#98 “Off Balance”
Hoo boy, here’s the new page! FINALLY! I really don’t know why it took so long honestly, my head must still be on vacation or something!
But, hey it’s still Sunday!
Hoo boy, here’s the new page! FINALLY! I really don’t know why it took so long honestly, my head must still be on vacation or something!
But, hey it’s still Sunday!
MORE! You owe us 2 more! Not enough comic pages, draw more comic pages!
I will!
Next week and the week after that, and so on and so forth.
That way you will never fully repay your debt!
The debt’s going to grow with time, and 50 years later we will have your soul. We are patient.
Very patient…
Very very patient..
Am I the only one who hears the Alert sound in the second page. From Metal Gear?
Well, now that you’ve mentioned it, i can’t stop hearing it. Damn you! XD
Dang chill. Let Brandon relax for a while…
He already did. For two weeks.
He has a life outside of the comic.
He sure has a lot of it.
You’re right. It’s called being an adult.
Or having a two week vacation.
Brandon, a quick question on those tails… Shadows tail tip seems to be soft when Tim ends up holding it. These 2 though, they seem more edged, especially Terminus. So whats the deal, do they have edges to them? Can they cut?
No, I doubt they can actually cut anything. The males tend to have a bit more of a cartilage component to their edges though, I think.
I actually feel bad for her. Terminus looks like he’s using her, and if he is, that’s probably going to hit hard for her.
The cart has almost reached the final Terminus!
Love is blind?
More like desperation – she felt down and only Terminus offered her a solution. Therefore, that dread has turned to gratitude.
And the fact that she sees Terminus in a positive light means she is open to more positive developments in the relationship (and he knows that).
Darn it, Brandon! You got me curious as to what Shadow saw in the book. Now I’ve got to wait at least a week to find out.
Longer than that, sorry to report… XD
damn it…
Got an ETA perhaps or you just going to let us find out on our own
Before the end of the Chapter?
OOOOhh. We get to see Nightmare get frisky?
Very probably, sometime, yeah.
I have a few questions, feel free to answer them or not as you seem fit. anyways,
1. Do you have each panel planed out like you know there will be exactly… 375 pages or something or do you just have the story and are just going off that or something in between?
2. Are you planing on going through each year of Tim and Shadow’s life or are there going to be a few “2 years later” or something similar in there where you skip a year or a few of there life? If it’s the first, then that’s 10 years of story we have to wait for which is both a good and bad thing. good cause more amazing content, bad cause it’ll take quite a while to get there.
3. Do you plan on doing anything with Tim’s *ahem* “experimental” phase where like maybe his school shows him “the video” or his parents give him “the talk” and then Shadow wants to learn too or something? cause we were shown “the video” in 6th grade which would have been when I was… oh god, uhh… 12-14 years old I believe, I think 12, and Tim and Shadow aren’t too far away from that
4. I’m assuming from what little bit I got from some previous comments you’ve replied to that there wont be anything “hardcore” just similar things like the intro (unless I’m wrong on that then please correct me) but do you plan on showing anything below the belt without clothing or not? obviously not unless Tim and Shadow are old enough. idk how having that would affect the comic though. Depending on how it’s done. If so, I’m curious to see how you do decide to do it and at what point.
I believe that’s all. Hopefully the questions are easy enough to understand.
Love the comic btw. first day I found it, I probably read it 4+ times. I just wish you could post a new page as soon as possible like every day but I also know that really can hurt the creative process and whatnot so I’m glad you’re taking your time with the pages and not burning out.
1. I know how the story will generally unfold as a whole, but I haven’t planned the whole thing out page by page. I tend to script out pages in large chunks usually keeping a few weeks ahead of the ‘current’ page and adding to it as I complete each page. This also gives me time to refine the script a bit.
2. Chapter 4 jumps ahead in time to when they are 18 years old.
3. We’ll witness Tim and Shadow’s first time eventually, it’s a fairly important plot point.
4. I’m aiming to keep things ‘R’ rated when it comes to sex. Depends on my mood that day how far I’ll push it though.
Once again, heedless ambition meets calculating evil. No good shall come from this. I know they’re all monsters, but still …
I have an idea based on Ruthi being Lady Blackheart: an ultimate reveal.
Have Nightmare follow Shadow in the Present where they’re all 18, discover that Shadow is sleeping with a Human, Have Ruthi sense a disturbance like she did when her husband stole from her snack stash, suddenly Barge in and scare the crap out of Shadow, Tim, and Nightmare, Walk up to the bed and begin lecturing the two on Safe Sex all while secretly using her tail to grab nightmare by the throat before tossing her against the Far Wall, and then she snaps her fingers or something and her human for burns away to reveal her true form and Identity as Lady Blackheart, the Monster’s Personal Boogeyman
Is it just me or has anyone noticed that Terminus really likes sneaking around and scaring the living crap out of people? I get the feeling he’s going to escalate into sneaking around and sticking knives in people’s backs very soon.
Nightmare, Nightmare, putting the book on view.
That’s not bright, there, looks like he’s using you.
Relationship miscarriage—
You know he’ll just disparage,
So indiscreet,
Your tails will meet,
Make sure the book’s not overdue…
—from “A Bicycle Built For Two,” Hal 9000.
Guys don’t bug him to much about the next page or he’ll stop uploading them all together. Then we will all be sad.
Hi Brandon
I love the story
I don’t let that stuff bug me too much!
And thanks!
Can someone make all the characters in Monster Under the Bed as Source Film Maker models for both Steam and Source Film Maker Labs? Please?
Do you mind answering questions Brandon? And if not sorry about this lol
I try and answer most questions, unless they are asking for spoilers, or I’ve answered the same question a couple times or in the comic itself; at which point I give directions to whichever page has the answer.