I actually went and read the original stories, and am super interested on seeing some of the changes you are making, and how they will relate to the story as a whole. those readers for example, had nothing to do with the original story. Also, the wings :3 It’s intersting to think where you might be taking this.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Blackheart is actually Timothy’s mom. Considering what someone once said about them both have a mole on the left side of their mouths. I’ll be looking forward to how the story further unfolds itself.
Ominous music plays in the background.
Elevator music. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
i just imagined this and it chanced to entire mood of the panel, kind of awkwardly hilarious
Someone really has a vested interest in helping Shadow out.
I guess it’s a good thing that Lady Blackheart likes her though
This is true. It’s good to start out on the right foot.
Blackheart already seems like one of the sexiest monsters.
Yeah, you’re probably right!
Take it Shadow, there’s no such thing as “too much information”, the more you know, the better you can plan for what’s to come
Oh, but there is such a thing as “too much information”, remember remember of 2 girls 1 cup
I must be pretty jaded, because that video never bothered me. XD
Never heard of that video.
Francisco, don’te Google it.
Just noticed that Blackheart has a broken reader, wonder why she kept it.
It ALSO opens and maintains portals, people tend to forget that part and focus on the fear collecting aspect. It’s an all-in-one monsters best friend.
still, i sense a little sub arc not touched on before
starting to love all the little things that are coming in.
I actually went and read the original stories, and am super interested on seeing some of the changes you are making, and how they will relate to the story as a whole. those readers for example, had nothing to do with the original story. Also, the wings :3 It’s intersting to think where you might be taking this.
It must be really good when your mother-in-law doesn’t hate you.
Also, Shad is pretty cute with her hair down.
I bet Tim would appreciate seeing you like that, Shadow!
Oh, perhaps!
How accurate is it?
How accurate is what? XD The encyclopaedia? It’s not really that kind of resource, as you will see.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Blackheart is actually Timothy’s mom. Considering what someone once said about them both have a mole on the left side of their mouths. I’ll be looking forward to how the story further unfolds itself.
Yep, it sure would be something. ;-P
That would mean that Timothy has some quarky genetics then I suppose if blackheart is his mother.
First look, I thought Shadow was yawning in the bottom panel. She *has* had a long night.
And she was SOOOO close to hitting the sack!
Where Shadow lives with her fellow monsters is Capital Punishment used? If so they should quit using it and instead make efforts to reform criminals.
Human law is for the weak.
While not outright stated, something Shadow said way back when she first met Tim strongly suggested it.
Sounds a lot like one of those forbidden daemonic books from Warhammer 40k.
Something like that, I’m sure!
I notice the Encyclopedia volume is M. Is that important? We shall soon see. (Uh, Brandon, we shall soon see, right?)
Soon enough, yes.
ohh boy.!! umm? let the magic begin .!! cuz that has to be a book on magic
Shad’s hair looks cuter in this panel. I also like the expressions, you can tell she’s not human.
It’s the grey skin, big golden eyes, sharp teeth and bat-ears that give it away, isn’t it?