Same thing happened in that movie with Fred Savage and Howie Mandel where the monster (Mandel) and the boy (Savage) went into the house of the guy bullying him and then did things to his lunch. He he.
Yeah, I’ll be avoiding any references to that film. I already get more than enough comparisons to it as it stands, just because they both focus on monsters from under beds.
Since the Nox is a series of tunnels, its likely that the only way the monsters could see the sun is if they visit Earth, or some other world, during the day and either looked out the window or stepped outside. I’d imagine that either move would be frowned on by the society. In order to be scary, monsters have to be an unknown quantity. Being seen in daylight and possibly photographed would ruin that. That may be why Shadow said that she’d be ruined if humans saw the photo Tim took.
They know what the Sun is, but they haven’t seen it in person. Shadow has now seen the daytime in movies now, but it’s not the same thing as feeling it for real.
Hmm… Went to view this update when Is aw the email 5-15 mins ago and couldn’t get through to this website, ended up finding the facebook page through a search engine and reading it there. Then I went and read the TV Tropes page for the comic, and another page. Then I got bored of TV Tropes and came to post!
Into the Bed-Cave! Midnight is still condescending toward Tim, I see.
Oh, and I guess I’m supposed to say FIRST! or something, never really seen the point.
Haha, yeah. Her condescending attitude won’t be leaving anytime soon.
And also; ‘gold trophy for first place’!
I’m sure she’ll warm up to Tim eventually. Right Brandon?
Like setting him on fire maybe?
Now that should be fun. LOL
Close, so close… lol
Of to the scare examinations! or some-such.
Something like that!
why i think that when Midnight and Tim get over their not-so-friendly relationship they will become best friends? XD
also i smell problems in the future for our little couple =p
Hmmm… perhaps one day!
Huh. So that’s what the portal beneath Tims bed looks like in floor level.
Yeah. I dunno.
I see a potential for permanent psychological scarring in future for anyone that bullies Tim in school. That’s my call anyway.
LOL yep! I called that one too!
… is that Samurai Momo?
ooh that could be fun to see.
Hmmmmm! Interesting thought!
Same thing happened in that movie with Fred Savage and Howie Mandel where the monster (Mandel) and the boy (Savage) went into the house of the guy bullying him and then did things to his lunch. He he.
Yeah, I’ll be avoiding any references to that film. I already get more than enough comparisons to it as it stands, just because they both focus on monsters from under beds.
And Homestuck already has a monopoly on making references to it.
I wouldn’t know. I’ve never looked at Homestuck before.
Heh. Yeah. We’d get to see what Shadow is like when she’s _motivated_.
All i can do is smile at this love the comic keep up the good work mate
Thank you!
I wonder if anyone in the other world will notice her using our slang or (whatever you call it these days) and get suspicious…
This could very well be on the table in the future!
Hah, Midnight’s atitude, how can someone not love a girl like that?
Next time Midnight starts getting mouthy with you, Tim… just reach out and honk her nose. She won’t know what to make of that.
Now that would be a fun reaction to see. lol
Ha looks like privacy will never occure in Tim’s room ever again since it seems it is accessible to anybody/monster
Think about that… accessible to ANY monster… ANY…
I guess with school, Tim will have to go to bed earlier… He’s 10-ish in these panels, right ?
Maybe Shadow will break another rule of the monster’s world and visit him during the day ? Do monsters even know what the sun is?!
So many questions, so many questions… I expect my answers in the next weeks !
I would like to know the answer s to those questions too
All in good time!
Since the Nox is a series of tunnels, its likely that the only way the monsters could see the sun is if they visit Earth, or some other world, during the day and either looked out the window or stepped outside. I’d imagine that either move would be frowned on by the society. In order to be scary, monsters have to be an unknown quantity. Being seen in daylight and possibly photographed would ruin that. That may be why Shadow said that she’d be ruined if humans saw the photo Tim took.
They know what the Sun is, but they haven’t seen it in person. Shadow has now seen the daytime in movies now, but it’s not the same thing as feeling it for real.
If this keeps up, he’s going to end up calling her something unfortunate, isn’t he?
… it’s inevitable.
Hmm… Went to view this update when Is aw the email 5-15 mins ago and couldn’t get through to this website, ended up finding the facebook page through a search engine and reading it there. Then I went and read the TV Tropes page for the comic, and another page. Then I got bored of TV Tropes and came to post!
was that supposed to be a jump scare
No, not really. She just pushed him out of the way upon entering, even though there’s lots of room.
Now’s the time to see how long Tim lasts with school in the day and Shadow in the night…
I’ve got a cute page in mind already, but it’s a while off yet.