#48 “Pushing Her Buttons”
Midnight gets what Midnight wants!
Don’t forget to vote for me over on the TWC list! The button is the blue/white one over there —-> with the number on it. Let’s see if we can’t push my rank up a little bit, huh? Whaddaya say?
So far we’ve seen 4 monsters, each with very uniquely shaped and colored tail-ends. So, is the end of a monster’s tail like a human’s fingerprint or something?
I guess you could say that.
Oh, I thought Midnight was a lot more serious. But she’s actually kind dorky. I approve!
Also, yeah, they look cute with their hair down.
She can get very serious when she needs to be, but since she’s just hanging out with her friend she doesn’t exactly need to be.
Darn it. The purple ones facing away. Green nipples are common as dirt but purple ones thats rare.
Ha, are they though? Doesn’t Wow have purple chicks?
WoW has ladies of all colors… and skins and furs and feathers
Yeah but most of the time they draw WoW purple chick with blue nipples for some reason. Go figure.
hmmm, well purple is my favorite color! LOL
Really like the little comic, but waiting a week for one page at a time is just painful.
Sorry, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles…
D’ohoho! I made a funny!
Beautiful. I just found this web-comic , and I already love it. Bookmarking! ^~^ I must say, I haven’t seen a style quite like yours. It’s interesting.
Thank you! My style has been shaped over years and years, picking up this and that from various sources and types of other styles. Now it’s just this weird mish-mash shorthand for me.
Well, that’s pretty much how they all go, isn’t it? All artists start off by themselves, and pick up on techniques of those who are better than they are until they get their own sort of style. I really like it, haven’t seen anything like this either.
I just found this comic on E-Hentai, and as soon as I finished reading what they had there I scoured the internet looking for its source looking for more. Glad I did, though it seems like it was already up to date! Can’t wait for next Sunday now, though! Loving the comic so far, and can NOT wait to read some more! Keep up the fantastic work, and I definitely have your page bookmarked.
Yes, that guy keeps up to date pretty well, usually within a few hours. XD
Thanks for the comment and glad you’re going to keep following along! It’s a very interesting time to join the story!
it’s awesome!!!!!!!!!
How can i post my little fan-art?=3
Post it to my Facebook page, I’ll get it there and post it up in the gallery here.
Thank you!
where is your facebook id?(
I can’t find it
Just go to the Facebook page linked on the left-hand column of the main page. You can post a link there in the comments, or PM me. Or easier you could just link me right here, I suppose. XD
Just wondering what are they eating in pannle 2
I think it’s better not to ask! XD
There have been all sorts of guesses this past week, from the gruel they ate on board the ship in The Matrix to mashed socks.
My guess is somewhere between the two, as it seems to be a kind of porridge, or quite possibly curds and whey. Whatever it is, it’s not as tasty as the snacks Shade’s been eating in the human world. (She better be careful she doesn’t put on weight in the wrong places.)
Heh, I think their metabolism is extremely high.
Wild guess I would say mushrooms, mold, fungi, and possibly other worldly darkness based plants. I believe them mostly vegetarian and the sharp teeth and claws are mostly for intimidation. But thats just a guess. For all I know they tear into critters like a bucket of KFC.
So do those two in the back have names?
I also claimed the purple one as mine on Facebook before if you look
No, they don’t have names as of yet, but who knows? Every time I draw a new character I’ll be adding them to a sort of ‘background filler universe list’ so they’ll probably show up again if I need crowd shots. They may eventually be given names, even if they are just placeholders.
You know… it’s funny… despite knowing just about everything that’s gonna happen, this comic still keeps drawing me back. ^_^ Great job, as usual. Can’t wait to see next weeks. See you then.
Hi everybody!
I just found this comic through comments on another webcomic I really like.
I gotta say, I really like it up to this point! =)
Looking forward to future pages! ^_^
Thank you!
May I ask what other comic it was? XD
The comic was “Little Tails”.
Aww I really love this comic! And Midnight and Shadow are such cute characters! I hope to draw them someday!!
Thanks, and you’re welcome to try! Do it and you’ll be immortalized in my fan art gallery!
It’s my birthday today
Merry Birthmas!
Sunday does not come fast enough. Not a single one of them. And I tried searching for your short story but never could find it.
Midnight sure is patient to get whT she wants. Also Monster bewbs! Sweet! ;3
Hehe, well, I don’t know if I’d call her patient… more like annoying!
But then again, we’ll see how it turns out for her. Maybe it would have been better to just drop it?