#86 “By the Tail”
It looks as if she’s forgotten to reinstate the no-touch rule… well now, I’m sure she’ll remember eventually and correct her error.
It looks as if she’s forgotten to reinstate the no-touch rule… well now, I’m sure she’ll remember eventually and correct her error.
So… Basicaly the human equilant to that would be that he just turned her around and forcefully kissed her/caressed her otherwise forcefully and asked if their cool about the little foreplay a moment ago? Smooth moves…
When you say it like that it sounds weird af….
Im not sure if thats exactly how it works. At least I hope not, then tim would be going to court!
Well… It is a very sensitive area on a female boogie’s body that’s been under no-touchy policy thus far…
At least we know she really must like him to let this slide with a smile and semi-naughty comment…
It looks like they’ve passed the love / attraction event horizon. It may take a few years but there’s no escape.
Yes, they’ve made it into that ‘we’re just friends, really!… but you know since you bring it up…’ phase. XD
Ehhhh… not exactly, no. It’s a bit more subtle than that, I think.
What is that mystery book about?
Is she his girlfriend now?
Wtf is up with his eyebrows?
Find out in the next episode of “The monster under the bed”
I imagine that guy from honest trailers voice saying it.
Captain of the Love Boat…
Stacy’s Mom has it going on…
Dora-ble Sexplorer…
Avatar tailaction…
More butts you can shake a stick at… Yeah… We just went there… And it was goooooood…
Like so?
I want to up vote Velgar.
Haha noice.
The eyebrows are proof that Tim has been chosen to descend into the depths and challenge the evil lord Dredmor. With Shadow at his side, of course.
A few comics ago, they thought “touching tongues” was gross, and here Shadow says she’s not “that kind” of girl?
What do they know and what don’t they know? Because it keeps changing.
She doesn’t know what kissing is, but you can assume there is a whole book of etiquette involving her tail that she IS quite familiar with.
I knew it, Tim was being naughty without realizing it !
Probably thought that grabing her tail was the same as grabing her arm… nope !
I saw a dude rip the tail off a horse once, trying to stop it from charging, It was fucking horrifying. I have no Idea why that comes to mind
valuable input to the comment section
Well, he’s not yanking THAT hard… X(
Also she’d probably scratch him or something if he really hurt her.
Are you sure she wouldn’t scratch without him hurting her? Maybe she’s into that kind of stuff.
Maybe she might do it lightly, in a playful sort of way.
Seems to me that Shadow is going to mature Tim up a bit quicker than nature intended
Oh, probably. Perhaps she’s going to adapt him to her own biological whims, since I’m certain she’s much more mature, generally speaking, than he is.
Not sure right now, was it anywhere established how old she is? She seems kind of young for her race and not knowing exactly much about humans, but what do you mean when you say she’s much more mature?
Well, she says she’s 9 years old back in #36, and as far as the mature comment, I mean there’s a good chance that she is developing slightly faster than he is, both mentally and physically.
Girls are usually more mature than boys.
Whoah wimy boy ~ if your going to yank her tail, atlest ride her ass first! She’s not that kind of girl…. “Yet”
Not to down play Shadow as a mian character at all. I wounder what it would look like with Midnight replacing Shadows head. Just a thought. Please don’t be upset with me.
In all seriousness though, lovely page. We get a good profile of her now and length of tail in panel 5. “Catch a tiger by the tail”? Very good page. I wanted to say a few weeks ago, I found out you can vote several times throughout the day. About every 4 hours or so(about how long I can live without comeing back to the site). Wink wink.
All the time that we spend together
I won’t fuss
I won’t fight tryin to make you mine
You know i’m not that Kind
Ah c’mon
I said I’ll love you ’til the 12th of never
But I won’t run far ahead
Leaving you behind
You know I’m not that kind
‘Cause I’m not that kind of girl
(Not that kind)
(Not that kind of girl)
And it’s not my kind of world
(Not that kind)
(Not that kind of girl)
No it’s not for me
(Not that kind)
Not where I wanna be
(Uh, uh)
(Not that kind of girl)
He will want another. Not now, but later. *Evil grin*
Oh yes, we may have to wait a bit for that, though.
So grabbing her by the tail would be the equivalent of grabbing a human woman by the boob or something, I take it?
Certainly seems that way. Or grabbing her butt.
Well it is kinda stuck to her butt so that would make sense
No, it’s not generally a sex thing exactly, since they use them all the time. However, I’m sure there are things one can do to make it a sex thing.
I’d say it’s probably closer to grabbing somebody by the ear. It’s a sensitive area, and ear-teasing is often a sex thing, however ears are not inherently sexual.
Very nice socks.
She did steal them for a reason.
Oh Shadow, you incorrigible little flirt
It’s just her nature, luckily for one human.
I’m not that kind of girl… yet.
So this is the equivalent of a boobgrab, then?
No, not really.
Getting the last achievement in Halo 5 and reading this in one night, just makes my heart feel… happy
Congrats! I stopped achievement hunting years back. I just don’t have the time. XD
Thanks Brandon it is kind of time consuming but i really only go for ones that wont consume several years (im looking at you Gears of Wars’ “Seriously” achievments
wort wort wort
bow chicka blarg blarg