I don’t think it’s the “type” of fear buth the proportion of her visits that elicit fear. I’m guessing access to horror movies and human pop culture as clued her in to things that would make non-Tim humans scared.
I think one is practical (the one in her hair), while the other is more decorative (forehead).
She is the head of the sisterhood, so one could assume that some decorum is required.
1. What are the other Bed Bugs’ names? Until I know them, I’ll have to call them Tangerine (because she’s orange herp) and Blueberry Muffin (because she’s blue and chubby).
2. How do the monsters get their colorings, anyway? Is it random? Or maybe based on the parents? Blue dad and red mom = purple monster baby?
Great page as always!
Do you have names for the two monsters on the left in the top panel?
Unofficially, they are Sunset & Gloom.
That’s the tone you use when you speak of the dead.
Or yourself.
If you read the stories, there might be clues…
Whaaaaa? Which tone?
Momster’s being a little cheeky. Could it be she knows of another little bedbug who fell for a human?
Well, she knows of somebody that was getting similar readings, at least.
i think she’s talking about herself
That was my interpretation as well.
An interesting thought!
I just noticed the ‘god-like’ aura around the momster (as I’ve seen people call her).
AH ! Mother was in the same position as Shadow in her youth. I’m sure of it ! That’s why she recognized this specific type of fear.
I don’t think it’s the “type” of fear buth the proportion of her visits that elicit fear. I’m guessing access to horror movies and human pop culture as clued her in to things that would make non-Tim humans scared.
Yeah, fear is fear. There aren’t different types. There are certainly different amounts, though.
Oh. Well… My bad !
Again, an interesting theory!
So…does she know or doesn’t she?
My reading is very strong suspicion.
I dunno!
Only her hairdresser knows for sure…
Somebody that I used to know…
Well, that is a good song, despite it’s overplayed nature on the radio. I recommend the album. Way better songs on there.
Augh!! spoilers!! ( dont say anything ))
great page
mom has two ” aegis” ??
I think one is practical (the one in her hair), while the other is more decorative (forehead).
She is the head of the sisterhood, so one could assume that some decorum is required.
It doesn’t matter anyway, since she doesn’t have time to go stalking anymore, anyway. She’s too busy running her guild and it’s territory.
Where spoilers? I see no spoilers?
i meant from me…
Still a great page/story
so? then aegis ‘s are a fashion statement .. :0
There goes Brandon, dropping more hints!
This is the second one, actually. There’s already been a MASSIVE one once before in this story, but I won’t spoil it
I’m glad somebody knows what’s going on.
I’m sure there’s a white joke to be made here somewhere…
Don’t go walking on crackers… Er, I mean, eggshells…
I meant more along the lines of a “White ass mofo” sort of joke.
There are white jokes?! Well, it figures there would have to be.
Also, two questions for you, Brandon.
1. What are the other Bed Bugs’ names? Until I know them, I’ll have to call them Tangerine (because she’s orange herp) and Blueberry Muffin (because she’s blue and chubby).
2. How do the monsters get their colorings, anyway? Is it random? Or maybe based on the parents? Blue dad and red mom = purple monster baby?
1. Sunset and Gloom. Unofficially, until someone actually speaks to them by name.
2. It’s random, I think.
I think she knows what’s up…
I dunno! *shrugs cartoonishly*
THATS IT! Im putting money on Mother being in a similar situation to Shadow in the being friends with a human sence
Could be! I’ll never tell~!
More likely she was in a position similar to Midnight, and I suspect her friend’s situation didn’t work out very well.
“Her name was Toriel. She met this little human boy. Or girl. I could never tell…”
Main character is meant to be androgynous, on purpose.
Although ‘girl’ makes the most sense in most situations, considering the others interactions.