#81 “That Thing”
A pretty good Friday night, I think.
Oh yeah, and if you haven’t noticed, you may now vote for me by clicking on Ruthie up in the top right-hand corner! The picture will change over time as new incentives are put up.
A pretty good Friday night, I think.
Oh yeah, and if you haven’t noticed, you may now vote for me by clicking on Ruthie up in the top right-hand corner! The picture will change over time as new incentives are put up.
Congratulations Brandon for keeping this great piece of work. So we may assume that Lady Moonlight and the old man (sorry I forgot his name) share a feelings?
It’s like an Italian greeting, I suppose.
*Mwah, mwah* “Hello, how are you?”
You know?
How about having them watch the Buffy movie together.
Haha, so does that mean Shadow and Midnight were basically making out on page 52? (just kidding).
Great job on the comic
I don’t think it’s precisely the same connotation… but sure, why not!? Woo-hoo!
*Admiral Akbar warns of a trap ahead* also the new ghostbusters is probably gonna suck
Ahh, you just HAD to bring it up, didn’t you. XD
Bright neon ghosts do not make me feel good about it.
Paul Feig doesn’t make me feel good about it. XD
they should just have gone with the original concept for a part 3 and not a freaking reboot of rule 63, that or just have a good differs team
Yah. I was waiting 20 damn years to see the guys one last time before they handed over the reigns to the next generation… girls welcome! However, then we got a total reboot instead. Blah.
Ernie Hudson (Winston) is 70, Bill Murray is is 65, Dan Arkroyd is 63, and Harold Raymis (Egon) is a ghost himself. Sadly we missed the window for passing the torch by a long shot. At least we arent getting the goth girl, or even worse, the filmation ripoff with the ape (shudder)
I actually didn’t mind Extreme Ghostbusters… other than there was ALWAYS a ramp for a wheelchair everywhere they went. XD
And that doesn’t mean those guys couldn’t still be holding onto their old equipment, even if they weren’t using it. Heck, they didn’t all need to even be in the movie. It could focus on Ray’s occult books, and the firehouse IS technically in his name. He could still live there. Winston could still be around. Bill Murray could at least cameo, if he didn’t want to star. Then a new problem shows up and Ray has to get help from say… a grown up Oscar Barrett from GB2. Venkman could be his Step-father or something, married to Dana. Eh? Maybe Janine and Lewis had a kid and could be a sarcastic new venkman type character, maybe a hot redhead daughter? XD
no brandon, Paul isn’t that clever. the movies going to suck and I’m going to kill tammy
Oh, I KNOW that he’s not that clever. I groaned when he was announced.
Just telling Shadow about kissing isn’t enough, Tim, you have to demonstrate! Repeatedly!
We’ll see. She is quite curious to learn new things!
I get the feeling she actually likes kissing when they get close.
Well, this page officially takes it’s place as the cutest one you’ve drawn so far!
Haha better love story than twilight haha yo hella adorable n we’re all learnin something new too thanx for the update n maybe a smoochers next lol ite hav a good one, always gotta wait till sunday but worth it
Haha, it’s not that hard to beat Twilight in the story department, honestly. XD
dat tail twist~
Quick play the music!
I don’t know, but I get the feeling Tim may get a tail in the future. Weird thought but would be cool
Interesting thought!
Based on what I’ve read so far, I’m guessing that Tim will get involved in Nox’s politics to save Shadow from whatever Terminus is planning, saving Mother and at least her portion of Nox. Exceptions are made for Tim, probably under the pretense of ‘closer study of humanity’ to gain better understanding of human fears. This could explain why Tim has a fear battery as an adult. Shadow is ‘assigned’ as Tim’s liason. Still, I would have thought Monster’s Inc would made for a more humorous movie night, maybe next time!
Almost forgot, Tim going to Nox (Probably by Midnight coming to him for help), will create opportunities for him being chased by the other girls drawn to his fear, classic shoujo hapless male!
I don’t think Monsters Inc exists yet, in this time frame.
Monsters Inc, came out in 2001, Assuming that adult Tim’s timeframe is the present (2016), the movie would have been out on video at least a couple years by the time Tim is in his early teens. I may have missed it, but what is the timeframe? The only clues are that there was an old VCR from the rec room, implying that it wasn’t in regular use and had been replaced by something else (DVDs).
Fair enough. XD Also I have purposely been vague on dates, as the moment I mention anything it automatically dates the story. It stops being ‘timeless’. All I know is that it takes place after the 80’s.
Does anyone recall ‘Slayerfest ’97!’ from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I laugh every time now, due to how old it is now. I rest my case.
Shadow explains they wrap their tails around each other to show affection.
While wrapping her tail around Tim.
Not. even. subtle.
Have you thought about midnight falling in love with Tim? It would some kind of one sided love triangle thing and you could do some nice stuff about jealousy or something..
It’s popped in my mind, though I haven’t really planted it. If I ever do.
I think any affection Midnight has for Tim is based on her friendship to Shadow and that Tim’s fear tastes REALLY GOOD.
That said, Nightmare may discover Tim as the source of Shadow’s high score and try to *ahem* tap him for herself.
Ye exactly OR she could see how happy shadow is with tim and want that too? I dunno man
I had just about given up hope for Midnight to join in a ménage à trois with Shadow and Tim. People throughout history have done it and and it can go on as a “sister-wife” relationship. ( http://wot.wikia.com/wiki/First-sisters )
It doesn’t mean this will turn into a full harem comic but maybe this is my opinion since I love Midnights design just a little more then Shadows’. This is so many ways to approach it as well. I’m just a little surprised that Brandon had considered it.
Now I’m no expert on Noxin culture but just a few pages ago Midnight and Shadow had no qualms about being nude in frount of each other. What about of them under the covers shareing Tim? That would also show Noxins as more open. Really, you have Shadow, who would want her best friend to want to accept the person she is with and Midnight doesn’t want to lose her her best buddy/mate.
Well I’ve rambled on and will most likely be turned down for bringing this back agian.
Okay, this comic is getting ridiculously adorable. Shadow’s face in the last panel. Hnnnggggg.
Thanks man!
Is it just me or does it look like her tail got longer for final panel? It seemed to wrap around Tim’s arm several times, making it look way longer than I thought it was
LOL It’s like an extension cord on a vacuum! J/k
And so their understanding of each other grows. Sort of.
“Ghostbusters” or “Ghostbusters II?”
The pic is from the end of Ghostbusters I.
It’s from the end of Ghostbusters. Note the white marshmallow goo.