#121 “Overwhelmed”
*Phew*… finally done!
Thank you everyone for being understanding of my current situation. It’s still ongoing, but so shall it be for a long time yet. Just be aware that the update schedule may be a bit erratic for a time.
PATREON Support the comic?
Dude this comic is awesome keep up the good work!
just tell us already what is the purpose of the book back from 94?!
Omg you noticed me! This is the best day of my life!
Welcome back, Brandon!
Hehe, Shadow seems pretty dazzled in this one. I guess a camera flash would be pretty bright to someone who’s never seen daylight.
Hmm, I wonder if she changed back to her normal form because of some time limit or because she lost concentration due to Tim’s fear.
It’s due to a loss of concentration due to her OD’ing on Tim’s fear.
But just WHAT is causing Tim’s fear this time?
Is it just that Shadow/Sadie’s A GURRRRL at the moment?
Is he worrying about the chance of discovery (that Shadow’s actually a Nox MONSTER?) or whether he showered well enough for the night?
What happens if they encounter one or more of his schoolfriends (or indeed enemies – after all, everyone’s gottem)?
Or is he wondering what she’ll do if he “tries something”? (Use the hand WITHOUT the claws, Tim!!)
Embarrasment, I know I’d have been embarrased if I was Tim’s age and forced to take a picture with a girl, especially one who happens to be a real monster and she suddenly showed up iat myhouse in front of my parents.
He’s afraid because he didn’t know that Shadow could change into a human like that, doesn’t know if whatever magic that did the change has limits to it and could break down at any moment, doesn’t know if she makes a mistake and accidentally does something that humans don’t do and his parents get suspicious of her.
Tim is afraid for her.
The different is often fear-inducing. Tim is used to Shadow-the-monster, not Shadow-the-human. His fear of human girls kicked into high gear. But in this comic, that last panel showing Shadow as a monster might allay a large portion of that fear –she is back to “normal”, after all! (And now the gloves and leggings are handy for hiding 4-fingered hands and 3-toed feet.)
So the girl shows up at his doorstep and the first thing he does before taking her out is get her drunk. Real smooth, Tim.
“Candy is dandy
But liquor is quicker!”
Either Ogden Nash or James Thurber said it first.
Learn from their wisdom, Tim.
But Willy Wonka said it best
Is she having a feargasm???? Holy Aegis!
That would explain the knee-trembles !
Thanks for the update Brandon. All of us feel for you, and we understand. Truly passionate work is always worth the wait. I will admit patience is not one of my strong traits, but for a comic like yours have has given me reason to wait…..and it makes the weeks go by quickly. LOL.
“Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.”~ Robert H Schueller
BTW Brandon, incase you didn’t know, long time fan, first time poster, didn’t mean to use my real name. Will post all future comments under the online name; DarkUnity
Oh, deer.
Pff what kind of quality webcomic has regular updates? I can wait.
Haha. I don’t know if you’re joking or not… but thanks!
It’s true quality takes time!
Tim still is waiting for that explanation.
Brandon, life can suck at times and we all understand the need for an unscheduled schedule for the time being while you straighten it out. May you have good fortune moving forward.
The gig is up! run!!
Oh, man… The face of Tim’s mom is priceless. She’s like “I’m watching you, girl, don’t do anything wrong and you’ll survive.” XD
And what’s up with all the sparkles around Shadow’s face ?
She’s a bit dazed from the camera flash. She’s never seen daylight, she’s probably seeing spots.
Not true; in one of the very first comics Tim used a camera with flash, and she did not react this way at that time.
Not just the face, but the voice. Same color, so same voice as someone else she knows.
That squeak wouldnt be from the camera flash alone.
sparkles ,, i would mostly say OD’ing on fear,, but yeah , concentration(spell), the flash an “mom” are not helping..!!!
It’s supposed to be the magic wearing off as her face reverts back to normal. Imagine it as animated sparks that slowly twinkle upwards and fade away.
ohhh..!!! well now i see.
thank you for clearing that up.!
I’m betting that what Tim is giving off that is overwhelming Shadow isn’t just fear.
I’d bet an additional emotional element is either adding to the fear (but is indistinguishable), or it’s multiplying the value of the fear. Affection maybe?
Well, whatever is going on, it only works on Shadow. Midnight can’t get anything off him, as I’ve established.
“…. Affection maybe?”
I suspect it’s the preliminary glimmerings of LUST!
Neither of them recognises the concept (yet) but there’s a shared sensitivity to the emotion. There may be a genetic component since Midnight just feels none of it.
So far, Shadow thinks it’s fear and Tim just feels nervous. (But he’s making physical contact and she’s not repelling him.)
Try saying “preliminary glimmerings” out loud, three times quickly.
(Practise in private in front of your own mirror before ‘impressing your friends’)
Break the concentration, break the spell! Have fun, Tim! I am sure, Shadow will have.
I’m pretty confident this knowledge will prove useful at some point later in the plot.
Yeah, it’s excellent!
That’s a thing, that I’ve waited for two weeks!
Take your time. We can wait! Keep up the great work!!!
Brandon, awesome update! Leaves me with a few questions, but the most important is, dare I hope this means your situation is stabilizing some?
OK, note to self, learn to read the descrip before posting…
Still, awesome update, and hope things get easier as you go. You have our continued support!
I’m trying to balance things out. But day job/renovations/comic/tiny little social life is hard to find time! XD
I think my theory is stands even more with every new page. Just why would Tim have so musch fear in this sitiation? Look at him, hi’s so happy! Because it’s not the fear. It’s love.
Well, perhaps there is an undercurrent of something else in the mix.
and remember…haaaaave fun with it!