#86 “By the Tail”
It looks as if she’s forgotten to reinstate the no-touch rule… well now, I’m sure she’ll remember eventually and correct her error.
It looks as if she’s forgotten to reinstate the no-touch rule… well now, I’m sure she’ll remember eventually and correct her error.
One of the few things in life to live for. Thank you. Waiting through each week is worth the wait.
hi brandon amazing comic
but predictableeee…. i know what will happen
and why shadow are naked (panel 1)
Eh? She’s not naked, just wearing her little slip/dress thing in that panel. Like how she’s had bare arms for the past several pages.
Fuck you Brandon because your comic takes so long to come out but when it does I love you… (Tsundere?)
Seems like a the equivalent of a guy pinning a girl against the wall. He may think she’s being funny but maby she liked it more then she let on. I mean come on she is smelling his socks. Course if thats the case then maby she is that kind of girl at least for him.
I believe Shadow is not that kind of girl but I have a theory about her leaving. Correct me if I’m wrong: doesn’t she need to get over with a fear overload ?? ^^
2 quick questions 1) Do you thing the aegis picks up on her fear too? Might account for the high numbers. 2) I wonder if the ever go outside? Living underground your whole life might give you a case of agoraphobia. Might be fun to have him get her over her fears.
I actually asked #2 a while back and Brandon confirmed that, no, Shadow has never been outdoors. At least, not as of the “kids” time frame.
Need to add: I can’t stop look at last frame. It’s adorable on its own way
2 pages ago, you can tell he was kissing her back and she tried to pull back. Is she mad at herself for not staying the course? I see she is trying to reasure him that its not his fult but at the same time dareing to keep pulling her tail in panel 6?
Like I said, she’s a tease.
She just can’t help herself.
Not time for the bad touch uncle brandon
Question, Brandon. How do the Noxians measure time? Since the Axis is entirely underground, they obviously don’t have a normal day/night cycle
That’s a good question! I’m sure there’s some internal clock or something.
LOL It’s tough having ones world examined with a fine tooth comb. If I might throw Brandon a life preserver they do seem to have some level of technology. Logic would suggest that if they can bind books and make things to measure ones “Fear” that a time piece of some kind is not out of the question. In fact whos to say they didn’t steal something from humans to tell time.
True, they could have time pieces, though that raises the question of what they base their time base on. Our standard clocks are based on the 12 hour cycle, the middle of the night to the middle of the day and vice versa. Nox doesn’t have that, so they’d have to base their time on something else. I suppose it’s possible that they’ve been visiting our world for long enough that they base their time on ours.
The main girl seems to sleep once in a 24 hour period and previously only showed up after the main guy would fall asleep. This kind of regularity would require that the Axis’s time mimic the human realms time. It can also be said that this has happened for centuries since monsters under beds have been around for quite some time. Basically, they would base their time on the humans time since that makes it more efficient to scare humans.
I honestly just pictured it a complete flip to our day/night cycle. Our night is their day etc.
I like the idea of them takeing our time pieces from time to time. Would expian were my stuff keeps walking off to…stealing hourglasses and windup watches would be perfect. Butt! I’m starting to think takeing stuff from the human world is forbidden? Midnight one said that shadow was “obsessed with human junk”. just like that scene in The Little Mermaid where Ariel’s dad trash is her sanctuary when he find she’s been collecting.
Also, ever watch the Legend of Aang? Seasion 1, the episode before they get the north water tribe, they meet the mechanic and his son. The mechanic uses tiny bits of gunpowder in a candle to tell the time.
Actually, I think a few human trinkets might be okay, as long as they are useful… but Shadow likes everything.
Hello Brandon,
your comic is cool, thank you for making it. It has at the same time the feeling of slice-of-live series and a action/fantasy feeling to it (for me), that is a realy rare and intresting combination. This is my first post here and I only wanted to add this part, because I feel silly to be lured by the question about time-mechanics to my first post. *laughs*
So … How do we experience time in our world? I see two main sources for this impressions, our body and natural cycles. Our body demands more or less regularly food, sleep, toilet and so on, all this are unforgettable reminders of the passing of time but are also very individual and inaccurate. The cycles of nature for our world are (easy) day-and-night, but alos seasons, low and high tide, growth of plants, … the flooding of the nil.
The body seams to transfare farely easily to the Axis, but an external and more accurate messurment – a cycle of nature – feels better to me. What kind of cycles could exist in The Axis?
If somewhere in The Axis food is grown and harvested, it would be natural to meassure time with the growth pattern of the plants there.
Does The Axis have access to water? Where does used water go? Does the water flow constantly or is there a cycle?
Does The Axis have a heat or energy source? Lava, magic-ball, some kind of perpetual motion machine? All this things could have a cycle of high and low energy output.
the doors
The best idea as the last (what I think is the best). The doors are linked to our world and work with the shadows under beds, what if they only work with beds in the night? The doors are in one long line and while the sun (and the night with it) moves along our planet the doors would activate/deactivate/change-mode accordingly, making the doors an endless natural cycle – projected from our world to The Axis.
Juy Juka
Needs more I can’t stop reading
Brandon, go get steam and play games with me. Why? Don’t question the Jewish Stoner.
lol some invite I like the idea aslong as it doesn’t keep him from his comic. What game would you want to play?
Tail like the Ace of Hearts,
Eyes all aglow.
Shadow’s not that kind of girl,
Tim should rightly know.
Keep non-committal, Tim.
Flail, Tim, flail.
Get along, along along,
A-yankin’ Shadow’s tail.
—from “Along the Colorado Trail,” credited to Carl Sandburg / Lee Hayes
Hello Robert Nowall,
nice poem.
Juy Juka
Haha nice!
That just about sums it up right there.
Hey Brandon, if I were to send you the profit from them would you be cool with selling of chibi shadow plushies?
If you were to actually make a product based on my characters, I think, fairly, we’d be able to work out some kind of deal where we both make some sort of profit for sure.
I want one
I would have to see it first.
There’s a movie called Twisted Seduction.It’s about a man who forces a woman to fall in love with him after he kidnaps her.I think
Tim Midnight and Shadow should watch it together.
… I doubt I’ll have the time.