What ever the reason, we respect it and hope all is good!! Just know your fans are eagerly a waiting! And honestly…. The anticipation makes it that much sweeter!
Considering we didn’t even get a regular strip last week (not complaining, just stating the fact) and today isn’t a normal update day, I’m not surprised.
Which one of the sisters do you think is the thickest like weight wise Brandon? Just courious in this image Midnight looks pretty curvy. Also are there more sisters hiding in that brain of yours just waiting to be drawn and introduced?
Heh, probably Nightmare’s blue friend from back during the surprise review. Out of the main girls, I suppose I’d have to say Midnight since she has the biggest bust, apart from Mother Moonlight. Although I certainly wouldn’t call her ‘thick’, really.
And there’s at least one more Sister waiting for her time to shine… not counting any extra background characters.
cool im mostly asking because I like the detail you made with their body shapes where most artists ive seen lately would just copy paste the same body but different face unless theres was a reason for the characters to look different (Ex. a Giant to a Dwarf)
also by thick i simply mean more “meat on the bones” not necessarily fat but more along the lines of a natural curvy woman compared to a naturally slim woman. Its hard to really explain what i mean without using the words Chubby, fat, husky, etc know what i mean?
What’s wrong with using those words? I mean, call a shovel a shovel, not a digging implement. Curvy works better than thick. Thick is, IMO, a nice way of saying fat. Curvy doesn’t necessarily denote being overweight; it denotes a lady with a womanly shape to her, instead of a child’s shape.
im not saying anything is wrong with using those words im stating that everyone has their own view of thick. I’ve known people who say “thick” is morbidly obese to “Thick” meaning slightly plump so when a conversation about thick women come up I find it difficult to express my view of “Thick” without confusing the person im talking to. Chubby, Fat, and Husky fall under the same issue for me where when im talking to a friend and call someone chubby they might think im calling them as big as fat Albert. I used Curvy because I find most people I’ve talked to understand what i mean that way. Plus a curvy woman technically has more than a slender woman so stand those two women together ine a room of 100 people pretty sure a few of them will claim the curvy woman to be “Fat” simply due to the difference in body shape when in all actuality that curvy woman is perfect size weight and length for her body shape. To sum it all up I dont have a problem with anything regarding women of any shape or size It’s hard to describe how a woman can look to a separate individual with a mind of their own
What ever the reason, we respect it and hope all is good!! Just know your fans are eagerly a waiting! And honestly…. The anticipation makes it that much sweeter!
Have as long as a break you want Brandon, i will still be voting and waiting everyday
I’ll be back this weekend with a new page.
I’m dreaming of a double page!
heh brandon is art your passion
Women are my passion. Har har. XD
as well you should, good to see that you have your priorities straight
Hey guys. I made a YouTube Poop. Here’s the link. http://youtu.be/Ri295hWEU2w
Please leave comments so I can know what you think. Thanks
It’s poop.
Do you mean it’s a good YouTube Poop or a bad?
What was your favorite part and what do you think needs improvement?
And if my comment bellow didn’t tip you, APRIL’S FOOL!
No April Fool strip?
Considering we didn’t even get a regular strip last week (not complaining, just stating the fact) and today isn’t a normal update day, I’m not surprised.
Please tell me if i’m wrong but, I have a strong feeling this page happens just after pages 29/30 and 31 but on shadow’s side of the story.
looks like to me hans has got himself both shadow and midnight hans you sly dog
Shadow/Tim/Midnight threesome when?
Umm… I don’t even…
Which one of the sisters do you think is the thickest like weight wise Brandon? Just courious in this image Midnight looks pretty curvy. Also are there more sisters hiding in that brain of yours just waiting to be drawn and introduced?
Heh, probably Nightmare’s blue friend from back during the surprise review. Out of the main girls, I suppose I’d have to say Midnight since she has the biggest bust, apart from Mother Moonlight. Although I certainly wouldn’t call her ‘thick’, really.
And there’s at least one more Sister waiting for her time to shine… not counting any extra background characters.
cool im mostly asking because I like the detail you made with their body shapes where most artists ive seen lately would just copy paste the same body but different face unless theres was a reason for the characters to look different (Ex. a Giant to a Dwarf)
also by thick i simply mean more “meat on the bones” not necessarily fat but more along the lines of a natural curvy woman compared to a naturally slim woman. Its hard to really explain what i mean without using the words Chubby, fat, husky, etc know what i mean?
What’s wrong with using those words? I mean, call a shovel a shovel, not a digging implement. Curvy works better than thick. Thick is, IMO, a nice way of saying fat. Curvy doesn’t necessarily denote being overweight; it denotes a lady with a womanly shape to her, instead of a child’s shape.
im not saying anything is wrong with using those words im stating that everyone has their own view of thick. I’ve known people who say “thick” is morbidly obese to “Thick” meaning slightly plump so when a conversation about thick women come up I find it difficult to express my view of “Thick” without confusing the person im talking to. Chubby, Fat, and Husky fall under the same issue for me where when im talking to a friend and call someone chubby they might think im calling them as big as fat Albert. I used Curvy because I find most people I’ve talked to understand what i mean that way. Plus a curvy woman technically has more than a slender woman so stand those two women together ine a room of 100 people pretty sure a few of them will claim the curvy woman to be “Fat” simply due to the difference in body shape when in all actuality that curvy woman is perfect size weight and length for her body shape. To sum it all up I dont have a problem with anything regarding women of any shape or size It’s hard to describe how a woman can look to a separate individual with a mind of their own
… and now you know! *shooting star*
I thought it was “The more you know?”
(*!!*) = anime nosebleed
dangit! i clicked post comment once and then it entered it twice. -_-# gotta love Microsft Windows XP…not
*stellar freckles on night sky blue shoulders and hips
OH NO! My one weakness!
H-how did you know?!
I know you do a good job distracting us with boobs, but does Midnight become High Mother? Is that what
Midnight doesn’t want Shadow to call her?
Hah, could you imagine Midnight as High Mother? Wouldn’t that be something? Silly goose!
One of my favorite things about this image is the realistic, healthy proportions on these monster girls. Props for setting a good example.