#54 “Vow”
Well, it looks like things might get pretty serious someday…
Care to vote for my comic on the TWC site? I’ll be your friend! C’mon! ;-P
Well, it looks like things might get pretty serious someday…
Care to vote for my comic on the TWC site? I’ll be your friend! C’mon! ;-P
First! She looks like she might take a bite anyway because his fear smells so good.
Maybe! She’s more liable to bite than Shadow would be.
Looks like it’s not just Shadow that likes the smell of Tim’s fear. Offering him a cookie, Midnight? I think you’ve kinda got it backwards there.
Either way, it’s cookie time. Gobble gobble.
Wait… that’s not the sound a cookie makes! XD WHAT DID I JUST EAT?
….J-Lo’s Ass. Apparently.
Ahh, phew, happy ending. I was worried for a moment there.
Actually I’d say that she ask for a cookie from him she even says good boy to try to get on his good side. Though I don’t think that helped improve her chances for the cookie, at least she tried to be nice
You know, after threatening him with murder. XD
If you consider her to be acting “In Loco Parentis”, this is perfectly normal. It’s spot on as part of a Father’s acquiescence after a boy asks to marry his daughter. Of course she’s a friend, not a father, but still it’s considered to be “normal” under these conditions.
If you like this comic, I highly recommend this, “Strange Relations
Novel by Philip José Farmer”. Just check out the cover.
Heh, looks like a dude met one of the Thundercats and is having a great time.
she’s drinking the fear.
Indeed! It is what they do after all!
Crap late again
Huh I’m confused
By 23 minutes. Not bad, I’d say.
So when r u going to create shadow mom
I already did. Check the gallery, my friend!
Cool so what r u going to name shadow mom
Oh, all the characters names are already decided for the main cast of the foreseeable future. You’ll find out soon enough!
The White Lady? Seems an interesting title for some leader of monsters….
It’s just a nickname.
I hope she gives him a treat in return! The ultimate sandwich.
I vote just about everyday. When I remember.
I’m instantly reminded of one of my favorite scenes from a horror movie… Don’t break that promise Tim, ol’ boy.
Heh… yeah, definitely don’t Tim! XD
Also: The Ultimate Sandwich!
That was the only story in that movie that had an effect on me.
I agree, I have many secrets from other people that I will take to thw grave.
Ya know, maybe IF they had made the consequences of breaking his promise clear he just might have made sure to NOT break it. These things are always so stupid.
Well, actually the sandwich thing was much more stupid. So inane, I couldn’t stand to watch it for more than a few seconds.
If he had known who she was then she wouldn’t have been able to get close to him.
I I love NSP and,Game Grumps, but we all have our opinions.
I’m curious, do you have a DA account I can watch? Your art and story skills are really great.
I do: JiveGuru.
Oh dear looks like Tim is going to be some new kind of drug to them.
Nah, Shadow’s gonna hoard him all to herself and beat any competitors off with a board.
But does that board have a nail in it? Loses all threat if it doesn’t have a nail in it.
It does have a nail!
A nail from a coffin
That fear is going ti be the key to their salvation.
Heh, who can say?
Well now, Tim’s reached the point of no return…. is it bad that I find it kinky when girls grab guys’ shirts and yell at them? XD
I don’t know if it’s bad or not. I’m no judge when it comes to weird sex stuff. XD
Hehehe. And Tim’s parents are baffled by how quickly they seem to run out of cookies.
True! Of course, Tim is going to have to start buying his own to keep up with demand!
Lets just hope his allowance stretches… Or that he has a rich relative =P
Midnight’s too cute to be really threatening too XD
Also, LINKY LINK ain’t working.
Totally random for me to say that here, but uh…… yolo swag. *dips out*
Fixed! (It was late and I never tested it, D’oh!)
Well it is important to prioritize.
Is tim basically a dealer at this point?
Of cookies or of fear?
I would say both.
Well now, she’s hungry. Cookie? Perhaps some other stuff?
Other stuff, unlikely. Midnight won’t stick around to chat much. She’s not really interested, except for Shadow’s sake.
I’m beginning to understand adult Shadow’s comment about Midnight getting stressed.
Indeed. She is highly dramatic.
I’m hoping that Tim asserts himself in the next episode.
Yea, I could see him taking a moment for the wheels to turn and suddenly be “Wait, why come threaten me? What bad COULD happen to her?” and demand to know what Mid isnt telling him…
He already knows it could bad for her. That’s why he destroyed the photo.
Midnight doesn’t know that. She’s just making really, really sure.
I’m sure it’ll come up eventually.
He’ll get his chance to stand up to her someday.
Despite that Midnight can be pretty frightening, it still isn`t enough to hide how cute she is.
And i am starting to sense that the cookies can be seen as a drug to Shadows and Midnight`s species.
Highly addictive.
They’re better than anything else they have in their world. XD
The only available snack in their world is brussel sprouts. Truly, they are in the worst kind of hell.
Tell me about’it.. they make your urine smell THE WORST.