rates are now 10 to 1 against den mother (psst Brandon theirs a cut in it for you if you don’t give any more info out cant you see I’m attempting to run an illegal gambling ring here)^_^ I have to much fun in my life
This bad thing won’t set me free!
This human pet of yours is holding me!
I’m telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do (that’s what I’ll do!)
It gives you a thrill I bet!
I never thought you’d have a human pet!
I’m telling Mother…
Your obsession is the end of you!
When Mother finds out, you’ll be through!
I’m telling Mother…
Mother! (that’s what I’ll do!)
Telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
Whole lotta trouble (that’s what I’ll do!)
On the double (that’s what I’ll do)
That’s what I’ll do…that’s what I’ll do!
I’m telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
Telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
You better know (that’s what I’ll do!)
You’ll let me go (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do…that’s what I’ll do!
—from “Money (That’s What I Want),” written by Berry Gordy Jr. and Janie Bradford, sung by (and a disputed claim in the writing) Barrett Strong. You may remember another version…
I have to wonder is Midnight going to be the kid’s pet then. That would be rather amusing to have her say, “Of course not Midnight’s your pet!” that would likely scare Midnight.
Considering he’s capturing her I wonder if this could be some kind of Monster thing involving some kind of dominant male thing.
So they’re friends but not family, but it sounds like they have the same parents. Now how the hell does that work? Monster culture is seriously confusing.
In the Roman Catholic church, the head of a convent of nuns is called the Mother Superior. Not saying that’s the equivalent in this case, but it is an example where mother is used as the leader of a group.
Well, according to standard foreshadowing and plot flags, Midnight is gonna be a real problem for the two of them in the future and will likely be a malicious force that will try to desperate them, either on a regular basis or with some grand plot/scheme. Now if Shadow had ANOTHER sister… well that would be a whole different can of worms. THAT would make midnight the “Confidante” and the OTHER sister a psychopathic b**** with some sort of vendetta or terrible plot/scheme. But since I haven’t heard anything about another sister it’s probably the former.
usually its the owner that give the pet treats, so bad news for Shadow i guess? XD
also Midnight almost fell for the cookies soo..
they will bribe midnight with cookies and other sweet stuff? =p
I’d like to think about a possible next scene, Shadow gives Midnight some more Cookies, then Saying:
“He’s my Lover!”.
While Tim might get itrritated and löet’s go, Midnight might nearly choke from hearing this while having her mouth full.
And I’m really looking forward to every new Page!
And now I gotta vote for you, this and Gamercat are currently my 2 Favorite Comics, with your “The Monster under the Bed” clearly being my favorite one, ever since I noticed it.
By the way, if you like HumanXMonsterGirl-Stories, they actually made an Anime of those “LivingWith …” / “Daily Life with …”-Mangas: Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Starting with a Lamia, and then going through with adding more and more Monstergirls to the Character-List
Well, as far as the Story has gone so far, Brandon’s Comic is still in the fbeginning, while there’s quite more in the Story of the Anime/Manga.
But comparing this to one Episode, this clearly shows a lot more development.
I don’t know, how Brandon does see the Story, but I assume, that Everything before Midnight could be Chapter1(Start till #45), then, starting with Shadow’s return and introduction of Midnight (#46+), as Chapter2, but he could prove me wrong.
sorry, no Edit-Button:
While Midnight nearly chokes, Tim might use the Heimlich-Technique, to save her, earning some respect, while she’s still mad at Shadow.
So when do we get to meet…Mother?
Not for a bit, but she’ll make an appearance in this chapter, as well as several other supporting cast members.
taking bets now is mother the monsters leader or actually the shadow and midnight’s mom
What are you betting on? XD
One bottle cap in favor of a den mother rather than biological.
What are the odds for that bet?
Pretty good!
rates are now 10 to 1 against den mother (psst Brandon theirs a cut in it for you if you don’t give any more info out cant you see I’m attempting to run an illegal gambling ring here)^_^ I have to much fun in my life
One bottle cap will get you a bullet.
Up to you to decide how you use that one bullet.
Unless you want a .50 Then you’re shit outta luck.
Man, even sweets aren’t enough to settle her down. Midnight is one tough *ahem* cookie.
Ba dum tss
Also, it might just be me, but I’m not seeing the new vote incentive at TWC.
Hmm… let me try a different browser. Nope, still not seeing it. I’ll try back later.
Ha. Ha. Haaaaaa!
This bad thing won’t set me free!
This human pet of yours is holding me!
I’m telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do (that’s what I’ll do!)
It gives you a thrill I bet!
I never thought you’d have a human pet!
I’m telling Mother…
Your obsession is the end of you!
When Mother finds out, you’ll be through!
I’m telling Mother…
Mother! (that’s what I’ll do!)
Telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
Whole lotta trouble (that’s what I’ll do!)
On the double (that’s what I’ll do)
That’s what I’ll do…that’s what I’ll do!
I’m telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
Telling Mother (that’s what I’ll do!)
You better know (that’s what I’ll do!)
You’ll let me go (that’s what I’ll do!)
That’s what I’ll do…that’s what I’ll do!
—from “Money (That’s What I Want),” written by Berry Gordy Jr. and Janie Bradford, sung by (and a disputed claim in the writing) Barrett Strong. You may remember another version…
Hmm I have a feeling the battle scars on his back have something to do with “mother” once more shadowstill cute
Keep in mind there are a few characters we’ve yet to meet! XD It may become more obvious down the road…
Well what ever you have bring it your story is giving me some ideas for mine later on if i get inspi ration block
Human pet? He’s the one that feeds Shadow not the other way round
Heh, Midnight doesn’t know that. XD
Also is “Mother” the head of their Bedbugs group or is she like the mayor or local cop
You’ll find out soon enough. Shadow will lay down the facts pretty soon, I think.
So that means culture infodump soon? All of my yes.
Some of it yes, but not until things get settled.
Can’t wait till that happens
Are they gonna hold her hostage in tim’s bedroom? damn…
Nah, she’ll be up and about soon.
I have to wonder is Midnight going to be the kid’s pet then. That would be rather amusing to have her say, “Of course not Midnight’s your pet!” that would likely scare Midnight.
Considering he’s capturing her I wonder if this could be some kind of Monster thing involving some kind of dominant male thing.
Heh, nobody is anyone’s pet! XD
Besides, she won’t stay captured for long, she’s already managed to squirm half-way out already!
and the threesome begins…
Sure. Why not?
*pulls out Monopoly board* Since they’re already arguing…
Tim needs to build some muscle if he want to hang with Monster girls and this is not how to have your friend meet your other friend
Well, he is kinda jacked when he’s older!
Well, he is kinda jacked when he’s older!
Does Tim start working out because of necessity or because he just wants to be in good shape
Haha, I think a little of both.
So they’re friends but not family, but it sounds like they have the same parents. Now how the hell does that work? Monster culture is seriously confusing.
Not really… it’ll all be cleared up soon. Some have already guessed it actually. Well, sort of.
Mother does not necessarily equate to a biological parent. Not in every case.
In the Roman Catholic church, the head of a convent of nuns is called the Mother Superior. Not saying that’s the equivalent in this case, but it is an example where mother is used as the leader of a group.
Well, according to standard foreshadowing and plot flags, Midnight is gonna be a real problem for the two of them in the future and will likely be a malicious force that will try to desperate them, either on a regular basis or with some grand plot/scheme. Now if Shadow had ANOTHER sister… well that would be a whole different can of worms. THAT would make midnight the “Confidante” and the OTHER sister a psychopathic b**** with some sort of vendetta or terrible plot/scheme. But since I haven’t heard anything about another sister it’s probably the former.
What if I told you she has several dozen sisters? XD
Damn, I’d hate to shell out cash for that b-day party. lol
Haha, well, I wouldn’t worry too much about that aspect. I’m not entirely positive they both with Birthday parties!
Well Tim aint her pet yet Give it time and he probably wont mind…
Nah, probably not! XD
usually its the owner that give the pet treats, so bad news for Shadow i guess? XD
also Midnight almost fell for the cookies soo..
they will bribe midnight with cookies and other sweet stuff? =p
You’ll see! XD Really it’s just a boat load of puppy dog eyes.
I’d like to think about a possible next scene, Shadow gives Midnight some more Cookies, then Saying:
“He’s my Lover!”.
While Tim might get itrritated and löet’s go, Midnight might nearly choke from hearing this while having her mouth full.
Haha, well, we’ll just see how it really turns out! XD
And I’m really looking forward to every new Page!
And now I gotta vote for you, this and Gamercat are currently my 2 Favorite Comics, with your “The Monster under the Bed” clearly being my favorite one, ever since I noticed it.
By the way, if you like HumanXMonsterGirl-Stories, they actually made an Anime of those “LivingWith …” / “Daily Life with …”-Mangas: Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Starting with a Lamia, and then going through with adding more and more Monstergirls to the Character-List
Thank you! I already know all about Monster Musume (watched every episode and read the magna too) but thanks anyway! XD
This is better than Monster Musume, the monster under the bed has more story and more real charters.
Thank you! XD
Well, as far as the Story has gone so far, Brandon’s Comic is still in the fbeginning, while there’s quite more in the Story of the Anime/Manga.
But comparing this to one Episode, this clearly shows a lot more development.
I don’t know, how Brandon does see the Story, but I assume, that Everything before Midnight could be Chapter1(Start till #45), then, starting with Shadow’s return and introduction of Midnight (#46+), as Chapter2, but he could prove me wrong.
I thought the chapter breaks were fairly straightforward, considering I tell you when the chapters begin. XD
Comparing this to the story though, we are in uncharted territory, as the current events of Chapter 2 are never depicted in the original story.
sorry, no Edit-Button:
While Midnight nearly chokes, Tim might use the Heimlich-Technique, to save her, earning some respect, while she’s still mad at Shadow.