#114 “Someday”
Time for the maestro to work her magic!
Oh yeah, and just another quick thing, not really that important or anything, but, well, Tim and Shadow are now 12 years old canonically, both retroactively and going forward! So, next time you read through the comic (if you ever bother) you might notice a few slight differences here and there, mostly relating to dates/ages/quotes/etc. which now reflect the changes.
Hopefully, this’ll clear up any confusion if it happens to come up in the future!
With every new page I get more excited for the next!
Yeah! another sunday under the bed!
Mother-in-law offering some dress up advice.
Blackheart is probably Shadows mom. She has probably been following her progress all her life.
Funny I think that she is the boys mom.
as mage points out there have been more “hints” that “Lady Blackheart” is The true form of Tim’s Mother, as far as related to shadow goes i don’t think Brandon would have Tim and Shadow falling in love if he planned to make them half-siblings later? “surprise wincest” tends to get a… Mixed reaction after all. i don’t think even moonlight is related to Blackheart tbh, i think them calling each other “sister” is because they were both Matrons of the sister’s hall for so long.
I thought the ‘sister’ was because they were part of the same ‘troupe’ growing up. Like Shadow and Midnight.
hmm also possible, i was simply going off the easiest connection to recall between the two.
One item that might point toward biological sisterhood is in #91 ( /?comic=91-speak-of-the-devil <–append that to the website name), which show Lady Blackheart and Lady Moonlight having identical shapes at the ends of their tails. All other tail-end shapes are different from each other.
It is very unlikely that Shadow and Tim are closely related. In #36 ( /?comic=36-bed-bugs <–append that to the website name) it states that they are nearly the same age, born about 6 months apart. More specifically Tim would turn 12 "three months from now, in October" –which means "now" is July, and Shadow became 12 two months previously, which would be May, and May to October is 6 months. So, Tim is the younger, and since we know human pregnancies generally last 9 months, it is quite unlikely he has the same mom as Shadow.
Oops, make that 5 months from May to October, and even more unlikely.
Deep down, Blackheart just loves playing “Dress up”
Hmmm… maybe!
Maybe dressing up as a captain…
Brandon, I saw on the facebook line art page that from this moment on, Tim and Shadow and probably all the younger characters are now aged up to 11 and 12. But you didn’t announce it here? Wil you be going back and fixing text or also ageing the characters? A good example was the cake page where she looked a little too young. Not that I’m complaining. I did notice, especially on the last page that Midnight appeared older.
She knows and the only people who should have heard that was in the house. This verifies that she is Tim’s mom. And mr. Brandon. You’re just playing with us
So much red and gold popping out.
I already edited everything, go back and read it again, they are now 12.
And perhaps she is psychic, or wears something that makes her invisible. She could be right behind Shadow all day long and never be seen. Just two alternative theories.
Brandon, Is blackheart Tims mom.
given that it’s probably a major plot point, we most likely will not be told the answer, and will have to wait for the reveal of blackheart’s reason for being so interested in shadow.
oh?throwing as a bone I see…or just throwing is in the fog
She could also have a backdoor into the aegis. It measures fear. Clearly it has some way of keeping a record, what else does it monitor?
Blackheart is definitely having fun.
Any ideas what the costume will be? I assume something related to Nightmare on Elm Street but I am not familiar enough with that series to make a specific guess.
I’m thinking the same thing. Is it gonna be just a mix of random clothes or is it gonna be an iconic horror character like Tim’s Freddy Krueger costume?
The leggings have me thinking of Beetlejuice.
Does the patreon have more posts if I support it?
I look forward to your comic every week it’s absolutely amazing! I fell in love with the characters, and all the situations they go through. When I found it I couldn’t put it down until I was 100% caught up, which made me sad because I had to wait to see what these great characters were up to this week. I’ll continue to tune in until the very end so keep up all of the great work!
Personally, I can’t wait until Shadow tries to walk in those shoes.
…and comedy ensues!
Ok, Seeing Shadow in those leggings….I need to find more explicit drawings of stuff like this
I just noticed they only have 4 fingers……
Oh I just know that something good or bad will happen, like a little kid pulling on her “fake” tail. Or it moving around…Now…the waiting begins…”joy”…
Still most of the week before the next installment. T_T I can’t help but wonder what hijinks this’ll elicit. XD
Yat horray shadow in stocking but as she’ll need more to hid the fact shes a monster will makeup be included too Brandon