#81 “That Thing”
A pretty good Friday night, I think.
Oh yeah, and if you haven’t noticed, you may now vote for me by clicking on Ruthie up in the top right-hand corner! The picture will change over time as new incentives are put up.
A pretty good Friday night, I think.
Oh yeah, and if you haven’t noticed, you may now vote for me by clicking on Ruthie up in the top right-hand corner! The picture will change over time as new incentives are put up.
Hell yeah! *fist bump*
That’s flat adorable.
*bows humbly* Thank you!
Agreed. Flat is not only adorable, it’s JUSTICE!
Well now. Tim looks like he just had a revelation. And he may be a little freaked out by it….
I ****ing love this comic. Its so funny, and the characters have the best expressions. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! Yes, he’s just figured something quite important out… but let’s not fall into the gutter just yet!
why not? the gutter is a fun place
Not too surprising about the tail, but the last panel is very adorable.
One does wonder what Shadow would make of CPR…
Hmmm… I think she’d find it a little strange. XD
There is one thing I really hate about this comic… That I have to wait a whole week for the next page… god dammit
I know… it seems to be the general consensus. It can’t be helped, though, I’m sorry to say!
At least the comic will last longer!
Ooooh. I get it. Shadow`s kind shows affection by using their tails.
That honestly also seems alot more cute compared to kissing.
*shimmy hand back and forth in a so-so manner* Yeah, it’s a pretty versatile appendage.
Yes, but why not both? Both is good.
Sooo cute! Weeell… I can understand Tim to start sweating…
Yeah, especially knowing where this rabbit hole is going…
No VOTE! message this week? I went back to last weeks to find the link and I’m liking the new image
You can click directly on Ruth up there in the corner now, or the blue square under it to vote any time!
Well now. That’s pretty cute, unless there’s more that that tail can do besides wrap.
“That’s why I wasn’t…” what, Timmy ? What is it exactly you’re thinking?
Another fantastic piece of work, thanks again for the comic !
“…allowed to touch it before.” I believe is what he was getting at.
Oh man, this comic is gorgeous. I love the characters and the whole plot and all. Well done Brandon, I’m following your comic since August last year and I’m looking forward for every single page since that week
one short question, is it allowed to do translations into other languages? if not – not a problem
Someday I may look into translating it, officially.

if you need help just call out for some people on your page – I would sign me in on an instant for german translations
Well Tim maybe doesn’t have a tail behind but he does have a “tail” in front.
So maybe Shadow can wrap her own tail on that instead….XD
Maybe someday! *snickers*
Heh… Their tails work like Deviluke tails from To loveru…. Hehe… Always a big fan of how tails function.
Well, it doesn’t drive her into crazy pleasure mode by just touching it…
Im merely saying that Some tails are.. How should i say.. Intreguing to me and how they are used in different ways and arts and comics. Some ways are adorable and others are lewd. But either way, they are interesting. And ive seen plenty of art and those seem like Bedroom eyes to me. But thats just my opinion
Oh, for sure this scene is loaded with subtext… but an innocent subtext. She technically is being quite naughty allowing a human to touch her tail.
She is certainly not being a good girl, one might say.
I’ve noticed that a lot of tailed creatures tend to twist their tail together if they are affection for each other.
Still I think this page is pretty cute.
I also sense their first kiss coming up on the horizon.
Yes, yes they do. Also thank you. Also… ohmygodlookbehindyou! *runs away*
Shadow’s letting Tim handle her tail… naughty naughty
It’s more like a very friendly handshake. XD
Yea right, a friendly handshake with a blush almost as red as her… shirt? Bandana? Bed Bugs neckerchief?