#87 “Encounter”
Well, well! What an unexpected turn of events!
Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s, Daddies and Daddios out there!
Well, well! What an unexpected turn of events!
Oh, and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s, Daddies and Daddios out there!
The problem with trying to relate this version of the Story to Brandon’s old texts, is that Brandon has already made some subtle but substantial changes to the story so far.
This gives Brandon some scope to continue in the same vein, both adding more material and at the same time, continuing to add further intrigue.
While I’m not a betting man, unless I know the outcome, even based on the old text stories, I wouldn’t be betting on this new series to be too faithful to the old text series.
Also, from what I can see so far, isn’t really a bad thing.
“I see the president has armed his daughter with ballistics too!”
i find it interesting that both ruth and blackheart have had yellow text (http://themonsterunderthebed.net/?comic=42-parents), maybe its just that they have similar colour schemes.
Was thinking the same thing. Can’t wait!
Same Marilyn Monroe Mark
I have a strange feeling that Shadow might start working with Blackheart.
LOL@ “Boing!”
That is one hell of a bustier! Oh my
Heck yeah it is!
some one on cloud nine oh wait that didn’t last long
Welp, I’m all caught up. Found this comic today and plowed on through. Can’t wait to see what’s next. Great work man! Hope this comes out in print some day. Want to put it on my shelf.
Perhaps someday it will be! We shall have to see!
why ruth is the incentive to vote and not shadow
It rotates.
Call me crazy, but I’m going to tell my theory out there since everyone eles is.
I believe Ruth, aka Ruthless and Blackheart are twin sisters born from a monster mother and Ruth had to be sent to human world. She finds that she has that seventh sense and Blackheart finds her and befriends her. Blackheart also has a child, Midnight, that she gave up so that she can live a normal life and not be associated with the mother who is drawing too much attention. This also makes Midnight and Tim cousins so when the time comes, she will owe him a huge apology.
Lady Blackheart never left Nox and is hideing in there, visiting Ruth from time to time from another portal she found. Tim’s dad knows nothing of this. Shadow is just a normal orphan girl, she have already met her father, she just doesn’t know it yet.
I love this webcomic. Like, LOVE it. I read other comments and the hints Brandon drops whether true or not. One was “maybe she never left”. Blackheart and Ruth have the same yellow text. No hint of magic has been shown however we are told that Moonlight glows because of magic but haven’t seen how. Blackheart and Midnight have the same Diamond tail.
There are some anomalys.
Is Blackhearts aegis chipped or scratched?
How come Ruth didn’t sense Tim about to walk in on her when she undressing early in the comic?
Blackheart is wearing a trainees cloak still and it’s as old as her aegis. If she has been in Nox, why not take new gear?
1. Midnight has an Arrowhead tail and Blackheart has a Diamond, so they are not the same shape. However, Moonlight also has a Diamond-shaped tail.

2. Blackheart’s Aegis has a scratch across it’s face, as if it were struck by a blade.
3. Her psychic powers are mostly cookie based.
4. The cloaks are less ‘training gear’ and more like a guild-wide uniform, although there is no strict dress code most of the characters still wear some part of the uniform on their person in some configuration or another. Blackheart, the missing mother, obviously still holds some sentiment towards her old guild.
I can’t believe I forgot Midnights was an arrowhead.
And the scratch was hard to see, atlest for me.
I see the winks senpia!
So how did her Aegis get so jacked up?
Perhaps we’ll find out in a flashback someday.
Just found this comic. Really loving it. Very sweet and original. Keep up the good work!
(Insert “Tim’s mom is LB!” comment here, followed by joke about her breasts) Anyway, not a bad comic, man, definitely has good potential.
So a monster girl became human to pursue the strongest of all fears, the male fear of commitment?