#86 “By the Tail”
It looks as if she’s forgotten to reinstate the no-touch rule… well now, I’m sure she’ll remember eventually and correct her error.
It looks as if she’s forgotten to reinstate the no-touch rule… well now, I’m sure she’ll remember eventually and correct her error.
It just made my day. =)
You’re welcome!
I was a bit worried there for a second, nice to know the failed kiss isn’t going to make things too awkward between them.
Nah, it’s just the first one, and only an experiment. Nothing too serious.
Considering the very first few pages of the comic, I think we don’t have to worry about their relationship
Yay. More flirtatious cuteness.
Is that a clenched fist in panel 5? Seems she takes a moment to at least consider scratching him.
Or am I reading too much into that?
*looks at feet* Or maybe Tim is just teaching her how to moonwalk
Yes, yes it is. She’s not exactly used to being grabbed and held back in such a manner.
I noticed the fist too but didn’t put much thought into it at the time.
what would happen if they played FNAF? as we all know about her likeness in Freddy Kruger, and another question, if Tim on a vacation, can Shadow stil find him or is she hunting him down in her realm? do hope it’s the first as in every human’s sleep postion are the location, and not the bed, do wuish there was a Shadow doll/teddy-bear you can hug, and btw, keep the cuteness coming
I think they both secretly enjoyed that, just a little
And thus the start of something great
Keep up the great comic glad i stumbled upon it :D. I sort of wanna know more about Tims Dad. Catch you next week
Tim wants to know if they’re dating… I’m pretty sure with how Shadow was acting, it’s strongly implied.
Obviously they’re good, but it’s still good to hear.
Nice use of tail at the end there.
Thanks! Yes, it’s good to touch base a bit after that little experiment.
Hm. Panel 3 here, panel 5 back on page 65…
You’re right! They both wear hoods and look moody.
Was thinking more of the hairstyle
Bah, I hoped we’d see more of Nightmare’s library shenanigans.
Maybe next weekend?
Nah, we’ll check back with her in a bit. First, there are a few more things to deal with on Shadow’s end of things.
Wait, did you see that? Fourth panel… Look closely… Illuminati confirmed!?
*looks at fourth panel hard*
*sees nothing obvious*
*remembers I drew thing panel myself and hid nothing there in the first place*
*slaps forehead*
That’s right. The eye is blue and do you know what else is blue?
The color blue and shoe rhymes with blue and there is 5 billion people in the world and they wear shoes.
Peladophobian is too funny. Fear the baldness.
I thought just the end of her tail was sensitive. Is the whole length of it the same way?
She can feel the entire thing, obviously, but the end has the most sensory input, simply because I imagine it’s a giant nerve cluster.
basically a secondary clit XD