#87 “Encounter”
Well, well! What an unexpected turn of events!
Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s, Daddies and Daddios out there!
Well, well! What an unexpected turn of events!
Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s, Daddies and Daddios out there!
Isn’t that the way? You’re feeling good and flying high, and something brings you down. (And they call that the birth of the blues.)
“I must get knockers like that for MY front door.” – Dominic Deegan
Wouldn’t that be something!
You shoulda seen the comic where that quote came from. =P
i cryed when it ended
I have Love it!
I think mine mind is overthinking again but the ears and tail look very similar family maybe?
Damn that’s my kind of doorbell
I know, right?
Or maybe Lady Blackheart is dark alter ego of Ruth Newton ;D
Dun-dun-duuuuuuuuuuuun! (I was thinking the same thing. LOL.)
But wouldn’t that mean that older Tim would be guilty of incest?
Hah. There’s no incest in this story! I think I’ve got everyone’s familial relations planned better than that.
Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Don’t ruin it.
Lady Blackhearts hood is the same as an Assassin’s. I’m a huge fan of Assassin’s Creed So I like that little touch even if it was unintentional. Is there a reason her left arm is behind her back?I don’t believe Noxian’s have weapons but she hasn’t been to Nox in a while….
Or did she ever leave? <.<
Could be, who knows?
Personally, I think she’s someone’s mother, just not his.
The body shape, hair length and, the topper, she has an mole in the same place as Ruth.
Now this is a bit different from how I remember the story the first time around…
Just a bit. Shhhh!
Just a bit. Shhhh!
Every panel is made of win on this one! Shadow IS happy with what she did. The boobs look perfect and yet I am not a fan of big breast. The shadeing on the face is nice. And a chipped aegis. Indeed, love the technical and story element of this page.
Yes, that beauty mark is in the same place as ——– ‘s looking to see who took “his first”. Long time fans who read the source material know who this is.
Source material?
This was originally a series of text short stories.
I think that she’s Mother Moonlight’s sister.
Well, they DO have the same tail and massive… err, hair?.
And Moonlight was offended that people called her “Lady Blackheart”.
See panel 4
Hah, well, over time one comes to accept these things. Moonlight is simply looking out for her Si… I mean, a person she used to know.
I’m hoping that she gives Shadow some helpful advice (like how to stay under the radar, keep Tim safe, etc).
Perhaps, in time. We’ll see what she’s thinking first.
OK that was a surprise, didn’t expect meeting her so early in the comic. o.o
But the mysterious design of her is cool. :3
Thanks! I like it a lot too!
I see.
It’s very different from the original story and i can’t wait to see this new version of “The Monster under the bed”
Ah yes, the classic ‘Face-run-into-boobs’ scenario.
Gee, I wonder who she might be. I mean it’s not like I read the written version on deviantart or anything. She could be ANYbody. Maybe it’s Tim’s mom. But that’d be crazy, right?
Considering how different this is going, she could be anybody, including Tim’s mom. Of course, it could be a red herring.
Of course she isn’t Tim’s mom! She is very obviously his dad
I was hoping for a more original TAIL. Why did she get a spearhead boring, why not a sun or star? Also what breast size is she nice job there.
Because it has a very specific point.
And she is bra size: “Wow!”
WHY?? why is it when two people run into each other, one always says ” watch where you are going.”.. when both are at fault… *(unless one planed that)*
and and a New vote incentive ..
Because we generally accept that the faster moving person is the one at fault (especially if they are not looking when they are moving that fast).