Not really, no… I mean, when time does skip forward they’ll only be 18, so even though they will be ‘legal’ (depending where you live) they are still pretty young.
And congrats to Brandon for those few convienently place Chekov Guns I found when I re-read the comics. And I bet I missed a ton of them. But now I can’t wait to read more!
Aw, how cute… They don’t fully know the pleasure yet. But they did taste it. They’re gonna come back to it soon enough.
Hehe, yeah, eventually they’ll get it.
This was sooooo apropriate to end it on XD GJ dude XD hahahahah XD
Wow, that so reminds me of my first kiss! Though we tried again almost immediately afterward. Maybe they will too…
Great comic by the way! Been loving every chapter. <3
So, will we ever see them in their pre or mid-teens? I kinda want to see them go through puberty together.
Not really, no… I mean, when time does skip forward they’ll only be 18, so even though they will be ‘legal’ (depending where you live) they are still pretty young.
Coulda been worse. I doubt those sharp teeth are just for show.
Better hope she doesn’t discover hicky’s anytime soon.
Yeah, that’d be fun. I wonder what a hickey would be like on her… hmmm. .:-P
Indeed, I think I might deal with that at some point.
Heh. Real 8, not hentai 8.
But what we’re waiting for is Hentai 18.
This comic brings my heart out of sadness and into happiness…..but then life happens and I’m sadness again….fucking love this comic
The first kiss cant always be perfect. Hopefully this attempt wont scar them for good.
I like how you handled the situation !
After all, they’re still just kids !
Hay kid, you wanna buy some illegal memes
That was cute… Until…
And congrats to Brandon for those few convienently place Chekov Guns I found when I re-read the comics. And I bet I missed a ton of them. But now I can’t wait to read more!
and yet as adults they’ll do it much more
i live your page names XD
Shadow: “Humans actually ENJOY this?! HOW?!”
Tim: “I DON’T KNOW!”
How long is pregnancy for monsters like Shadow?
I dunno, but I have a feeling the biological complications of mixing two races together might take a little bit longer.
Then there’s the political complications…
why are you white greg? that’s racist.
Hahaha !! Definitely “… or not” XD You’ve just treated me to smile for a next week ^^
Hehe, yep! Someday they’ll get it, but not today!