I should have put Diablo 3 down sooner. I absolutely love this page! Probably because it has the most dramatic action so far shown in panel 1 and 3. In panel 1 we see the sheer anger in Midnights face and I love that line “this is sick, even for you.” I guess in the next page we find why Shadow so confident that Midnight won’t spill the beans. Shes even draping her arm on him. Blackmailing your friend, that takes me back… And whats this? I see a little humor with Midnights retort in the last bubble.
Also have you considered a 2 foor layout with bed rooms on opposite side of the house with multiple rooms to buffer the sound made from this or any future ‘struggles’, tee hee.
Its so cute, but erhm… Given that Midnight’s claws are presumably sharp, Tim probably would need new hands if she were fighting seriously. *grumbles* Another week to wait on the next one. That’s the downside to this comic… T_T
Back on page 42, Tim asks Shadow about her parents… and she can’t/won’t talk about it. Here, Midnight has no problem mentioning “Mother”. So, it appears that either Shadow and Midnight ARE sisters with the same biological mother and Shadow has some unexplained hang-up about that… or Midnight is referring to some OTHER female with an honorary or positional TITLE of Mother.
I favor the second choice: Some woman in a position of authority over both Shadow and Midnight.
(Damn, I get pedantic when I first wake up in the morning…)
True! It also shows that Shadow is very interested, and yet careful enough to sort of follow the rules, whereas Midnight’ll just blurt out stuff without thinking it through. She’s actually revealed juicier info in one encounter than Shadow has in all of hers so far.
I suspect that Midnight has already worked out how Shadow feels about Tim. If she hasn’t, she’ll realise when she remembers that Shadow was in her best cloak.
Another tidbit of information about the monster world… we can finally begin to piece them together !
Love the fact that Tim is still relatively unsure about Shadow’s intentions ! I think he does trust her, but he is still being careful with the alien coming from down under !
Now… how will they get Middy to stay silent ? I’m pretty sure cookies and/or socks will be involved !
I can’t help but wonder if Shadow has the Polaroid hidden somewhere, she’s certainly looking confident enough!
So uh why does Tim let go of Midnight’s wrist to shift his grip to interlocking his fingers with hers? (Panels 1 & 3) It seems to me that such a move would seem terribly unhealthy and unwise, even to someone unfamiliar with fighting and possessing a great deal of youth.
Love the contrast in the appearance between the girls and Tim; tidy (almost refined) neat, organised and well dressed versus casual wear and messy hair. It brings to mind the notion that Tim is the less civilised one (well then again, he did just ambush and wrestle to the ground a visitor)!
I should have put Diablo 3 down sooner. I absolutely love this page! Probably because it has the most dramatic action so far shown in panel 1 and 3. In panel 1 we see the sheer anger in Midnights face and I love that line “this is sick, even for you.” I guess in the next page we find why Shadow so confident that Midnight won’t spill the beans. Shes even draping her arm on him. Blackmailing your friend, that takes me back… And whats this? I see a little humor with Midnights retort in the last bubble.
Also have you considered a 2 foor layout with bed rooms on opposite side of the house with multiple rooms to buffer the sound made from this or any future ‘struggles’, tee hee.
Shadow knows that in the end Midnight won’t rat on her… but she’s excitable and this is all just precaution.
Looking for Human to take care of my gorgeous purple coat and beautiful claws.
Must have large supply of the small crumbly things called “cookies” Tolerance for social awkwardness due to race and culture differences.
Advanced Warning: My mom may try to eat you, iiiiiinnnn a bad way.
Heh. Definitely not a forever home for this pet!
Thanks! It gets even more interesting soon!
Its so cute, but erhm… Given that Midnight’s claws are presumably sharp, Tim probably would need new hands if she were fighting seriously. *grumbles* Another week to wait on the next one. That’s the downside to this comic… T_T
Maybe I’ve taken this into account!
I noticed that as well. I just thought Brandon decided that just the tips of the fingers were sharp.
Just the tips are sharp, you’re right. Good for swiping and poking.
Sisters? Mother?
Oh boy.
Same Bedbugs troop, same den mother.
Watch out, Tim. I think Mother is one of the Bedbugs that does bite!
Heh Heh, you may be right!
Back on page 42, Tim asks Shadow about her parents… and she can’t/won’t talk about it. Here, Midnight has no problem mentioning “Mother”. So, it appears that either Shadow and Midnight ARE sisters with the same biological mother and Shadow has some unexplained hang-up about that… or Midnight is referring to some OTHER female with an honorary or positional TITLE of Mother.
I favor the second choice: Some woman in a position of authority over both Shadow and Midnight.
(Damn, I get pedantic when I first wake up in the morning…)
True! It also shows that Shadow is very interested, and yet careful enough to sort of follow the rules, whereas Midnight’ll just blurt out stuff without thinking it through. She’s actually revealed juicier info in one encounter than Shadow has in all of hers so far.
Both, and yet not!
I don’t think that Midnight would like it any when they tell her how they met.
Probably not.
I suspect that Midnight has already worked out how Shadow feels about Tim. If she hasn’t, she’ll realise when she remembers that Shadow was in her best cloak.
She’ll figure it out eventually!
The question is does Shadow even understand how she feels about Tim?
She likes him, anything more hasn’t yet come to light yet. Falling for a human would be just silly!
You say that now o_O
Sooo is “mother” like their leader or is she their actual mother.
It’s complicated. Well, not really… still.
Another tidbit of information about the monster world… we can finally begin to piece them together !
Love the fact that Tim is still relatively unsure about Shadow’s intentions ! I think he does trust her, but he is still being careful with the alien coming from down under !
Now… how will they get Middy to stay silent ? I’m pretty sure cookies and/or socks will be involved !
(grin) “C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me…”
The day she discovers this character will be funny.
I’m sure they’ll be included as at least part of the bargain. Cookies anyway. Socks are Shadow’s particular frontier.
I think “mother” is a leader of some sort because it said shadow has no parents
You’re certainly on to something.
…and Midnight wins the prize for the filthiest laugh.
Haha! Yeah, she just can’t help herself, even when she’s mad.
I can’t help but wonder if Shadow has the Polaroid hidden somewhere, she’s certainly looking confident enough!
So uh why does Tim let go of Midnight’s wrist to shift his grip to interlocking his fingers with hers? (Panels 1 & 3) It seems to me that such a move would seem terribly unhealthy and unwise, even to someone unfamiliar with fighting and possessing a great deal of youth.
Love the contrast in the appearance between the girls and Tim; tidy (almost refined) neat, organised and well dressed versus casual wear and messy hair. It brings to mind the notion that Tim is the less civilised one (well then again, he did just ambush and wrestle to the ground a visitor)!
I think that that’s more of a reflection that it’s the end of his day and the start of theirs.
He’s not old enough to have learnt that you smarten yourself up when visitors are coming.
And from some of Brrandon’s comments, Shadow didn’t give him much time before bringing Midnight through…
Yes, but he knew that Shadow would be visiting.
Heh, Tim is supposed to have bed-head, sorta kinda.
Aw come on man, I know u can do 2 pages a week. QQ. It’s so hard to wait for them.
I could, yes… but then I’d have to sacrifice what little social life I’ve got to make it work. XD
*pffft* Social lives are overrated. That’s what Twitter’s for!
Har har! X3
How to Take Care of Your Human by Midnight
Heh. She’d probably be the last person to take advice from regarding human care. XD
… is it just in my head?
Is what just in your head?
“Weird obsession with stupid human stuff”? Does Midnight know about TIM’S SOCKS?
(Evil grin at keeping socks in the discussion…)
No, but it is a pretty big clue.
Oh no, please don’t tell me were getting a little mermaid obsession with human thing going on here.
A little bit… but not so Disney.
Uoff thank the Gods for that.