That either they’ve found out that Midnight’s last name is Blackheart or she rose in rank to become the current Mother over the years… or she married someone from the guest conclave we’ve seen earlier. Anyway it’s either name or title… or maybe some nickname(humoruos or affectionate from someone who holds her dear). Lots of possibilities in fact.
Mom: “So, this is the mouse who stole your socks and who has been sneaking through the window every night? Pleased to meet you, Shadow. Xiado, that’s Chinese, isn’t it?”
another lovely page, but have considered maybe making more use of those little narration boxes that help with location/time transition? Like the “Meanwhile in such and such”, “Back in the Present/Past”, or “Present Day” etc etc. It would make some of the scene changes a little less abrupt/jarring. Which is only the real nitpick I can find after rereading this comic again.
Man ive been really busy. I keep forgetting to be up to date on these also are you going to change between the times midway between the chapters or change it on the next chapter.
Nah, it’s still going to mostly focus on them as kids, however the topics that will be dealt with will be starting to ramp up in importance, ultimately setting the stage for the events to come later in their lives… which will begin with Chapter 4. Chapter 4 (and several chapters after) will still technically be a flashback, but the time setting will now be less than a year before the ‘present’ timeline occurs.
Also, why do I think that if the other monsters find out about Shadow and Tim is that the only way out is if they convince them that Tim and Shadow could create a monster hybrid like the Predalien from Alien vs Predator?
I have barely touched the new generation of console games, honestly… XD I’m really more of a retro gamer, I think. A lot of games that come out feel pretty ‘samey looking’ and they’re all freaking’ FPS games with I’m frankly tired of.
I think the creator should continue the comic even after the story of them as kids is finished. This is a great love story. Plus, shadow is HOT!! P.S. Did anyone else notice that Midnight is gaining some weight? She’s still cool but I’m just asking.
Oh, seeing them as kids isn’t even the main part of the story! It’s all just an exploration of some early events in their relationship, and setup for the grown up plotline that comes after. The story is just starting to get going! XD
If this were a movie, all the kid stuff so far would be the opening montage, like Pixar’s UP or something. Of course, if it WERE a movie, realistically, it would probably just be the first night of them meeting, before time skipping forward to when the real meat of the story begins. That’d really be how I do it. It’s how I originally wrote it when I came up with the concept. However, this comic is giving me the chance to more fully explore some important things I skipped.
Of course she put on weight. It’s all in the thighs and breasts. XD
Well, I may be wrong, but don’t women tend to put on a little weight during puberty in preparation for childbirth? Since Midnight is no longer a “child” she would have put on a wee bit of weight.
There’s one thing I want to happen but at the same time fear. What if Tim’s parents make him have a girl at his house, assuming that he dosen’t have any other girlfriends (He’s too loyal to shadow) and Shadow see it happening and gets angry at Tim.
As a fan of the adult female form (2d, 3d, realistic, etc), I xan greatly appreciate this page. For variety though, I’m kinda hoping to get Nightmare in a simliar situation, or perhaps Lady Moonlight?
This offering of tiddies pleases me.
No complaints though. It’s good to take a break for fanservice every now and then!
I’ve listened to this song 3 times this month this the 3rd…’s not a lot but it’s weird that it has happened 3 times
The song is totally related to seeing Midnight’s boobs and butt. Weird huh?
Someone please explain what he was about to say I don’t get it…
Nor should you, until you guess it or I reveal it!
That either they’ve found out that Midnight’s last name is Blackheart or she rose in rank to become the current Mother over the years… or she married someone from the guest conclave we’ve seen earlier. Anyway it’s either name or title… or maybe some nickname(humoruos or affectionate from someone who holds her dear). Lots of possibilities in fact.
I knew her outfit was to small make over time
Yeah, I have to design her a brand new costume. It’s important to the plot that she have something unique to her. We’ll see it someday!
What do you think will happen if the parents find out about Tim hookung up with shadow?
An really awkward first meeting?
the awkward first meeting is kinda over used, i’d like to see something unexpected
Perhaps we’ll see… sometime.
Lemme guess. Tim’s parents already met Shadow and that would explain why his parents brought up the word “busy” in the last page.
A *BIT* jarring to see a little monster kid (Kid? Cub? Offspring?) Jump from about 4 years old to…. well boobs!
This…. isn’t the first time she’s had em out.
Having read your stories… I can make a guess or two. Won’t, in case I’m right. No wanna spoil for the others.
My guess is they’ll be really laid back about it.
Mom: “So, this is the mouse who stole your socks and who has been sneaking through the window every night? Pleased to meet you, Shadow. Xiado, that’s Chinese, isn’t it?”
ooh sparkly…
another lovely page, but have considered maybe making more use of those little narration boxes that help with location/time transition? Like the “Meanwhile in such and such”, “Back in the Present/Past”, or “Present Day” etc etc. It would make some of the scene changes a little less abrupt/jarring. Which is only the real nitpick I can find after rereading this comic again.
Well this is getting interesting
Are we gonna go back to the past after a couple of pages of the new chapter?
Yeah, we go back in time again in 2 weeks.
Man ive been really busy. I keep forgetting to be up to date on these also are you going to change between the times midway between the chapters or change it on the next chapter.
Umm… it’s going to be the way it has been since the beginning. A visit to the future, then going back to tell of some more events in the past.
This’ll be the last chapter to really do that though, well, at least with them as kids.
So this chapter will be about bringing us up to the “present”, with some flashbacks to fill in the gaps?
Nah, it’s still going to mostly focus on them as kids, however the topics that will be dealt with will be starting to ramp up in importance, ultimately setting the stage for the events to come later in their lives… which will begin with Chapter 4. Chapter 4 (and several chapters after) will still technically be a flashback, but the time setting will now be less than a year before the ‘present’ timeline occurs.
Also, why do I think that if the other monsters find out about Shadow and Tim is that the only way out is if they convince them that Tim and Shadow could create a monster hybrid like the Predalien from Alien vs Predator?
Hey, have you played Outlast?
I have barely touched the new generation of console games, honestly… XD I’m really more of a retro gamer, I think. A lot of games that come out feel pretty ‘samey looking’ and they’re all freaking’ FPS games with I’m frankly tired of.
So…. nope. I haven’t played it.
You should try it. I constantly play it, it’s that good. And I could even give you a few ideas for the comic.
I will massively +1 this, though there is still much variety and goodness if you know where to look!
Cue that fashion week/runway music!
I think the creator should continue the comic even after the story of them as kids is finished. This is a great love story. Plus, shadow is HOT!! P.S. Did anyone else notice that Midnight is gaining some weight? She’s still cool but I’m just asking.
Oh, seeing them as kids isn’t even the main part of the story! It’s all just an exploration of some early events in their relationship, and setup for the grown up plotline that comes after. The story is just starting to get going! XD
If this were a movie, all the kid stuff so far would be the opening montage, like Pixar’s UP or something. Of course, if it WERE a movie, realistically, it would probably just be the first night of them meeting, before time skipping forward to when the real meat of the story begins. That’d really be how I do it. It’s how I originally wrote it when I came up with the concept. However, this comic is giving me the chance to more fully explore some important things I skipped.
Of course she put on weight. It’s all in the thighs and breasts. XD
Well, I may be wrong, but don’t women tend to put on a little weight during puberty in preparation for childbirth? Since Midnight is no longer a “child” she would have put on a wee bit of weight.
So what would be an estimate of how long it would take to finish this story
A couple years?
There’s one thing I want to happen but at the same time fear. What if Tim’s parents make him have a girl at his house, assuming that he dosen’t have any other girlfriends (He’s too loyal to shadow) and Shadow see it happening and gets angry at Tim.
As a fan of the adult female form (2d, 3d, realistic, etc), I xan greatly appreciate this page. For variety though, I’m kinda hoping to get Nightmare in a simliar situation, or perhaps Lady Moonlight?
Eventually, I’m sure.