Aww, really? He showed you horror movies and you deny him a tiny little peek at your magic book?! Shadow, you meanie! D:
Though, I’m with other peeps around here – Tim has one gorgeous lass with him for every night, better spend it with fun and trickery, munching all the candies you can, before the night ends. x3
New reader here and first time commenter, gotta say I absolutely love the work! I can’t wait for next Sunday! Also, I’m glad you’re back, hopefully what you were going through is taken care of
I have a nagging bad feeling about this. Something tells me this ISN’T going to be a good night. We saw that Shadow loses control over her disguise when there is a strong level of fear. Halloween is a night FULL of fear. What happens if she looses control over her disguise in front of other people…?
Aww, I absolutely love this comic and the relationship between Tim and Shadow, I’m glad that Shadow can finally go out to places with Tim, especially on Halloween.
However I have a strong feeling her magic is going to fail again soon but around other people to accidentally scare them, lol. XD
Shadow’s tenuous control over her disguise aside… seeing that really important and powerful magic book stuffed into a nondescript bag raises the danger of a ‘mixup’ where she’s lost the book by the end of the night, and it ends up somewhere it really shouldn’t.
Maybe the males are closet monsters? Makes sense as that’s another childhood fear and it would in part explain why the sexes are raised and kept apart for the most part. Neither wants the other to cross over using “their” method.
Besides if she is Lady Blackheart, as most people think she is, she’s the one that gave Shadow the book. Who’s to say that she can’t see beyond the glamor or sees the telltale signs of it?
Interesting point made by Rick. Going with the popular assumption, if Shadow has been studying the thing, she would also be able to see through the admirals disguise, so this would be the moment they both out one another. This would also cover why Tim is not allowed to read the thing, since Ruthie wouldnt want Tim to be able to see through it.
I gotta feeling that’s tonight’s gonna be a good night.
That tonight’s gonna be a good night.
That tonight’s gonna be a good, good night.
You wanna talk about faces?
Aww, really? He showed you horror movies and you deny him a tiny little peek at your magic book?! Shadow, you meanie! D:
Though, I’m with other peeps around here – Tim has one gorgeous lass with him for every night, better spend it with fun and trickery, munching all the candies you can, before the night ends. x3
New reader here and first time commenter, gotta say I absolutely love the work! I can’t wait for next Sunday! Also, I’m glad you’re back, hopefully what you were going through is taken care of
I have a nagging bad feeling about this. Something tells me this ISN’T going to be a good night. We saw that Shadow loses control over her disguise when there is a strong level of fear. Halloween is a night FULL of fear. What happens if she looses control over her disguise in front of other people…?
It’s Halloween her monster face could just be a mask in some cases
I mean if she dropped the disguise in front of a bunch of people. Suddenly changing form from human to monster would take a lot of explaining…
Help from the hammock ? What the…
Oh. OH ! Since you can sleep in it, it’s technically a “bed” so she could travel this way ! That’s actually pretty clever !
I hope their night will be good and without problems !
nice armpit shot
Let me guess, the book allows you to peek into the human world and my guess is that Shadow got more then she bargaind for
if ya catch mah drift
Aww, I absolutely love this comic and the relationship between Tim and Shadow, I’m glad that Shadow can finally go out to places with Tim, especially on Halloween.
However I have a strong feeling her magic is going to fail again soon but around other people to accidentally scare them, lol. XD
Shadow’s tenuous control over her disguise aside… seeing that really important and powerful magic book stuffed into a nondescript bag raises the danger of a ‘mixup’ where she’s lost the book by the end of the night, and it ends up somewhere it really shouldn’t.
Who would have guessed it a magic book. It answers questions but brings in more
Can they only enter into the human world through beds?
The Noxian Sisterhood can (as far as we know) can only enter the human world from under beds. That’s why the comic is named the way it is.
Of course, that doesn’t say anything about MALE Noxians…
Maybe the males are closet monsters? Makes sense as that’s another childhood fear and it would in part explain why the sexes are raised and kept apart for the most part. Neither wants the other to cross over using “their” method.
I do recall Shadow freaking about about being shoved into a closet….
whoops, didn’t mean to double post. Sorry.
Can shadow only enter into the human world through beds?
Hammocks? They count? Umm ok.
Oh lovely, my favourite episode!
Mine too!! I play tapped out also and they just finished a secret agent event and Scorpio was the main anti-hero
Don’t know if it has already been said but:
I wonder how she’s going to treat Shadow now that she knows the human Shadow’s spending all her time with is her son.
i think she already knew because in one part his mother is checking on him and she hears him say the name shadow in his sleep
Ahhh I forgot about that part, thanks
Besides if she is Lady Blackheart, as most people think she is, she’s the one that gave Shadow the book. Who’s to say that she can’t see beyond the glamor or sees the telltale signs of it?
In short if she is Lady Blackheart, she knows.
Interesting point made by Rick. Going with the popular assumption, if Shadow has been studying the thing, she would also be able to see through the admirals disguise, so this would be the moment they both out one another. This would also cover why Tim is not allowed to read the thing, since Ruthie wouldnt want Tim to be able to see through it.