Well this just earned Mortis a huge amount of respect from my side.
Nobody is going to be allowed to talk trash about Shadow when he is within hearing distance
or there will be clawed faces.
You are all just imagining things, that is a perfectly normal not at all excessive reaction regarding some girl he barely knows. Now everybody move along there is nothing to see here.
I will guess that Lord Mortis has been told by Lady Moonlight that Shadow is under her protection of Lady Blackheart.
So far my only complaint about the storyline relates to #75, in which two of our eight-or-nine-year-old monsters are portrayed as rather more physically developed than such an age suggests (and that development does not appear to be hinted-at in other pages, where cloth should bulge). The inconsistency (even if the monsters develop young) means that either a bunch of pages should be image-edited to add bulges, or #75 should be image-edited to flatten bulges.
#75 takes place in the ‘present’ day, as you can see from page 74 and 76 afterwards; wherein Tim is old enough to have a job and the girls are old enough to have ‘bulges’. XD
Sorry, I was confusing #75 with #48, which has a communal bath of, probably, mixed-age females.
Perhaps you could answer a question about what the monsters call themselves. In #36 Shadow describes the Bed Bugs as a group for young monsters to learn some basic skills –do they really consider themselves to be monsters?
I also made a typo in my earlier message. It should have stated, “I will guess that Lord Mortis has been told by Lady Moonlight that Shadow is under the protection of Lady Blackheart.”
I think that could explain Lord Mortis’ reaction in #105 –their culture clearly respects fearsomeness, and #95 indicates Lady Blackheart reached the top rank of that culture, so it could be very foolish of Terminus to go up against her. At the moment, though, he simply doesn’t know about Lady Blackheart’s involvement.
I doubt Lady Blackheart reached anything in society. If Ruthless is Ruth(which is pretty freakin obvious from page 95) she abandoned her people to run off and marry Tom. Now considering how taboo it is to mix with humans Ruthless is just an outcast. I doubt this fact was common knowledge so rumors spread and she because their boogieman.
I quote Lady Blackheart in #95: “I may have made it to the top, but I was alone.” Therefore, I maintain my stance, that she is someone that Terminus shouldn’t try to take on. “The top” simply wasn’t enough for her.
I can also quote Lady Moonlight in #65, talking about Lady Blackheart: “She was a rather middle-of-the-road nightstalker before she mysteriously catapulted up the ranks, all the way to the top.”
Thank you. One reason for asking is that Nox seems like a rather strange place –if the only life-forms in it are the ones called Noxians, where did they come from (evolution, you know), and what did they call themselves before some group of them moved from their origin-place to Nox? Remember, we seldom call ourselves “Earthlings”, after the world we live in….
It’s a kind of strawberry blond, from what I can see, which in the dimmer light of Nox can come off as a shade of red. It’s one of those shades that can be either red or blond depending on lighting.
Shadow’s tail is more heart-shaped, rounded away from the pointy end, than that of Lord Mortis. In #91 Lady Moonlight and Lady Blackheart call each other “sister”, which might possibly be literally true, not just figurative.
Well this just earned Mortis a huge amount of respect from my side.
Nobody is going to be allowed to talk trash about Shadow when he is within hearing distance
or there will be clawed faces.
i think that Shadow is his child or something and is being protective about her. Just a guess.
Ooooh! Touchy subject.
Hm. Everyone is focused on the claws, but his tail seems to be in a position to stab as well. Seems male monster tails might be a bit sharper edged?
You are all just imagining things, that is a perfectly normal not at all excessive reaction regarding some girl he barely knows. Now everybody move along there is nothing to see here.
Everyone is thinking shadow might be Mortis’s daughter but I think she maybe the High Father’s instead.
Mr. Bubbles?
Is that a bioshock reference? Well played
Could “Mr. Blue” hair be Shadow’s biological father?
Could the green haired boy be bottling up rage and hatred against the blue haired man?
Find out next time in the under the bed webcomic!
So Mortis is Shadow’s dad. Got it.
I will guess that Lord Mortis has been told by Lady Moonlight that Shadow is under her protection of Lady Blackheart.
So far my only complaint about the storyline relates to #75, in which two of our eight-or-nine-year-old monsters are portrayed as rather more physically developed than such an age suggests (and that development does not appear to be hinted-at in other pages, where cloth should bulge). The inconsistency (even if the monsters develop young) means that either a bunch of pages should be image-edited to add bulges, or #75 should be image-edited to flatten bulges.
#75 takes place in the ‘present’ day, as you can see from page 74 and 76 afterwards; wherein Tim is old enough to have a job and the girls are old enough to have ‘bulges’. XD
Sorry, I was confusing #75 with #48, which has a communal bath of, probably, mixed-age females.
Perhaps you could answer a question about what the monsters call themselves. In #36 Shadow describes the Bed Bugs as a group for young monsters to learn some basic skills –do they really consider themselves to be monsters?
I also made a typo in my earlier message. It should have stated, “I will guess that Lord Mortis has been told by Lady Moonlight that Shadow is under the protection of Lady Blackheart.”
I think that could explain Lord Mortis’ reaction in #105 –their culture clearly respects fearsomeness, and #95 indicates Lady Blackheart reached the top rank of that culture, so it could be very foolish of Terminus to go up against her. At the moment, though, he simply doesn’t know about Lady Blackheart’s involvement.
I doubt Lady Blackheart reached anything in society. If Ruthless is Ruth(which is pretty freakin obvious from page 95) she abandoned her people to run off and marry Tom. Now considering how taboo it is to mix with humans Ruthless is just an outcast. I doubt this fact was common knowledge so rumors spread and she because their boogieman.
I quote Lady Blackheart in #95: “I may have made it to the top, but I was alone.” Therefore, I maintain my stance, that she is someone that Terminus shouldn’t try to take on. “The top” simply wasn’t enough for her.
I can also quote Lady Moonlight in #65, talking about Lady Blackheart: “She was a rather middle-of-the-road nightstalker before she mysteriously catapulted up the ranks, all the way to the top.”
About ‘monsters’ she’s just paraphrasing because that’s what humans call her kind. They are called Noxians, or Noxish. Basically, People of Nox.
And yes, it’s a communal bath area. I don’t believe they have any bumps in that page either; I recall being VERY careful on how I framed that panel.
Thank you. One reason for asking is that Nox seems like a rather strange place –if the only life-forms in it are the ones called Noxians, where did they come from (evolution, you know), and what did they call themselves before some group of them moved from their origin-place to Nox? Remember, we seldom call ourselves “Earthlings”, after the world we live in….
Readhead? I thought she was blonde
It’s a kind of strawberry blond, from what I can see, which in the dimmer light of Nox can come off as a shade of red. It’s one of those shades that can be either red or blond depending on lighting.
this is the first thing i check every sunday i really love the story and the style.
there is a place to read the original story?
Yes, but you will have to do some searching. Linking it here is verboten.
Note to self: do not piss off badass grandpa.
Calling it. She is his daughter.
I wasn’t really paying attention to it earlier, but his tail is the same shape as Shadow, and I don’t recall others having repeat tail shapes.
Lady Moonlight & Lady Blackheart have the exact same tail shape.
Shadow’s tail is more heart-shaped, rounded away from the pointy end, than that of Lord Mortis. In #91 Lady Moonlight and Lady Blackheart call each other “sister”, which might possibly be literally true, not just figurative.