#87 “Encounter”
Well, well! What an unexpected turn of events!
Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s, Daddies and Daddios out there!
Well, well! What an unexpected turn of events!
Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s, Daddies and Daddios out there!
Also known as Admiral Ruthless!
\\Ba dum tss//
Hey, not my idea this time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m however more interested in her “slashed” medallion.
Happy Father’s day. I expected something involving our good ol father specific comic, but this is new
Maybe since the ears and tail are similar, maybe she’s shadows mother?
Shadows tail is more heart shaped and blackhearts tail is more like a diomond, still a good theory but i dont think its true
Shadow, I am your mother…
and you are dating my son lol
I’m 17 yr old guy……
I don’t think she’s watched Empire yet, that reference would just go right over her head! XD
I’m really loving this comic!! Been following it for awhile thanks to a friend of mine, and I can certainly say I’m hooked. Keep up the great work and art style. ^_^
You’re welcome! Glad to hear it!
Greetings,folks. I’ve found this masterpiece yesterday and read the whole thing immediately. I admit, I got hooked up on it quite too hard. I’m here to ask two things :
How long until the next page?
And how long does it usually take for a page to come forth?
I’d have enjoyed reading the absolutely finished material, but if it is not the case, patience is in order.
Much obliged. Looking forward to the response.
Sadly, I only have the time to work on it on the weekends, so, Sundays are when it uploads next. Oh, and it’s one page per week, if that wasn’t clear.
Gratitude for the information, I found out about it only recently and didn’t know how many pages per week and month were uploaded. You’ve got a fan on your hands right now! ;d
Why is Blackhearts ears facing down? In previous panels they only faced that way when the character is sad or feeling down but she has a little smirk on her face
Dont get me wrong i still like how she is drawn its just the ears on Shadow and Nightmare faced that way when they felt down or sad
Perhaps she is having a moment of ambivalence!
Wait…isn’t that the same cloak Shadow was wearing in the first page? Their ears and tails look similar and Shadow was adopted… Oh my lord… O_o
The mole, people! The mole next to her mouth, it’s identical in location to Tims Mother, one “Vice admiral Ruthless” Plot confirmed, Tim is half monster! Lady Blackheart is Ruth.
Lady Blackheart, met close to the passageway to Tim’s home.
Maybe, just maybe, the plot twist is hidden in plain sight.
Some call me… Tim.
I love how everyone that has read the original is trying to spoil it without actually flat out saying it. I think Brandon is using the original to tease and mislead us. He has deviated greatly from the original despite them being small changes. The Nox race had wings, they used magic not aegis devices, actually no magic has been used in the comic so far which throws out Ruthless altering her appearance magically. Basically in my opinion Brandon is being more realistic this time around. Which as I said really changes things.
Now let me make a counter argument for Ruthless being Tims mom. Lets say she could create some type of illusion to look human(I don’t believe they can shapeshift). First the tail. Tim would have bumped into it or tripped over it at some point. Second she has three fingers not four. Being a mother she had to actually touch her son. Tim would be like mom why do I feel three fingers instead of four? And lastly what about Tim himself? I see not one ounce of monster in him. You would think there would be some physical trait passed on. I dunno. When all is said and done I don’t think she will be Tims mom.
Then again…Brandon are you covering her eyes for dramatic effect or hiding the fact they are blue making thing blatantly obvious?
Her eyes aren’t blue.
Good guess though.
You have some good points but I must point out the most important logical rule. We use it in D&D all the time even. That rule is He who makes the story is the one that decides how it’s plays out. Logic is also only as good as information it’s based on. We don’t actually know how the Aegis works that being said it measures fear but how? Could be a technical way could be magic could be a polymametic metal that can absorb emotions who knows?
Also good points. Time will tell I suppose. D&D huh I always wanted to get into that but never could find anyone else interested. The major drawback to living in the country if it aint nascar, deer hunting, or beer no one really gives a darn.
I feel your Pain I started out looking for groups at some point I became a GM for one then real life killed it
Original ??????????????????????????????????????? brendon make another story before this one ???????
Hi Tim’s Mom! >.< XD
im back in black.. n white.
nice capt, good 2 c who blackheart is :^)
keep it up m8
I think that I’ve worked out what that book is. It contains information that will allow a monster pass for human. Furthermore, I suspect that the Brotherhood either know or suspect that one of the Sisterhood is seeing a human. They may even know or suspect who.
Another thought strikes me – the magic that allows that may allow the caster to shape their appearance to whatever they want (and Terminus may make himself look like Tim). I hope that the story doesn’t go down that route as almost all doppelganger stories annoy me.
On the other hand, Terminus doesn’t have to use it to cause problems for Shadow. If I am right then just denying Shadow access to the book would cause problems for her.