Ooh papa wolf instincts, perhaps he really is just a nice guy.
Honestly though that’s a pretty reasonable reaction to when someone implies you’re a child molester. Also a suitable reaction to the “I’ll wait till she’s older and giver a whirl” behavior. I approve 110%
ya know in the last one i noticed that mortis acts kinda like an akward uncle or somethin and in this one acts like an overprotective familymember at the very least coincidence i thini not
Nice to see the villain get put in his place. So now that it’s common knowledge that Mortis is Shadows father the real question is why did he abandon her? Why is he keeping it a secret even though it seems to pain him? And does Moonlight know?
Hm. Overprotective adult vs younger, smaller, presumably faster fighter now in fear for his life. The kid is also established as fighting dirty. Odds?
Confucious say: Never raise hands to angry child. It leave groin exposed.
Damn Mortis showing some self-control there, despite his rage not punching that sleazebag Terminus. Also, new Fav-Character confirmed. Well played Brandon.
Read a few comments. You are mastering the art of the cryptic response, Brandon ol’fellow.
Oh, I’ve been pretty good at it for a while now, I think.
Ooh papa wolf instincts, perhaps he really is just a nice guy.
Honestly though that’s a pretty reasonable reaction to when someone implies you’re a child molester. Also a suitable reaction to the “I’ll wait till she’s older and giver a whirl” behavior. I approve 110%
Heh. Pretty much my thoughts.
Daddy’s little girl is OFF-LIMITS! And we get some ACTION, even if just a little bit.
There really is no end to Terminus’ sleaze, is there?
Nope. He’s a real winner.
Letting his vocal chords live their own life, wild and free…
Don’t mess with dad.
ya know in the last one i noticed that mortis acts kinda like an akward uncle or somethin and in this one acts like an overprotective familymember at the very least coincidence i thini not
Interesting response.
Meeting with the high dad.
Nice to see the villain get put in his place. So now that it’s common knowledge that Mortis is Shadows father the real question is why did he abandon her? Why is he keeping it a secret even though it seems to pain him? And does Moonlight know?
Damn son, he’s not even going for a punch. Those nightmare claws are out and ready to do some face-ripping!
Hah, yeah, it’s pretty much their primary mode of attack.
Go ahead, take a swing. Probably the last mistake you will ever make.
Haha, yeah. That’d be a fun page!
Hm. Overprotective adult vs younger, smaller, presumably faster fighter now in fear for his life. The kid is also established as fighting dirty. Odds?
Confucious say: Never raise hands to angry child. It leave groin exposed.
Damn Mortis showing some self-control there, despite his rage not punching that sleazebag Terminus. Also, new Fav-Character confirmed. Well played Brandon.
Mortis has some cool stuff planned.
Maybe not for awhile, but it’ll come around.
Was… That a reference to the ‘Arthur’ Meme? The zoom on in his curled up fist?
No, not intentionally. XD