I’m curious about Doctor Who’s upcoming regeneration I wonder what will cause it.There was even a incomplete regeneration of the 10th Doctor in which he doesn’t change appearance.
I wonder sometimes, whether or not you do this everywhere you go; leaving seemingly random, unrelated thoughts across multiple comment sections… or is my comment section the only one you grace with these riveting observations.
January 29, 2017, 5:03 pm
“I have trouble keeping track of mine too! One might say I took a little inspiration from real life…”
Hmmm…what if…naaaah…couldn’t be…could it…*theorizing double-tensifies*…hmmm…niet,nits,nien…zat’s…not…possible… you(me) dumpkoff!
I can really relate to Midnight in the first few panels. Ive been wondering if your family knows about this fairly popular comic you have got going for you Brandon?
Time marches on as seen by some developments on Midnight.
I’m curious about Doctor Who’s upcoming regeneration I wonder what will cause it.There was even a incomplete regeneration of the 10th Doctor in which he doesn’t change appearance.
I wonder sometimes, whether or not you do this everywhere you go; leaving seemingly random, unrelated thoughts across multiple comment sections… or is my comment section the only one you grace with these riveting observations.
Hahahahah, Doctor Who is a greate show …
I swear I’ve seen similar in Nerf Now’s comment section many years ago.
Hi Brandon! I have a question. Are you working on Themonsterunderthebed all by yourself? If so that’s really impressive.
Yes, I am! Thank you very much!
January 29, 2017, 5:03 pm
“I have trouble keeping track of mine too! One might say I took a little inspiration from real life…”
Hmmm…what if…naaaah…couldn’t be…could it…*theorizing double-tensifies*…hmmm…niet,nits,nien…zat’s…not…possible… you(me) dumpkoff!
Midnight !! Long time no see her ^^ Maybe she’ll join them for Halloween. Then Tim will become a real hunk with two girls by his sides
I wonder what will happen next to Shadow and Tim.
I’ve left random comments on other comment sites and got booted.
I can really relate to Midnight in the first few panels. Ive been wondering if your family knows about this fairly popular comic you have got going for you Brandon?
Shane on you brandon XD ur to late jk i wont hate
I love the first panel… Shadow looks so adorably excited.
I wonder what would happen?…Ah who am who am I kidding, we all know that Tim will love them.
Why would they be sleeping @ 10 in the morning anyhow
They are nocturnal, 10am is the middle of their sleeping time! XD
I just noticed. Midnight is starting to grow up here.
What kind of Monster are you she sez lol.
The cool one silly.