I love it.Already read the story 2 times since you first posted page 3.And id really like if you have it in PDF. format or something so i can download it.
Eventually I may put up a downloadable version of the original story somewhere on here, but for now I’d just as much like to avoid putting direct, easily accessible spoilers on the website.
Too bad you wont add wings.They added that charm to the monsters.There could be a lot of uses for them that were not included in the story.But im not gonna pester you about it its your choice and i would either way be interested in how it will.
Seriously though, back when I was about half-way through writing ‘The Monster On My Mind’ (the sequel) I really started to regret giving them wings in the first place. The more I thought about it, the more it made no sense for them to have wings, and I made the decision to axe them when I started this comic. Other than for giving really tight hugs, I don’t miss them.
Now they can lay on their backs without getting too awkward!
Yeah. But it would be fun to know what some of them can do with their wings.If they had merchants that hide their wares under their wings and be like that guy from Resident Evil 4.
“What are you buying,what are you selling?”
I’m not sure I’ll actually be dwelling that deeply on any sort of extended monster society for quite some time… and they don’t have wings anymore anyway so I couldn’t if I wanted to! X’D
There was a movie in the late ’80s titled “Little Monsters.” In it there was a kid who was being harassed by a monster under the bed, who was played by Howie Mandel. There were adventures, shenanigans, and pinball. No monster/human romance, however.
That’d be a real pain if she stole car keys… and also very different since it’d probably be Thomas trying to catch her and Ruth thinking he’s a complete buffoon all the while! XD
Continuing my attempt at righting a blind friendly script:
#8 “A Better Mousetrap”
Panel 1:
Description: Tim is standing with his back to a door looking upset.
Narrator: And so I was sent up to my room to think about what I had done…
Tim: Phew…
Narrator: But that was fine with me! I had already gathered up everything I would need earlier that afternoon.
Panel 2:
Description: A pair of socks on his bed
No dialogue
Panel 3:
Description: An open packet of cookies.
No dialogue
Panel 4:
Description: A polaroid camera on his bedside table.
No dialogue
Panel 5:
Description: A pair of socks with some cookies on them.
No dialogue
Panel 6:
Description: Tim lies in bed looking smug.
Narrator: Now all that was left to do was wait and see what I would catch.
Narrator: Tonight, I would be ready for *anything*.
Can’t wait to see the “Mouse” take the Bait and find out what happens next then.
Heh, me too! Now we’re finally getting somewhere!
Spooky, scaaaary!
Send shivers down your spine
Somehow I do not think he will be as “ready for anything” as he thinks he will.
Haha, nope! His whole world-view is about to be turned upside-down! Xd
Not only “world-view”, not only…
Whole life, really!
Oh Hai Omega. Just stumbled upon this cute/neat comic myself.
Cookie …. Monster….
Monster cookie !!
The connection will be noted, eventually!
Be simple. Cookie is a universal lure for the darkside’s dwellers. And sometimes it very good as side-change catalyst too.
P.s. Cookie – connecting people…
Ah, my bad…. I mean Cookie Monster, the blue puppet….
Sorry for my very bad English, cos I’m a French guy. ^_^
I’m from Russia and it don’t(or simple “not”?) stoped me. “Don’t worry, be happy”(c)
This is a very cute and interesting comic here. I will be sure to follow it.
Any kind of update schedule? And do you have any art/galleries elsewhere?
I try to update once a week, at least. Usually on Sunday. But nothing is set in stone, exactly.
all he missing now is the A TEAM theme I love it when a plans comes together
Haha! Well, I certainly don’t pity THIS fool. He’s a lucky little devil.
I love it.Already read the story 2 times since you first posted page 3.And id really like if you have it in PDF. format or something so i can download it.
Eventually I may put up a downloadable version of the original story somewhere on here, but for now I’d just as much like to avoid putting direct, easily accessible spoilers on the website.
Too bad you wont add wings.They added that charm to the monsters.There could be a lot of uses for them that were not included in the story.But im not gonna pester you about it its your choice and i would either way be interested in how it will.
Haha, that’s okay!
Seriously though, back when I was about half-way through writing ‘The Monster On My Mind’ (the sequel) I really started to regret giving them wings in the first place. The more I thought about it, the more it made no sense for them to have wings, and I made the decision to axe them when I started this comic. Other than for giving really tight hugs, I don’t miss them.
Now they can lay on their backs without getting too awkward!
Yeah. But it would be fun to know what some of them can do with their wings.If they had merchants that hide their wares under their wings and be like that guy from Resident Evil 4.
“What are you buying,what are you selling?”
I’m not sure I’ll actually be dwelling that deeply on any sort of extended monster society for quite some time… and they don’t have wings anymore anyway so I couldn’t if I wanted to! X’D
And my final question so i dont pester you too much.Is there gonna be a 3rd story(sequel)?
Yes, but that plotline will probably be saved for this project’s far flung future. So, yeah. Stay tuned!
I say him it too. Glad to see that i am not alone.
Well i’m finding that scar on his shoulder quite interesting! XD
I’m glad people are noticing, and are interested enough to wonder about it! Little things like that make me very happy!
merry xmas everyone and a happy new yeat
Yes yes! Merry Christmas to all my readers!
I hope we get a much more interesting result than Howie Mandel.
Almost certainly a guarantee! Unless you REEEEALLY love Howie Mandel, then I have no idea!
Will there be pinball?
Pinball? Hmmm… probably not. I think this is a reference that’s lost on me. X(
There was a movie in the late ’80s titled “Little Monsters.” In it there was a kid who was being harassed by a monster under the bed, who was played by Howie Mandel. There were adventures, shenanigans, and pinball. No monster/human romance, however.
Oh, I’ve seen Little Monsters before, but it was like 20 years ago so I don’t really remember the details clearly. *shrug*
I find it’s interesting it’s always socks. And sometimes car keys.
That’d be a real pain if she stole car keys… and also very different since it’d probably be Thomas trying to catch her and Ruth thinking he’s a complete buffoon all the while! XD
these parents… i knew a friends family who were like these
Practically cartoon characters? XD
Fool proof.
Continuing my attempt at righting a blind friendly script:
#8 “A Better Mousetrap”
Panel 1:
Description: Tim is standing with his back to a door looking upset.
Narrator: And so I was sent up to my room to think about what I had done…
Tim: Phew…
Narrator: But that was fine with me! I had already gathered up everything I would need earlier that afternoon.
Panel 2:
Description: A pair of socks on his bed
No dialogue
Panel 3:
Description: An open packet of cookies.
No dialogue
Panel 4:
Description: A polaroid camera on his bedside table.
No dialogue
Panel 5:
Description: A pair of socks with some cookies on them.
No dialogue
Panel 6:
Description: Tim lies in bed looking smug.
Narrator: Now all that was left to do was wait and see what I would catch.
Narrator: Tonight, I would be ready for *anything*.