#50 “Trouble”
“Mmmhmm… storm’s a brewin’ alright.”
And so we come to page 50, another milestone reached! Glad to see so many new faces around these parts lately and hopefully everyone will stick around for the next 50 pages, in which several interesting developments will begin to take shape!
Don’t forget to vote on TWC! —->
When he put that on her tongue,
It muffled up the noises she had flung.
He held her down in tight embrace,
And stuffed those cookies in her face.
Now all she can do is sit there, victimized.
When he caught her, ooh, she was shrill.
She hissed and screamed and, ooh, baby, wasn’t still.
She’s wailing loud and maybe more,
And Tim has parents right next door,
If she didn’t sit there, tied up, victimized.
Oh, yeah, lucky her, she’s getting fed tonight,
Even though she’s putting up a fight.
It’s Shadow who wanted Tim to play this little game.
If Midnight’s here tomorrow,
She’s the one she ought to blame.
Was she a new friend or a foe?
Should he just give her a tickle or let her go?
If trouble she wanted, they got it today.
It’s tougher to think of a better way,
With Midnight to sit there tied up, victimized.
—from “Paralyzed,” Elvis Presley.
Heh! Always amusing! Thank you! :-3
Comic is amazing m8!
just found it today and read it instantly
btw, is there any way of getting notified via emal when new chapter comes out?
Thanks for dropping by!
As for notifications, errrrm… you could subscribe to the RSS feed, or follow my Facebook fan page by liking it in the left-hand column, don’t think there’s a way to directly email you though. You’d have to just remember to check back every Sunday!
ty dude, that’s exactly what i had in mind!
Just a reminder, in some rare Cases, Brandon might be willing to release a Page midweek, so I’ve came to the solution, of checking if my Feeds got new entries nearly every day.
I’m using IE for most of my Feeds, and their Text turns from normal to Bold, when there’s a new entry.
And now I’m really interested for the next reaction, Midnight is showing after munching those Cookies.
Will she be still mad; just return to be calm, but maybe also cautious; or does she turn into “This is sooooo delicious!”, completely forgetting Tim and Shadow trapping her?
Only Brandon knows the answer, and I think he’s showing us on one of the next upcoming Sundays.
Worst-Case: she attacks Tim, and tells the Monster-Society of Shadow befriending a human
Bad case: she only Attacks Tim, but get’s stopped before she could do any life-threatening damage
good Case: after munching those Cookies, she oversees Shadowws actons, and just keeps quiet over her relationship with Tim
Best-Case: she becomes Shadows Love-Rival after forgiving her.
I’m glad to hear some predictions! It’s interesting reading how different people think things will go, and seeing just how close or far they get off the mark.
Does it have to deal with the theft of socks? Anyways good job hitting 50 keep up the good works. Now time for me to return to the shadows and be amused.
Holy shit. So I just found this today and it’s downright adorable. Definitely gonna be following this, thanks for the cute story, mate.
No problem! Thanks for stopping by!
The last page already!?
Sadly yes, but there’ll be a new one every week!
Once again, Brandon, you never fail to deliver.
Out of curiosity, what time of night is it supposed to be? 10pm, midnight, even later? With the light on and certain muffled sounds, particularly girlish laughing (from the tickling), coming from his room, Tim’s parents might be curious.
It’s after Midnight. The time, not the girl.
Oh, *** I’D *** be after Midnight! (In about ten years or so.)
Congrats! Your comic now can be called ‘golden’, seeing as you have reached the 50th strip. Keep up the great work.
I just hope Tim doesn’t try and tickle Midnight too much.
Naw, she might bite him or something! XD
ROFLMAO, that last panel alone was worth the wait. Brandon, you’ve nailed it not once but twice, Midnight’s cookie-stuffed expression is also priceless.
On aside, that poster in the last panel, it kind of reminds me of something, but what is it?
The same poster he’s had on his wall since the beginning? XD
It’s the movie poster for A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Isn’t he a bit young for that film?
Heh, maybe. Ruth seems Okay with it though. Builds a strong tolerance to that sort of thing. A weird parental choice perhaps…
not all parents care that much about this sorta thing
I watched lots of stuff I probably shouldn’t have when I was a kid… I turned out okay, for a guy who created a comic about a guy who falls in love with a monster.
That idea can’t be psycho-analyzed at all to say anything about my personality! Nope!
I read through a years content in one afternoon?
My god, this will be painful to follow.. Great stuff tho!
Yeah, it’s just once a week for now. Sorry! XD
… Harem or open relationship, that’s the question I’ve got at this point.
Reminds me of my balls… but very toned down on the ecchi… I love it!!! (My balls… ore tama, japanese manga of the devil being trapped in a teenagers balls and if he ejaculates, he unleashes the devil who will bring about the apocalypse… a low tier demon was sent to make sure that he ejaculates…. she starts off as tsun dere but warms up towards the end
Uhhhhhh… well, I can certainly say my plot won’t be going there exactly. XD
thank you so much! Got to read a cute demon manga when i have the time.
This is a nice way to start filling the hole left in my heart by monster musume ending. Definitely will be checking back each week.
Aww, there there! It’ll probably get a 2nd season, eventually! Maybe! Once the comic finishes it’s current arc. Possibly?
Anyhow, I’ll be glad to keep you company during the interim.
So monster girl default reaction to ambush is to hiss huh?
Just like my cat.
Another excellent page.
Well, they’ve both done it to him now.
Perhaps the Rule of Three will be in play later?
Mid is so cute! Her spots look like freckles! I’ve always been weak to cute girls with freckles.
At least I remembered them this week, unlike last week where I forgot to add them in and posted that up for a while before catching it.
Brandon…… go suck a cookie (such is life) quote
Don’t mind if I do!
This comic always makes me think I’ve traveled back in time to 2006, this is a type of comic i would fined there.
Btw that is a good thing, it brings back the feels.
Heh, well thank you! XD There’ll be feels here for sure, but first I must build everyone up to a mighty froth, before pulling the rug out from under you all! *pinkie finger to mouth*