, while Green’s tail is… a double heart. Okay, then.
Also, hot springs ahoy! I’m actually surprised Shadow didn’t haul off and hit Midnight while shouting “I WON’T TELL YOU ABOUT HIM!”, which would result in Midnight and those around her asking, “Him who?” Hilarity ensues.
Also, as I said before, I’m a sucker for long hair, and Purple and Green nailed it. Mid’s chopped-at-the-ears look I’d consider “cute”, but not attractive IMO.
Okay, I’m going to guess that what we’re seeing here is the typical day for Shadow when not in Monster Grade School. Breakfast (“This stuff again? At least human food has taste to it!”), studying in the library (“Why is Tim’s so potent? Why is he suddenly afraid?”) and bathing to get ready for the next shift for haunting.
And throughout all that Midnight’s freckles are starting to glow. If she does tell Midnight, I have to wonder whether Mid will shut up or inadvertently blab to a teacher… or the Bedbugs’ den mother. (And now I have this mental image of a monster dressed in a full Catholic nun habit holding a ruler in such a way that she’s threatening to rap the girls’ knuckles.)
I’m looking forward to the first day Shadow and Midnight see the sun and go outside the house.
Midnight’s freckles don’t glow, though I imagine they do sparkle subtly… anyway, what you’re seeing is her real colours being highlighted beyond the gloomy purple tint everything has in their world. Like, Shadow, for instance, has grey skin in the bright light, but she’s mostly purple here, and blue in the night in the Human world due to lighting hues.
You’ll see a slightly differently lit version of Midnight whenever she is in the human world.
As for names, if Purple and Green are going to be recurring background characters, I want to call Purple “Dusk” and Green “Tiger”, though whether monsters will know about tigers and their stripes is debatable.
Also the book is not necessarily in English; it was translated into English for our convenience. ^_^_v
They have a few books that do that… but let’s not dwell on that plot point quite yet.
Dusk could work… but Tiger? Meeeeh… not feeling that one. Either way, they are just background folks for now. Who knows? Maybe someday I’ll have a cast as big and diverse as the Simpsons!
Doubt it though.
Hmmm…. I just noticed something. It may just be coincidence, but so far we’ve only seen females of Shadow’s and Midnight’s species. Is there a male variety?
Yeah, but they are elsewhere. You’ll see.
I’m curious what happens to the comic series that wins Top Comic
Lol I don’t have to think about that for awhile… have you seen the vote counts on the top comics? XD I’m like a pebble in Stonehenge.
Still what does the comic creator or series get I mean it is a type of competition with prizes right?
You get more views because more people see you. People generally don’t tend to sift through a big list like that… they tend to stop looking after a bit, so it’s better to get into the top 10 at least…
Ok thank you Brandon for educating me on the matter
Is she eating shredded sock?
Haha, well, that’s a new take on the food.
A friend introduced this to me earlier this week, and while this type of story isnt usually my thing Brandon, i must say it is an excellent work and that i look foward to future posts. Also (side note) am i the only one who knows someone like Midnight?
Some might say I am close to Midnight here… sometimes. And thanks, glad I’ve managed to grab your interest, now to keep it held!
Begs like a dog who see’s someone eat steak lol
Hah, yeah, kinda. XD
Remebers me about a friend and me, he kept insisting in me watching GATE.
One thing i want to know though: are ALL monsters female or are they just in the girls bath?
They live in a place where there is only women, but there are males around.
The power of persistence!
Shadow’s cute with her hair down.
Tell me!
Yes, yes she will!