“You and me, Meant to beImmutable, ImpossibleIt’s destinyPure lunacyIncalculable, Insufferable But for the last timeYou’re everything that I want and ask forYou’re all that I’d dreamedWho wouldn’t be the one you love?Who wouldn’t stand inside your love?Protected and the lover[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for comic
324 comics.
Dun Dun DUN!!! And with this page we finally reach the end of Chapter 4! It’s been a long ride for sure! Thank you everyone for sticking around with me on this journey!! There is still a lot more to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hahaha, okay, so I went a little crazy with the positions on this page… just pretend they did it a few times that night! 😅 PATREON