#72 “No One Knows”
Socks + (Infatuation) = Profit. I believe that was the missing step you guys were looking for.
Also, as it happens, this page officially ends Chapter 2. See you guys in Chapter 3: “Many Doors”!
As always: VOTE
Socks + (Infatuation) = Profit. I believe that was the missing step you guys were looking for.
Also, as it happens, this page officially ends Chapter 2. See you guys in Chapter 3: “Many Doors”!
As always: VOTE
This is a first.
Hah haaah~!
Hmmm, foot fetish huh? Kind of makes sense for a bed monster.
Not really a foot fetish, more like a Tim’s smell fetish.
Sooo, Olfactophilia?
Apparently a ultra common fetish for women.
Pretty much, although I wouldn’t say it’s a sexual thing, just specifically something about Tim that drives her to do it…
Being a monster helps.
They do enjoy the feeling of human fear, so maybe it’s on a similar basis.
She loves Tim’s smell, even his stinky feet smell… of course, now she has access to the real guy and doesn’t have to resort to this sort of thing.
God forbid she finds a pair of his white underwear…
Ok this is actually not as bad as I imagined she was doing with those.
No? Well I’ve heard everything under the sun at this point concerning the socks. I figured it was about time for a real answer… and not hold it hostage until near the end of the story.
what if the reason we’re getting an answer is because we’re nearing the end of the story?
Trust me…. we aren’t even close. We haven’t even left Midgar yet. XD
Can I get a floor plan of her room and no doors I need a real door to hide my sock collection.
It’s fairly simple really, just a main room with a small bedroom nook off to one side. It’s got a table, a small basin and a few shelves along the wall where her bedroom door is located.
Wow, this went from 0 to yandere real quick.
I approve.
She’s good at hiding her real emotions… mostly.
Okay, I admit… that’s a new one.
it’s either that or a fetish
wait….heart………sniff………….OH MY GAWD!!!! The socks do teleport you
Ha ha ha! XD Okay that cracked me up!
Wow…..so…..Shadow steals Tim’s socks because of his smell? That’s……yeah, I’m just gonna say it. That’s creepy. I mean, people are into what they’re into….and I guess she’s not hurting anyone…..but….yeah. I’m almost positive this would freak Tim the hell out.
Thus, why she is… unwilling… to talk about it whenever it comes up.
She’s not proud, but she can’t help it.
Well… I guess is true what they say, “everyone has their own addictions”.
Lol, the plot thickens. Also… Beauty and the Beast? Wonder which she considers herself to be. =P
But I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment as usual.
Better question “What does Tim consider her to be?”
Perhaps we will find out… next chapter!
Promises! Promises! You’re just leading us on.
Yes, to the next chapter where there is a strong possibility we will find this out!
“Tim, if anyone else calls you ‘Beast’, I’ll rip their lungs out.”
“I knew I shouldn’t have let you watch the Tim Burton Batman movies.” XD
I suspect ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ was a consideration in its place, but that book didn’t fit her romantic side. In other words, she might see herself as both beauty and the beast.
She certainly sees both sides of the coin.
welp, that is close to what I thought she was doing with those, just not on the sexual way i guess =p
also the deviant face on panel 5 was nice~
and “Beauty and the Beast” book, hmmm interesting~
Hmmm…. Shadow seems to be addicted to a drug called Timothy.
Very true, and the only cure is… MORE TIMOTHY!
Whoa, look at her tail wag. She’s got it bad.
What’s she doing with all those socks in that last panel?
At least isn’t underwear… xD
I can’t tell if she’s into the smell of dirty socks, or those are actually clean and she just likes the scented fabric softener Timothy’s mom uses.
They strongly smell of Tim, is the point. That’s all that matters to her.