Now thats a comicI like not a super cliff hanger but still leaves you guessing. If I was him I think he would likely have wish for him and shadow to always be togather. BFF!
I am curious as to Shadows side of things, not the book, but her everyday life. She is supposedly out there causing a lot of soaked mattresses and topping the scoreboards at school. Are we ever going to get to see her in action?
Actually the reason shadows been doing well in school is the fear emanating off of Tim because of his fear of being around her (because shes a girl not because shes a monster.)
That, and she had picked up tips on how to scare humans by watching horror flicks supplied by Tim. She hasnt quit her “day job”, she just visits Tim on her nights off. At least as I understand the comic so far?
So, she HAS quit her day job and is no longer scaring other humans? I thought that was the whole point of her learning from him in the first place. Its too important a part of who and what she is to just stop altogether, even if she is falling for him.
Sooo… Brandon, will you make the comic maybe 2 times a week? Cuz i find it really enjoyable and i cant stand an week long period without it. (I read it on sunday morning :v)
Is it just me or is his mom the same person as the monster that gave Shadow her book. The mole is in the same spot for the monster and his mom. As well as other facial features.
Im gonna make an educated guess, since they have both an NES and SNES, its likely that the SNES is at this point still the hot topic, with no mention of the N64 anywhere, and if its the 90s, where is Pokémon? no where in sight, so it must be around 1991-1995 in this moment, which if Tim is 9 years old in some day in October, he could only have been born around the early to mid 1980s, 1982-1985 are good guesses, since the SNES was not released until august 23rd 1991 in North America, though things such as video game consoles are frequently used as gifts for kids, so having the SNES be his present when Tim is 8 would make October 1992 a good possible date, for this particular moment, the 3rd 4rth 10th 11th 17th 18th 24th and 25th and the 31st of october were the weekends of october in 1992, its very unlikely to hold a birthday party on halloween, since most kids would be out trick or treating, and his birth date is not any of the previously mentioned dates, otherwise it would fall on a weekend.
Ofcourse this is all assumptive of it being October 1992, and the only reason im fixated on that in particular is because i was born then.
Okay operating on the presumption that Tim’s mom is the golden skinned Monster Lady, What are the odds that she ACTUALLY has some magic in that cake to ACTUALLY help grant his wish?
Okay, looking into this theory that Ruthie is indeed Lady Blackheart, its piecing together very well… Starting off with figure, the mole position on the face, similar hair and body type, all easily coincidental, but yet not the least bit counter arguable either…
The second is her name, Ruthie is a rather bizarre name, no way is THAT a name you give to someone who is an unimportant character, and thinking about it now… “Vice Admiral Ruthless? I’m gonna call it now, if Ruthie IS Lady Blackheart, Ruthless is very likely to be her actual name.
Thirdly the kitchen incident in general, the fact that Ruthie just knew a cookie was taken from her secret stash… women’s intuition my ass, that i psychic phenomena straight up, and as minor as a cookie may be, its something that really caught my attention.
Lastly, assuming Ruthie Is Lady Blackheart, she would very much know something is amiss in her own home, shadow making frequent appearances would not go unnoticed.
A lot of circumstantial evidence strongly points to this being a possibility, at the very least very little exists to cast doubt, of course this could all be a giant red herring and Brandon is fucking with us dearly, which would be just as fun
Assuming all this is correct, is it really “something amiss”?
If your theory turns out true, then Ruth would probably know Shadow is visiting, but if she did the same thing and met Tims father, she would not consider it to be a problem. Also if all this is true, Blackheart did give Shadow her blessing, telling her to take care of “that boy of hers”
See the reason WHY im more concerned is the scenario where its not true, which would make Lady Blackheart a much more mysterious character then we all anticipated, and that would mean we were fed one massive red herring, making it very difficult to speculate further since ANYTHING could be possible at that point.
As i said very little exists as evidence that could cast a shadow of doubt, as far as i’m concerned at this point, Ruthie not being Lady Blackheart is more unbelievable then any alternative.
I wonder; when will the skeletons in their closet, the ghosts of the past will come knocking at their door? I get the feeling that when it happens; it will leave a lot in its wake.
This jump was kinda weird, like did you forget to put a time stamp on the panel telling us this was past present or future? cause you dont mention when age he just turned.
I think he wished for his ability to feel more comfortable around shadow
“Some kind of Monster” I see what you did there F3
Super Mario World nostalgia FTW!
I’m guessing they started a new game seeing they’re on the first level.
Nah dude; they’re an hour in, but they’re visiting that level for the free life-cape-yoshi combo before exiting the level.
Now thats a comicI like not a super cliff hanger but still leaves you guessing. If I was him I think he would likely have wish for him and shadow to always be togather. BFF!
I am curious as to Shadows side of things, not the book, but her everyday life. She is supposedly out there causing a lot of soaked mattresses and topping the scoreboards at school. Are we ever going to get to see her in action?
Actually the reason shadows been doing well in school is the fear emanating off of Tim because of his fear of being around her (because shes a girl not because shes a monster.)
That, and she had picked up tips on how to scare humans by watching horror flicks supplied by Tim. She hasnt quit her “day job”, she just visits Tim on her nights off. At least as I understand the comic so far?
Accually she visits him more often then just on days off, we saw just one of that days. The real that are there are just normal days (nights?)
You’re right, she visits often during ‘work’ hours. Note the first time she DID visit during a day off Tim was surprised (and pleased!)
So, she HAS quit her day job and is no longer scaring other humans? I thought that was the whole point of her learning from him in the first place. Its too important a part of who and what she is to just stop altogether, even if she is falling for him.
She’s still ‘working’.
Sooo… Brandon, will you make the comic maybe 2 times a week? Cuz i find it really enjoyable and i cant stand an week long period without it. (I read it on sunday morning :v)
You’re not the first to ask, and my answer is still no. I have a day job that pays the bills. So… can’t do it. Sorry.
No problem m8, i was just asking cause i am new here
Would it be something you would consider if the Patreon went high enough? How much would that be for you to consider it?
That day job isnt in a camera shop is it?
Is it just me or is his mom the same person as the monster that gave Shadow her book. The mole is in the same spot for the monster and his mom. As well as other facial features.
Golden internet explorer?
Pretty obvious tbh… And it fits with her “i’m retired cuz i wasn’t happy” story.
That is the running hypothesis. His mother is Blackheart who used a spell or two from the book to make herself appear human.
Which would make Tim a monster half-breed.
Is his childhood in the 80’s early 90’s
Well, the SNES didn’t exist in the 80’s and he has one… so that rules that out.
Im gonna make an educated guess, since they have both an NES and SNES, its likely that the SNES is at this point still the hot topic, with no mention of the N64 anywhere, and if its the 90s, where is Pokémon? no where in sight, so it must be around 1991-1995 in this moment, which if Tim is 9 years old in some day in October, he could only have been born around the early to mid 1980s, 1982-1985 are good guesses, since the SNES was not released until august 23rd 1991 in North America, though things such as video game consoles are frequently used as gifts for kids, so having the SNES be his present when Tim is 8 would make October 1992 a good possible date, for this particular moment, the 3rd 4rth 10th 11th 17th 18th 24th and 25th and the 31st of october were the weekends of october in 1992, its very unlikely to hold a birthday party on halloween, since most kids would be out trick or treating, and his birth date is not any of the previously mentioned dates, otherwise it would fall on a weekend.
Ofcourse this is all assumptive of it being October 1992, and the only reason im fixated on that in particular is because i was born then.
He has monster girls under his bed, he doesnt need them in his pocket.
Okay operating on the presumption that Tim’s mom is the golden skinned Monster Lady, What are the odds that she ACTUALLY has some magic in that cake to ACTUALLY help grant his wish?
That would be drug propaganda.
I have never seen better comment. GJ
Okay, looking into this theory that Ruthie is indeed Lady Blackheart, its piecing together very well… Starting off with figure, the mole position on the face, similar hair and body type, all easily coincidental, but yet not the least bit counter arguable either…
The second is her name, Ruthie is a rather bizarre name, no way is THAT a name you give to someone who is an unimportant character, and thinking about it now… “Vice Admiral Ruthless? I’m gonna call it now, if Ruthie IS Lady Blackheart, Ruthless is very likely to be her actual name.
Thirdly the kitchen incident in general, the fact that Ruthie just knew a cookie was taken from her secret stash… women’s intuition my ass, that i psychic phenomena straight up, and as minor as a cookie may be, its something that really caught my attention.
Lastly, assuming Ruthie Is Lady Blackheart, she would very much know something is amiss in her own home, shadow making frequent appearances would not go unnoticed.
A lot of circumstantial evidence strongly points to this being a possibility, at the very least very little exists to cast doubt, of course this could all be a giant red herring and Brandon is fucking with us dearly, which would be just as fun
Assuming all this is correct, is it really “something amiss”?
If your theory turns out true, then Ruth would probably know Shadow is visiting, but if she did the same thing and met Tims father, she would not consider it to be a problem. Also if all this is true, Blackheart did give Shadow her blessing, telling her to take care of “that boy of hers”
See the reason WHY im more concerned is the scenario where its not true, which would make Lady Blackheart a much more mysterious character then we all anticipated, and that would mean we were fed one massive red herring, making it very difficult to speculate further since ANYTHING could be possible at that point.
As i said very little exists as evidence that could cast a shadow of doubt, as far as i’m concerned at this point, Ruthie not being Lady Blackheart is more unbelievable then any alternative.
Look at the dad’s silhouette at comic #95. The mom is definitely a monster, or was at one time.
-Mr. Better-late-than-never
Earth realm, day… long time no see page in these conditions XP
Will we see Tim’s b-day party ?? ^^
“Happy birthday Ralph, you get a free chopper ride!”
Midnight doesnt chop, she slices.
I wonder if either of them cheese the game with the feather powerup…
I wonder; when will the skeletons in their closet, the ghosts of the past will come knocking at their door? I get the feeling that when it happens; it will leave a lot in its wake.
This jump was kinda weird, like did you forget to put a time stamp on the panel telling us this was past present or future? cause you dont mention when age he just turned.
What jump? It’s been like a week. He’s just turned 9, by the way.