#326 “The Nightwatchmen”
I decided to make an info dump page like this to move the story along a little faster, instead of having these two sit there talking to each other for the next six pages. Hope you enjoy this little update!
I decided to make an info dump page like this to move the story along a little faster, instead of having these two sit there talking to each other for the next six pages. Hope you enjoy this little update!
I honestly just can’t believe that they called themselves NERD.
Hahaha! 😋
“Everyone referred to it as Nightwatch, because the acronym made them sound lame.”
Can’t have a comic without a wall of exposition!
It is a necessary curse, sometimes.
It is, and it was the right choice. Thanks.
I’m am immeasurably happy that you chose this way of dumping info. While I love your artwork, I’d like to see more of the story’s mainline progressing. I imagine NERD will collide with Tim and Shadow in the near future anyway.
Haha, I think a lot of people are, including myself!
Bunch of freaking NERDs!
Few questions regarding this recent page:
1). Will we be seeing more of N.E.R.D./Nightwatch in future chapters?(More specifically, will our main characters encounter them?)
2). Will we learn more about the Noxian who N.E.R.D. captured and the lab assistant who helped him escape?(I have a feeling we know who this Noxian is?)
3). Will we learn more about this rare bloodline Anna apparently has and what exactly makes humans and Noxian’s biologically compatible?(I have a theory that Terminus may have performed a bonding ritual on Anna to get her pregnant with a hybrid.)
Bonus Question: Could you tell us a bit about Dr. Campbell(ex. Age/Race/How she got involved in Nightwatch?)
(2) obviously raises other questions. Because it’s implied they weren’t caught. Starting with where did they go (and who helped them, if any): obviously, she did not seek asylum on Nox, yet they escaped NERDs.
(3) may be mostly bogus: they seem to have very limited experience with this, so this was what they could discover… and report (that is except discoveries closely followed by a Boojum type encounter).
It’s quite possible that the Noxians tend to be interested in whoever gives a strong signal to their tele-empathic sense (and is not scared too much), and the NERDs found out a signature for but one trait that gives such an affinity. Or something to this end.
I wonder if this “rare bloodline” isn’t actually trace of PREVIOUS half-human half-noxian hybrids, diluted by the amount of generations passing.
That’s what i was thinking too.. If there is indeed anything to the claim. (since they know so little)
I’m guessing “3” is total speculation because they know so little. If anything, we see “attraction” from someone being a hybrid.. Asshole didn’t start a relationship with her because she’s one, he seems to be looking for/trying to create one himself.
I read the page description, does this mean we’ll be seeing more of Anna and Dr. Campbell for the next 6 pages? If so, I look forward to seeing more of them. Thank for the surprise page/lore dump! Keep up the great work.😉👍
Super okay to do once in a while.
Nice job, humans. Always meeting a vague and possible threat with a reponse that is guaranteed to make both us, and the concept of staying safe and responding to threats, look stupid for decades to come.
It’s so much worse than this. Consider how any and all other factions with more strategic sense than a swarm of cockroaches must see the Nightblunderers. Whatever their interest in this might or might not be.
I mean, Noxian portal network is a secret incredibly dangerous (potentially) to pretty much everyone.
Yes, the way they are using it seems almost benign, but the potential is huge. I guess they didn’t managed to convince someone with actual strategic sense AND connection to secret services about existence of Noxians yet.
… uh. The first “they” is Noxians and the second “they” is N.E.R.D.s.
Most likely everyone else with interest in the matter is already aware of the Nightblunderers, keeps an eye on them, tries to figure out whose pawns they are and/or uses as stalking horses.
On the flip side… it occurs to me that if and when someone manages to make an alliance with Nox, the best way to announce this would be to raid N.E.R.D. facilities, take every single Aegis in their possession and leave messages behind. Since everyone more subtle with interest in Nox can be expected to already watch them, the desired message recipients are automatically self-selected.
If it didn’t say they captured “him,” I would have thought it was Tim’s Mom.
i just wonder how heavily N.E.R.D. being called that was based on Helluva Boss’s D.H.O.R.K.S.
Not at all, first time I’m hearing about it to be honest. Haha. Originally I was going to call it NERO, but It was funnier to change the Organization to Department.
If they captured him did they get a “sample” from him and possibly artificialy inseminated her to make her pregnante?
I just hope, this was not a too long article to publish and I hope that involves a new page next sunday, this time with pictures – at least more than shadows like now..
Got scared by that wall of text for a second. I thought it was an announcement for the comic going on hiatus/being discontinued.
Oh boy, these people may be a problem later on. (i’m also guessing this might be retting certain character origin.. details)
They have totally the wrong idea. I wonder how they are going to react when she tells them she was a willing “friend” to one. And any details she may have learned about them that they clearly don’t yet know.
Called it, interactions happen a lot. If even a small percentage end in… friendliness… there could be quite a few hybrids out there and likely a LOT of mixed blood on both sides.
Thanks for the new page Brandon.
Also thanks for the speed up of the conversation.