Archive for comic
Whoops! Probably should have reconnoitred a little bit more thoroughly. Also, she stole the socks… again.
Haha, Tim’s parents really aren’t winning any awards are they? Oh well. Looks like it’s time to regroup.
Above Board; “On or above the deck, in plain view, not hiding anything.” Yeah, that seems to describe things about right.
I think he’s going to need a bigger mousetrap for this one! Phew! It looks like the new page is finally finished! You know, going into Christmas holidays, I figured I would have lots of time to sit and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“What? I’m sorry Tim, were you saying something?” Welp, straight up telling them his thoughts on the matter didn’t work. Typical. It looks as if Tim’s gotta get some hard evidence now. I wonder how that’ll go? Oh yeah,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You are guilty until proven innocent. You have no right to an attorney, in fact, you have no rights at all. And you especially have no Nintendo!
Meanwhile, several years ago… an 11 year old Timothy Newton receives a rude awakening! And so the story begins…