Maby but the title ddid say Thoery and Observation of there world so it could infact be considered History. Lets face it many theorys that make perfect sense are believed as fact since there is little else proving other wise.
“Theory” is a misnomer in a lot of cases that people use to say that they aren’t true or fully proven yet. Evolution, for instance. It annoys me to no end when they really mean “Hypothesis”.
DUN DUN DUNNNN! Well, Nighmare’s got quite the superiority complex, doesn’t she?
I love the background in this strip. I know it must’ve been a pain in the ass to draw but I love how much color all those books give to the scene. Plus who doesn’t love a classical fantasy library?
“Theory & Observation of the Maker Catacombs and Other Ancient Ruins: A Personal Journey.” Maybe they’ll change the title to something more exciting when they make the movie…
So the problem plaguing their people is… More space? I guess being in Nox isn’t all great.
Also. My m8 Midnight! Just love how she looks and the zingers.
Brandon, I don’t “do” bookface but I visited yours for art you posted. I don’t see a link for your facebook for over a week. May I ask why you took down the link?
WordPress took away the widget I was using to link to my Facebook page, and also my twitter, too. I need to make new proper links now. It was a surprise to me, as well. One day they were just gone.
You may also catch my rough previews on Patreon for free now as well, with a bonus inked page with text before the final colours are added (if you’re willing to support me, that is.)
Nah, she’s clearly getting the book for Termite… erm, Terminus. As for what else she’s planning, I have this idea in my head that she’ commonly torments the younger Bed Bugs, being the mean, spiteful, self-centered drama llama queen she appears to be.
Now she’s finding stories in library books,
Those dusty volumes where nobody looks.
So if she finds herself in an authentic rage,
Nightmare, find the problem of our age!
She hopes to find a certain somethin’,
That helps her make a fright.
An old tome that might hold the answers
To becomin’ the favorite of Mother Moonlight.
She remembers bein’ top of the reavers,
Rackin’ the totals and pullin’ the levers.
Oh, she hopes to find a certain something.
Then she could get attention, too.
But it’s Shadow, afterglow, comin’ behind,
Pickin’ up a great idea.
Yeah, Nightmare wasn’t into the concept of forgivin’,
But all the other reavers were workin’ for a livin’,
Yeah, she hopes to find a certain somethin’,
Then she could get attention, too.
But it’s cost-plus, Terminus, making a deal,
Getting just a little bit more (she’s sore).
Yeah, just being called a slacker makin’ Nightmare want to smack her,
While all she wants to do is get the high score!
Yeah, but she’s with a crowd that don’t wear underwear,
They wrack up their brains just to cop a new scare.
But Shadow goes somewhere and finds it all there,
And isn’t supposed to be.
That’s why she hopes to find a certain somethin’
That helps her make a fright.
An old tome that might hold the answers
To becomin’ the favorite of Mother Moonlight
Oh, she wants it back, and it’s paramount.
She could face down Shadow in a scarin’ count.
Oh, if she’d only find a certain somethin’,
Then she could do some scarin’ too.
Yeah, Nightmare, a little crab’ll cool her
She want to do some scarin’, too
I love watching these two antagonize each other. Knowing how their little rivalry is going to end kind of puts a damper on it, but the flip side is that seeing it so well drawn out in color on the screen makes it even better than it was in the original story!
Given that Nightmare refers to it as “this stupid book”, I assume that Terminus asked her to find it. So the question is, why is Terminus interested in ancient ruins?
Book says “History” shouldn’t that be a big “Theory” starting off the title on the cover?
Maby but the title ddid say Thoery and Observation of there world so it could infact be considered History. Lets face it many theorys that make perfect sense are believed as fact since there is little else proving other wise.
“Theory” is a misnomer in a lot of cases that people use to say that they aren’t true or fully proven yet. Evolution, for instance. It annoys me to no end when they really mean “Hypothesis”.
We are brothers in this.
It’s great to learn because knowledge is power.
DUN DUN DUNNNN! Well, Nighmare’s got quite the superiority complex, doesn’t she?
I love the background in this strip. I know it must’ve been a pain in the ass to draw but I love how much color all those books give to the scene. Plus who doesn’t love a classical fantasy library?
Thank you! It really was a pain in the but to draw! XD
That book in Termite’s hands can’t be good.
‘Termite’ Haha!
“Theory & Observation of the Maker Catacombs and Other Ancient Ruins: A Personal Journey.” Maybe they’ll change the title to something more exciting when they make the movie…
One would hope!
So the problem plaguing their people is… More space? I guess being in Nox isn’t all great.
Also. My m8 Midnight! Just love how she looks and the zingers.
Brandon, I don’t “do” bookface but I visited yours for art you posted. I don’t see a link for your facebook for over a week. May I ask why you took down the link?
WordPress took away the widget I was using to link to my Facebook page, and also my twitter, too. I need to make new proper links now. It was a surprise to me, as well. One day they were just gone.
You may also catch my rough previews on Patreon for free now as well, with a bonus inked page with text before the final colours are added (if you’re willing to support me, that is.)
Nox’s own “Chamber of Secrets?” This should be good.
Red seems to be up to no good.We’ll have to wait and see what happens next.
Nah, book are never important in this kind of setting.
I agree. Useless.
Nightmare is defiantly a Slytherin
Hah! Right you are. XD
Oh my… just what little plot is our darling Nightmare planning? And is she alone in it?
I dunno~!
Nah, she’s clearly getting the book for Termite… erm, Terminus. As for what else she’s planning, I have this idea in my head that she’ commonly torments the younger Bed Bugs, being the mean, spiteful, self-centered drama llama queen she appears to be.
Now she’s finding stories in library books,
Those dusty volumes where nobody looks.
So if she finds herself in an authentic rage,
Nightmare, find the problem of our age!
She hopes to find a certain somethin’,
That helps her make a fright.
An old tome that might hold the answers
To becomin’ the favorite of Mother Moonlight.
She remembers bein’ top of the reavers,
Rackin’ the totals and pullin’ the levers.
Oh, she hopes to find a certain something.
Then she could get attention, too.
But it’s Shadow, afterglow, comin’ behind,
Pickin’ up a great idea.
Yeah, Nightmare wasn’t into the concept of forgivin’,
But all the other reavers were workin’ for a livin’,
Yeah, she hopes to find a certain somethin’,
Then she could get attention, too.
But it’s cost-plus, Terminus, making a deal,
Getting just a little bit more (she’s sore).
Yeah, just being called a slacker makin’ Nightmare want to smack her,
While all she wants to do is get the high score!
Yeah, but she’s with a crowd that don’t wear underwear,
They wrack up their brains just to cop a new scare.
But Shadow goes somewhere and finds it all there,
And isn’t supposed to be.
That’s why she hopes to find a certain somethin’
That helps her make a fright.
An old tome that might hold the answers
To becomin’ the favorite of Mother Moonlight
Oh, she wants it back, and it’s paramount.
She could face down Shadow in a scarin’ count.
Oh, if she’d only find a certain somethin’,
Then she could do some scarin’ too.
Yeah, Nightmare, a little crab’ll cool her
She want to do some scarin’, too
—from “Pencil-Thin Mustache,” Jimmy Buffett
I love watching these two antagonize each other. Knowing how their little rivalry is going to end kind of puts a damper on it, but the flip side is that seeing it so well drawn out in color on the screen makes it even better than it was in the original story!
Given that Nightmare refers to it as “this stupid book”, I assume that Terminus asked her to find it. So the question is, why is Terminus interested in ancient ruins?
Well, Lord Pax did mention that he loves history.